Вся предоставленная на этом сервере информация собрана нами из разных источников. Если Вам кажется, что публикация каких-то документов нарушает чьи-либо авторские права, сообщите нам об этом. |

- TAB.
Static variable in class java.awt.Event
- The Tab key.
- tableIndexClustered.
Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
- INDEX INFO TYPE - this identifies a clustered index
- tableIndexHashed.
Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
- INDEX INFO TYPE - this identifies a hashed index
- tableIndexOther.
Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
- INDEX INFO TYPE - this identifies some other form of index
- tableIndexStatistic.
Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
- INDEX INFO TYPE - this identifies table statistics that are
returned in conjuction with a table's index descriptions
Static variable in class java.util.Locale
- Useful constant for country.
- tan(double).
Static method in class java.lang.Math
- Returns the trigonometric tangent of an angle.
- target.
Variable in class java.awt.Event
- The target component.
Static variable in class java.text.Collator
- Collator strength value.
- tertiaryOrder(int).
Static method in class java.text.CollationElementIterator
- Get the tertiary order of a collation order.
- testBit(int).
Method in class java.math.BigInteger
- Returns true iff the designated bit is set.
Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
- The array index for the text background color.
- text.
Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
- The background color for text components.
Static variable in class java.awt.Cursor
- The text cursor type.
Static variable in class java.awt.Frame
Static variable in class java.awt.AWTEvent
- The event mask for selecting text events.
Static variable in class java.awt.event.TextEvent
- Marks the first integer id for the range of adjustment event ids.
Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
- The array index for the text highlight color.
Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
- The array index for the text highlight text color.
Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
- The array index for the text inactive text color.
Static variable in class java.awt.event.TextEvent
- Marks the last integer id for the range of adjustment event ids.
Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
- The array index for the text text color.
Static variable in class java.awt.event.TextEvent
- The adjustment value changed event.
- TextArea().
Constructor for class java.awt.TextArea
- Constructs a new text area.
- TextArea(int, int).
Constructor for class java.awt.TextArea
- Constructs a new empty TextArea with the specified number of
rows and columns.
- TextArea(String).
Constructor for class java.awt.TextArea
- Constructs a new text area with the specified text.
- TextArea(String, int, int).
Constructor for class java.awt.TextArea
- Constructs a new text area with the specified text,
and with the specified number of rows and columns.
- TextArea(String, int, int, int).
Constructor for class java.awt.TextArea
- Constructs a new text area with the specified text,
and with the rows, columns, and scroll bar visibility
as specified.
- TextEvent(Object, int).
Constructor for class java.awt.event.TextEvent
- Constructs a TextEvent object with the specified TextComponent source,
and type.
- TextField().
Constructor for class java.awt.TextField
- Constructs a new text field.
- TextField(int).
Constructor for class java.awt.TextField
- Constructs a new empty TextField with the specified number of columns.
- TextField(String).
Constructor for class java.awt.TextField
- Constructs a new text field initialized with the specified text.
- TextField(String, int).
Constructor for class java.awt.TextField
- Constructs a new text field initialized with the specified text
to be displayed, and wide enough to hold the specified
number of characters.
- textHighlight.
Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
- The background color for highlighted text.
- textHighlightText.
Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
- The text color for highlighted text.
- textInactiveText.
Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
- The text color for inactive text.
- textListener.
Variable in class java.awt.TextComponent
- textText.
Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
- The text color for text components.
- textValueChanged(TextEvent).
Method in class java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster
- textValueChanged(TextEvent).
Method in interface java.awt.event.TextListener
- Invoked when the value of the text has changed.
- Thread().
Constructor for class java.lang.Thread
- Allocates a new
Thread object.
- Thread(Runnable).
Constructor for class java.lang.Thread
- Allocates a new
Thread object.
- Thread(Runnable, String).
Constructor for class java.lang.Thread
- Allocates a new
Thread object.
- Thread(String).
Constructor for class java.lang.Thread
- Allocates a new
Thread object.
- Thread(ThreadGroup, Runnable).
Constructor for class java.lang.Thread
- Allocates a new
Thread object.
- Thread(ThreadGroup, Runnable, String).
Constructor for class java.lang.Thread
- Allocates a new
Thread object so that it has
target as its run object, has the specified
name as its name, and belongs to the thread group
referred to by group .
- Thread(ThreadGroup, String).
Constructor for class java.lang.Thread
- Allocates a new
Thread object.
- ThreadDeath().
Constructor for class java.lang.ThreadDeath
- ThreadGroup(String).
Constructor for class java.lang.ThreadGroup
- Constructs a new thread group.
- ThreadGroup(ThreadGroup, String).
Constructor for class java.lang.ThreadGroup
- Creates a new thread group.
- Throwable().
Constructor for class java.lang.Throwable
- Constructs a new
Throwable with no detail message.
- Throwable(String).
Constructor for class java.lang.Throwable
- Constructs a new
Throwable with the specified detail
Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
- Useful constant for days of week.
- time.
Variable in class java.util.Calendar
- The current time set for the calendar.
Static variable in class java.sql.Types
- Time(int, int, int).
Constructor for class java.sql.Time
- Construct a Time Object
- Time(long).
Constructor for class java.sql.Time
- Construct a Time using a milliseconds time value
Static variable in class java.sql.Types
- Timestamp(int, int, int, int, int, int, int).
Constructor for class java.sql.Timestamp
- Construct a Timestamp Object
- Timestamp(long).
Constructor for class java.sql.Timestamp
- Construct a Timestamp using a milliseconds time value.
- TimeZone().
Constructor for class java.util.TimeZone
Static variable in class java.text.DateFormat
- Useful constant for TIMEZONE field alignment.
Static variable in class java.sql.Types
Static variable in class java.lang.Character
- toBack().
Method in class java.awt.Window
- Sends this window to the back.
- toBigInteger().
Method in class java.math.BigDecimal
- Converts this number to a BigInteger.
- toBinaryString(int).
Static method in class java.lang.Integer
- Creates a string representation of the integer argument as an
unsigned integer in base 2.
- toBinaryString(long).
Static method in class java.lang.Long
- Creates a string representation of the long argument as an
unsigned integer in base 2.
- toByteArray().
Method in class java.math.BigInteger
- Returns the two's-complement representation of this number.
- toByteArray().
Method in class java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream
- Creates a newly allocated byte array.
- toByteArray().
Method in class java.text.CollationKey
- Converts the CollationKey to a sequence of bits.
- toCharArray().
Method in class java.io.CharArrayWriter
- Returns a copy of the input data.
- toCharArray().
Method in class java.lang.String
- Converts this string to a new character array.
- toExternalForm().
Method in class java.net.URL
- Constructs a string representation of this
- toExternalForm(URL).
Method in class java.net.URLStreamHandler
- Converts a
URL of a specific protocol to a
String .
- toFront().
Method in class java.awt.Window
- Brings this window to the front.
- toGMTString().
Method in class java.util.Date
- Creates a string representation of this date.
- toHexString(int).
Static method in class java.lang.Integer
- Creates a string representation of the integer argument as an
unsigned integer in base 16.
- toHexString(long).
Static method in class java.lang.Long
- Creates a string representation of the long argument as an
unsigned integer in base 16.
- toLocaleString().
Method in class java.util.Date
- Creates a string representation of this date in an
implementation-dependent form.
- toLocalizedPattern().
Method in class java.text.DecimalFormat
- Synthesizes a localized pattern string that represents the current
state of this Format object.
- toLocalizedPattern().
Method in class java.text.SimpleDateFormat
- Return a localized pattern string describing this date format.
- toLowerCase().
Method in class java.lang.String
- Converts this
String to lowercase.
- toLowerCase(char).
Static method in class java.lang.Character
- The given character is mapped to its lowercase equivalent; if the
character has no lowercase equivalent, the character itself is
- toLowerCase(Locale).
Method in class java.lang.String
- Converts all of the characters in this
String to lower
case using the rules of the given locale.
- toOctalString(int).
Static method in class java.lang.Integer
- Creates a string representation of the integer argument as an
unsigned integer in base 8.
- toOctalString(long).
Static method in class java.lang.Long
- Creates a string representation of the long argument as an
unsigned integer in base 8.
- Toolkit().
Constructor for class java.awt.Toolkit
- TooManyListenersException().
Constructor for class java.util.TooManyListenersException
- Constructs a TooManyListenersException with no detail message.
- TooManyListenersException(String).
Constructor for class java.util.TooManyListenersException
- Constructs a TooManyListenersException with the specified detail message.
- top.
Variable in class java.awt.Insets
- The inset from the top.
Static variable in class java.awt.Component
- Ease-of-use constant for
getAlignmentY() .
- toPattern().
Method in class java.text.ChoiceFormat
- Gets the pattern.
- toPattern().
Method in class java.text.DecimalFormat
- Synthesizes a pattern string that represents the current state
of this Format object.
- toPattern().
Method in class java.text.MessageFormat
- Gets the pattern.
- toPattern().
Method in class java.text.SimpleDateFormat
- Return a pattern string describing this date format.
Static variable in interface java.awt.image.ImageConsumer
- The pixels will be delivered in top-down, left-to-right order.
- toString().
Method in interface java.security.acl.Acl
- Returns a string representation of the
ACL contents.
- toString().
Method in interface java.security.acl.AclEntry
- Returns a string representation of the contents of this ACL entry.
- toString().
Method in class java.awt.AWTEvent
- Returns a string representation of the object.
- toString().
Method in class java.math.BigDecimal
- Returns the string representation of this number.
- toString().
Method in class java.math.BigInteger
- Returns the string representation of this number, radix 10.
- toString().
Method in class java.util.BitSet
- Converts the BitSet to a String.
- toString().
Method in class java.lang.Boolean
- Returns a String object representing this Boolean's value.
- toString().
Method in class java.awt.BorderLayout
- Returns a string representation of the state of this border layout.
- toString().
Method in class java.lang.Byte
- Returns a String object representing this Byte's value.
- toString().
Method in class java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream
- Converts the buffer's contents into a string, translating bytes into
characters according to the platform's default character encoding.
- toString().
Method in class java.awt.CardLayout
- Returns a string representation of the state of this card layout.
- toString().
Method in class java.lang.Character
- Returns a String object representing this character's value.
- toString().
Method in class java.io.CharArrayWriter
- Converts input data to a string.
- toString().
Method in class java.awt.CheckboxGroup
- Returns a string representation of this check box group,
including the value of its current selection.
- toString().
Method in class java.lang.Class
- Converts the object to a string.
- toString().
Method in class java.awt.Color
- Creates a string that represents this color and indicates the
values of its RGB components.
- toString().
Method in class java.awt.Component
- Returns a string representation of this component and its values.
- toString().
Method in class java.lang.reflect.Constructor
- Return a string describing this Constructor.
- toString().
Method in class java.sql.Date
- Format a date in JDBC date escape format
- toString().
Method in class java.util.Date
- Creates a canonical string representation of the date.
- toString().
Method in class java.security.DigestInputStream
- Prints a string representation of this digest input stream and
its associated message digest object.
- toString().
Method in class java.security.DigestOutputStream
- Prints a string representation of this digest output stream and
its associated message digest object.
- toString().
Method in class java.awt.Dimension
- Returns a string that represents this
Dimension object's values.
- toString().
Method in class java.lang.Double
- Returns a String representation of this Double object.
- toString().
Method in class java.awt.Event
- Returns a representation of this event's values as a string.
- toString().
Method in class java.util.EventObject
- Returns a string representation of the object.
- toString().
Method in class java.lang.reflect.Field
- Return a string describing this Field.
- toString().
Method in class java.io.File
- Returns a string representation of this object.
- toString().
Method in class java.lang.Float
- Returns a String representation of this Float object.
- toString().
Method in class java.awt.FlowLayout
- Returns a string representation of this
object and its values.
- toString().
Method in class java.awt.Font
Converts this object to a String representation.
- toString().
Method in class java.awt.FontMetrics
Returns a representation of this
object's values as a string.
- toString().
Method in class java.awt.Graphics
- Returns a
String object representing this
Graphics object's value.
- toString().
Method in class java.awt.GridBagLayout
- Returns a string representation of this grid bag layout's values.
- toString().
Method in class java.awt.GridLayout
- Returns the string representation of this grid layout's values.
- toString().
Method in class java.util.Hashtable
- Returns a rather long string representation of this hashtable.
- toString().
Method in class java.security.Identity
- Returns a short string describing this identity, telling its
name and its scope (if any).
- toString().
Method in class java.security.IdentityScope
- Returns a string representation of this identity scope, including
its name, its scope name, and the number of identities in this
identity scope.
- toString().
Method in class java.net.InetAddress
- Converts this IP address to a
String .
- toString().
Method in class java.awt.Insets
- Returns a
String object representing this
Insets object's values.
- toString().
Method in class java.lang.Integer
- Returns a String object representing this Integer's value.
- toString().
Method in class java.util.Locale
- Getter for the programmatic name of the entire locale,
with the language, country and variant separated by underbars.
- toString().
Method in class java.rmi.server.LogStream
- Return log name as string representation
- toString().
Method in class java.lang.Long
- Returns a String object representing this Long's value.
- toString().
Method in class java.awt.MenuComponent
- Returns a representation of this menu component as a string.
- toString().
Method in class java.awt.MenuShortcut
- Returns an internationalized description of the MenuShortcut.
- toString().
Method in class java.security.MessageDigest
- Returns a string representation of this message digest object.
- toString().
Method in class java.lang.reflect.Method
- Returns a string describing this Method.
- toString().
Method in class java.lang.Object
- Returns a string representation of the object.
- toString().
Method in class java.io.ObjectStreamClass
- Return a string describing this ObjectStreamClass.
- toString().
Method in class java.rmi.server.ObjID
- Returns a string containing the object id representation.
- toString().
Method in class java.rmi.server.Operation
- Returns a string representation of the object.
- toString().
Method in interface java.security.acl.Permission
- Prints a string representation of this permission.
- toString().
Method in class java.awt.Point
- Returns a representation of this point and its location
in the (x, y) coordinate space as a string.
- toString().
Method in interface java.security.Principal
- Returns a string representation of this principal.
- toString().
Method in class java.security.Provider
- Returns a string with the name and the version number
of this provider.
- toString().
Method in class java.awt.Rectangle
- Returns a string representation of this rectangle
and its values.
- toString().
Method in class java.rmi.server.RemoteObject
- Returns a String that represents the value of this remote object.
- toString().
Method in class java.net.ServerSocket
- Returns the implementation address and implementation port of
this socket as a
String .
- toString().
Method in class java.lang.Short
- Returns a String object representing this Short's value.
- toString().
Method in class java.security.Signature
- Returns a string representation of this signature object,
providing information that includes the state of the object
and the name of the algorithm used.
- toString().
Method in class java.security.Signer
- Returns a string of information about the signer.
- toString().
Method in class java.net.Socket
- Converts this socket to a
String .
- toString().
Method in class java.net.SocketImpl
- Returns the address and port of this socket as a
String .
- toString().
Method in class java.io.StreamTokenizer
- Returns the string representation of the current stream token.
- toString().
Method in class java.lang.String
- This object (which is already a string!) is itself returned.
- toString().
Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
- Converts to a string representing the data in this string buffer.
- toString().
Method in class java.io.StringWriter
- Return the buffer's current value as a string.
- toString().
Method in class java.awt.SystemColor
- Returns the String representation of this Color's values.
- toString().
Method in class java.lang.Thread
- Returns a string representation of this thread, including the
thread's name, priority, and thread group.
- toString().
Method in class java.lang.ThreadGroup
- Returns a string representation of this Thread group.
- toString().
Method in class java.lang.Throwable
- Returns a short description of this throwable object.
- toString().
Method in class java.sql.Time
- Format a time in JDBC date escape format
- toString().
Method in class java.sql.Timestamp
- Format a timestamp in JDBC timestamp escape format
- toString().
Method in class java.rmi.server.UID
- Returns a string representation of the object.
- toString().
Method in class java.net.URL
- Constructs a string representation of this
- toString().
Method in class java.net.URLConnection
- Returns a
String representation of this URL connection.
- toString().
Method in class java.util.Vector
- Returns a string representation of this vector.
- toString().
Method in class java.rmi.dgc.VMID
- Return string representation of this VMID.
- toString().
Method in class java.util.zip.ZipEntry
- Returns a string representation of the ZIP entry.
- toString(boolean).
Method in interface java.security.Certificate
- Returns a string that represents the contents of the certificate.
- toString(boolean).
Method in class java.security.Identity
- Returns a string representation of this identity, with
optionally more details than that provided by the
toString method without any arguments.
- toString(byte).
Static method in class java.lang.Byte
- Returns a new String object representing the specified Byte.
- toString(double).
Static method in class java.lang.Double
- Creates a string representation of the
- toString(float).
Static method in class java.lang.Float
- Returns a String representation for the specified float value.
- toString(int).
Method in class java.math.BigInteger
- Returns the string representation of this number in the given radix.
- toString(int).
Method in class java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream
- Creates a newly allocated string.
- toString(int).
Static method in class java.lang.Integer
- Returns a new String object representing the specified integer.
- toString(int).
Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
- Return a string describing the access modifier flags in
the specified modifier.
- toString(int, int).
Static method in class java.lang.Integer
- Creates a string representation of the first argument in the
radix specified by the second argument.
- toString(long).
Static method in class java.lang.Long
- Returns a new String object representing the specified integer.
- toString(long, int).
Static method in class java.lang.Long
- Creates a string representation of the first argument in the
radix specified by the second argument.
- toString(short).
Static method in class java.lang.Short
- Returns a new String object representing the specified
- toString(String).
Method in class java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream
- Converts the buffer's contents into a string, translating bytes into
characters according to the specified character encoding.
- totalMemory().
Method in class java.lang.Runtime
- Returns the total amount of memory in the Java Virtual Machine.
- toTitleCase(char).
Static method in class java.lang.Character
- Converts the character argument to titlecase.
- toUpperCase().
Method in class java.lang.String
- Converts this string to uppercase.
- toUpperCase(char).
Static method in class java.lang.Character
- Converts the character argument to uppercase.
- toUpperCase(Locale).
Method in class java.lang.String
- Converts all of the characters in this
String to upper
case using the rules of the given locale.
- traceInstructions(boolean).
Method in class java.lang.Runtime
- Enables/Disables tracing of instructions.
- traceMethodCalls(boolean).
Method in class java.lang.Runtime
- Enables/Disables tracing of method calls.
Static variable in class java.awt.event.AdjustmentEvent
- The absolute tracking adjustment type.
Static variable in class java.util.Locale
- Useful constant for language.
Static variable in interface java.sql.Connection
- Transactions are not supported.
Static variable in interface java.sql.Connection
- Dirty reads are prevented; non-repeatable reads and phantom
reads can occur.
Static variable in interface java.sql.Connection
- Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads can occur.
Static variable in interface java.sql.Connection
- Dirty reads and non-repeatable reads are prevented; phantom
reads can occur.
Static variable in interface java.sql.Connection
- Dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads are prevented.
- transferFocus().
Method in class java.awt.Component
- Transfers the focus to the next component.
Static variable in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
- translate(int, int).
Method in class java.awt.Event
Translates this event so that its x and y
coordinates are increased by dx and dy,
- translate(int, int).
Method in class java.awt.Graphics
- Translates the origin of the graphics context to the point
(x, y) in the current coordinate system.
- translate(int, int).
Method in class java.awt.Point
- Translates this point, at location (x, y),
dx along the x axis and dy
along the y axis so that it now represents the point
(x + dx ,
y + dy ).
- translate(int, int).
Method in class java.awt.Polygon
- Translates the vertices by
deltaX along the
x axis and by deltaY along the
y axis.
- translate(int, int).
Method in class java.awt.Rectangle
- Translates the rectangle the indicated distance,
to the right along the x coordinate axis, and
downward along the y coordinate axis.
- translatePoint(int, int).
Method in class java.awt.event.MouseEvent
- Translates the coordinate position of the event by x, y.
- trim().
Method in class java.lang.String
- Removes white space from both ends of this string.
- trimToSize().
Method in class java.util.Vector
- Trims the capacity of this vector to be the vector's current
Static variable in class java.lang.Boolean
Boolean object corresponding to the primitive
value true .
Static variable in class java.io.StreamTokenizer
A constant indicating that the end of the stream has been read.
Static variable in class java.io.StreamTokenizer
A constant indicating that the end of the line has been read.
Static variable in class java.io.StreamTokenizer
A constant indicating that a number token has been read.
Static variable in class java.io.StreamTokenizer
A constant indicating that a word token has been read.
- ttype.
Variable in class java.io.StreamTokenizer
After a call to the
nextToken method, this field
contains the type of the token just read.
Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
- Useful constant for days of week.
Static variable in class java.lang.Boolean
- The Class object representing the primitive type boolean.
Static variable in class java.lang.Byte
- The Class object representing the primitive type byte.
Static variable in class java.lang.Character
- The Class object representing the primitive type char.
Static variable in class java.lang.Double
- The Class object representing the primitive type double.
Static variable in class java.lang.Float
- The Class object representing the primitive type float.
Static variable in class java.lang.Integer
- The Class object representing the primitive type int.
Static variable in class java.lang.Long
- The Class object representing the primitive type long.
Static variable in class java.lang.Short
- The Class object representing the primitive type short.
Static variable in class java.lang.Void
- The Class object representing the primitive Java type void.
- typeNoNulls.
Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
- TYPE NULLABLE - does not allow NULL values.
- typeNullable.
Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
- TYPE NULLABLE - allows NULL values.
- typeNullableUnknown.
Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
- TYPE NULLABLE - nullability unknown.
- typePredBasic.
Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
- TYPE INFO SEARCHABLE - Supported except for WHERE ..
- typePredChar.
Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
- TYPE INFO SEARCHABLE - Only supported with WHERE ..
- typePredNone.
Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
- typeSearchable.
Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
- TYPE INFO SEARCHABLE - Supported for all WHERE ...
Submit a bug or feature