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API Documentation

API Docs for SAX and DOM

Xerces-C is packaged with the API documentation for SAX and DOM, the two most common programming interfaces for XML. The most common framework classes have also been documented.

Xerces-C DOM is an implementation of the Document Object Model (Core) Level 1 as defined in the W3C Recommendation of 1 October, 1998; and Document Object Model (Core) Level 2 as defined in the W3C Recommendation of 13 November, 2000. For a complete understanding of how the Xerces-C APIs work, we recommend you to read these documents.

Xerces-C SAX is an implementation of the SAX 1.0/2.0 specification. You are encouraged to read this document for a better understanding of the SAX API in Xerces-C.

See the Xerces-C API documentation. for more details.


The API documentation is automatically generated using doxygen and GraphViz.

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