Вся предоставленная на этом сервере информация собрана нами из разных источников. Если Вам кажется, что публикация каких-то документов нарушает чьи-либо авторские права, сообщите нам об этом. |

- ICON_COLOR_16x16.
Static variable in interface java.beans.BeanInfo
- Constant to indicate a 16 x 16 color icon.
- ICON_COLOR_32x32.
Static variable in interface java.beans.BeanInfo
- Constant to indicate a 32 x 32 color icon.
- ICON_MONO_16x16.
Static variable in interface java.beans.BeanInfo
- Constant to indicate a 16 x 16 monochrome icon.
- ICON_MONO_32x32.
Static variable in interface java.beans.BeanInfo
- Constant to indicate a 32 x 32 monochrome icon.
- id.
Variable in class java.awt.AWTEvent
- id.
Variable in class java.awt.Event
- Indicates which type of event the event is, and which
Event variables are relevant for the event.
Static variable in class java.text.Collator
- Collator strength value.
- identities().
Method in class java.security.IdentityScope
- Returns an enumeration of all identities in this identity scope.
- Identity().
Constructor for class java.security.Identity
- Constructor for serialization only.
- Identity(String).
Constructor for class java.security.Identity
- Constructs an identity with the specified name and no scope.
- Identity(String, IdentityScope).
Constructor for class java.security.Identity
- Constructs an identity with the specified name and scope.
- identityEquals(Identity).
Method in class java.security.Identity
- Tests for equality between the specified identity and this identity.
- identityHashCode(Object).
Static method in class java.lang.System
- Returns the same hashcode for the given object as
would be returned by the default method hashCode(),
whether or not the given object's class overrides
- IdentityScope().
Constructor for class java.security.IdentityScope
- This constructor is used for serialization only and should not
be used by subclasses.
- IdentityScope(String).
Constructor for class java.security.IdentityScope
- Constructs a new identity scope with the specified name.
- IdentityScope(String, IdentityScope).
Constructor for class java.security.IdentityScope
- Constructs a new identity scope with the specified name and scope.
- IEEEremainder(double, double).
Static method in class java.lang.Math
- Computes the remainder operation on two arguments as prescribed
by the IEEE 754 standard.
- ifModifiedSince.
Variable in class java.net.URLConnection
- Some protocols support skipping the fetching of the object unless
the object has been modified more recently than a certain time.
- IllegalAccessError().
Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalAccessError
- Constructs an
IllegalAccessError with no detail message.
- IllegalAccessError(String).
Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalAccessError
- Constructs an
IllegalAccessError with the specified
detail message.
- IllegalAccessException().
Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalAccessException
- Constructs an
IllegalAccessException without a
detail message.
- IllegalAccessException(String).
Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalAccessException
- Constructs an
IllegalAccessException with a detail message.
- IllegalArgumentException().
Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
- Constructs an
IllegalArgumentException with no
detail message.
- IllegalArgumentException(String).
Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
- Constructs an
IllegalArgumentException with the
specified detail message.
- IllegalComponentStateException().
Constructor for class java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException
- Constructs an IllegalComponentStateException with no detail message.
- IllegalComponentStateException(String).
Constructor for class java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException
- Constructs an IllegalComponentStateException with the specified detail
- IllegalMonitorStateException().
Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException
- Constructs an
IllegalMonitorStateException with no
detail message.
- IllegalMonitorStateException(String).
Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException
- Constructs an
IllegalMonitorStateException with the
specified detail message.
- IllegalStateException().
Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalStateException
- Constructs an IllegalStateException with no detail message.
- IllegalStateException(String).
Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalStateException
- Constructs an IllegalStateException with the specified detail
- IllegalThreadStateException().
Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException
- Constructs an
IllegalThreadStateException with no
detail message.
- IllegalThreadStateException(String).
Constructor for class java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException
- Constructs an
IllegalThreadStateException with the
specified detail message.
- Image().
Constructor for class java.awt.Image
Static variable in interface java.awt.image.ImageConsumer
- The image creation process was deliberately aborted.
- imageComplete(int).
Method in interface java.awt.image.ImageConsumer
- The imageComplete method is called when the ImageProducer is
finished delivering all of the pixels that the source image
contains, or when a single frame of a multi-frame animation has
been completed, or when an error in loading or producing the
image has occured.
- imageComplete(int).
Method in class java.awt.image.ImageFilter
- Filters the information provided in the imageComplete method of
the ImageConsumer interface.
- imageComplete(int).
Method in class java.awt.image.PixelGrabber
- The imageComplete method is part of the ImageConsumer API which
this class must implement to retrieve the pixels.
Static variable in interface java.awt.image.ImageConsumer
- An error was encountered while producing the image.
- ImageFilter().
Constructor for class java.awt.image.ImageFilter
- imageUpdate(Image, int, int, int, int, int).
Method in class java.awt.Component
- Repaints the component when the image has changed.
- imageUpdate(Image, int, int, int, int, int).
Method in interface java.awt.image.ImageObserver
- This method is called when information about an image which was
previously requested using an asynchronous interface becomes
- implAccept(Socket).
Method in class java.net.ServerSocket
- Subclasses of ServerSocket use this method to override accept()
to return their own subclass of socket.
- importedKeyCascade.
Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
- IMPORT KEY UPDATE_RULE and DELETE_RULE - for update, change
imported key to agree with primary key update; for delete,
delete rows that import a deleted key.
- importedKeyInitiallyDeferred.
Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
- IMPORT KEY DEFERRABILITY - see SQL92 for definition
- importedKeyInitiallyImmediate.
Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
- IMPORT KEY DEFERRABILITY - see SQL92 for definition
- importedKeyNoAction.
Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
- IMPORT KEY UPDATE_RULE and DELETE_RULE - do not allow update or
delete of primary key if it has been imported.
- importedKeyNotDeferrable.
Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
- IMPORT KEY DEFERRABILITY - see SQL92 for definition
- importedKeyRestrict.
Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
- IMPORT KEY UPDATE_RULE and DELETE_RULE - do not allow update or
delete of primary key if it has been imported.
- importedKeySetDefault.
Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
- IMPORT KEY UPDATE_RULE and DELETE_RULE - change imported key to
default values if its primary key has been updated or deleted.
- importedKeySetNull.
Static variable in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
- IMPORT KEY UPDATE_RULE and DELETE_RULE - change imported key to
NULL if its primary key has been updated or deleted.
- in.
Static variable in class java.io.FileDescriptor
- A handle to the standard input stream.
- in.
Variable in class java.io.FilterInputStream
- The underlying input stream.
- in.
Variable in class java.io.FilterReader
- The underlying character-input stream, or null if the stream has been
- in.
Variable in class java.io.PipedInputStream
- in.
Static variable in class java.lang.System
- The "standard" input stream.
Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
- The array index for the inactive caption background color.
Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
- The array index for the inactive caption border color.
Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
- The array index for the inactive caption text color.
- inactiveCaption.
Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
- The background color for inactive captions in window borders.
- inactiveCaptionBorder.
Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
- The border color for inactive captios in window borders.
- inactiveCaptionText.
Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
- The text color for inactive captions in window borders.
- inCheck.
Variable in class java.lang.SecurityManager
- This field is
true if there is a security check in
progress; false otherwise.
- inClass(String).
Method in class java.lang.SecurityManager
- Tests if the specified String is in this Class.
- inClassLoader().
Method in class java.lang.SecurityManager
- Tests if the current ClassLoader is equal to
null .
- IncompatibleClassChangeError().
Constructor for class java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError
- Constructs an
IncompatibleClassChangeError with no
detail message.
- IncompatibleClassChangeError(String).
Constructor for class java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError
- Constructs an
IncompatibleClassChangeError with the
specified detail message.
- inDaylightTime(Date).
Method in class java.util.SimpleTimeZone
- Overrides TimeZone
Queries if the given date is in Daylight Savings Time.
- inDaylightTime(Date).
Method in class java.util.TimeZone
- Queries if the given date is in Daylight Savings Time in
this time zone.
- IndexColorModel(int, int, byte[], byte[], byte[]).
Constructor for class java.awt.image.IndexColorModel
- Constructs an IndexColorModel from the given arrays of red,
green, and blue components.
- IndexColorModel(int, int, byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[]).
Constructor for class java.awt.image.IndexColorModel
- Constructs an IndexColorModel from the given arrays of red,
green, blue and alpha components.
- IndexColorModel(int, int, byte[], byte[], byte[], int).
Constructor for class java.awt.image.IndexColorModel
- Constructs an IndexColorModel from the given arrays of red,
green, and blue components.
- IndexColorModel(int, int, byte[], int, boolean).
Constructor for class java.awt.image.IndexColorModel
- Constructs an IndexColorModel from a single arrays of packed
red, green, blue and optional alpha components.
- IndexColorModel(int, int, byte[], int, boolean, int).
Constructor for class java.awt.image.IndexColorModel
- Constructs an IndexColorModel from a single arrays of packed
red, green, blue and optional alpha components.
- IndexedPropertyDescriptor(String, Class).
Constructor for class java.beans.IndexedPropertyDescriptor
- This constructor constructs an IndexedPropertyDescriptor for a property
that follows the standard Java conventions by having getFoo and setFoo
accessor methods, for both indexed access and array access.
- IndexedPropertyDescriptor(String, Class, String, String, String, String).
Constructor for class java.beans.IndexedPropertyDescriptor
- This constructor takes the name of a simple property, and method
names for reading and writing the property, both indexed
and non-indexed.
- IndexedPropertyDescriptor(String, Method, Method, Method, Method).
Constructor for class java.beans.IndexedPropertyDescriptor
- This constructor takes the name of a simple property, and Method
objects for reading and writing the property.
- indexOf(int).
Method in class java.lang.String
- Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the
specified character.
- indexOf(int, int).
Method in class java.lang.String
- Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the
specified character, starting the search at the specified index.
- indexOf(Object).
Method in class java.util.Vector
- Searches for the first occurence of the given argument, testing
for equality using the
equals method.
- indexOf(Object, int).
Method in class java.util.Vector
- Searches for the first occurence of the given argument, beginning
the search at
index , and testing for equality using
the equals method.
- indexOf(String).
Method in class java.lang.String
- Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the
specified substring.
- indexOf(String, int).
Method in class java.lang.String
- Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the
specified substring, starting at the specified index.
- IndexOutOfBoundsException().
Constructor for class java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
- Constructs an
IndexOutOfBoundsException with no
detail message.
- IndexOutOfBoundsException(String).
Constructor for class java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
- Constructs an
IndexOutOfBoundsException with the
specified detail message.
- inf.
Variable in class java.util.zip.InflaterInputStream
- Decompressor for this stream.
- inflate(byte[]).
Method in class java.util.zip.Inflater
- Uncompresses bytes into specified buffer.
- inflate(byte[], int, int).
Method in class java.util.zip.Inflater
- Uncompresses bytes into specified buffer.
- Inflater().
Constructor for class java.util.zip.Inflater
- Creates a new decompressor.
- Inflater(boolean).
Constructor for class java.util.zip.Inflater
- Creates a new decompressor.
- InflaterInputStream(InputStream).
Constructor for class java.util.zip.InflaterInputStream
- Creates a new input stream with a default decompressor and buffer size.
- InflaterInputStream(InputStream, Inflater).
Constructor for class java.util.zip.InflaterInputStream
- Creates a new input stream with the specified decompressor and a
default buffer size.
- InflaterInputStream(InputStream, Inflater, int).
Constructor for class java.util.zip.InflaterInputStream
- Creates a new input stream with the specified decompressor and
buffer size.
Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
- The array index for the info background color.
- info.
Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
- The background color for info(help) text.
Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
- The array index for the info text color.
- infoText.
Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
- The text color for info(help) text.
- init().
Method in class java.applet.Applet
- Called by the browser or applet viewer to inform
this applet that it has been loaded into the system.
- initialize(DSAParams, SecureRandom).
Method in interface java.security.interfaces.DSAKeyPairGenerator
- Initializes the key pair generator using p, q and g, the DSA
family parameters.
- initialize(int).
Method in class java.security.KeyPairGenerator
- Initializes the key pair generator for a certain strength using
a system-provided source of randomness.
- initialize(int, boolean, SecureRandom).
Method in interface java.security.interfaces.DSAKeyPairGenerator
- Initializes the key pair generator for a given modulus length,
without parameters.
- initialize(int, SecureRandom).
Method in class java.security.KeyPairGenerator
- Initializes the key pair generator for a certain strength.
- initSign(PrivateKey).
Method in class java.security.Signature
- Initialize this object for signing.
- initVerify(PublicKey).
Method in class java.security.Signature
- Initializes this object for verification.
- InputStream().
Constructor for class java.io.InputStream
- InputStreamReader(InputStream).
Constructor for class java.io.InputStreamReader
- Create an InputStreamReader that uses the default character encoding.
- InputStreamReader(InputStream, String).
Constructor for class java.io.InputStreamReader
- Create an InputStreamReader that uses the named character encoding.
Static variable in class java.awt.Event
- The Insert key, a non-ASCII action key.
- insert(int, boolean).
Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
- Inserts the string representation of the
argument into this string buffer.
- insert(int, char).
Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
- Inserts the string representation of the
argument into this string buffer.
- insert(int, char[]).
Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
- Inserts the string representation of the
char array
argument into this string buffer.
- insert(int, double).
Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
- Inserts the string representation of the
argument into this string buffer.
- insert(int, float).
Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
- Inserts the string representation of the
argument into this string buffer.
- insert(int, int).
Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
- Inserts the string representation of the second
argument into this string buffer.
- insert(int, long).
Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
- Inserts the string representation of the
argument into this string buffer.
- insert(int, Object).
Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
- Inserts the string representation of the
argument into this string buffer.
- insert(int, String).
Method in class java.lang.StringBuffer
- Inserts the string into this string buffer.
- insert(MenuItem, int).
Method in class java.awt.Menu
- Inserts a menu item into this menu
at the specified position.
- insert(String, int).
Method in class java.awt.Choice
- Inserts the item into this choice at the specified position.
- insert(String, int).
Method in class java.awt.Menu
- Inserts a menu item with the specified label into this menu
at the specified position.
- insert(String, int).
Method in class java.awt.TextArea
- Inserts the specified text at the specified position
in this text area.
- insertElementAt(Object, int).
Method in class java.util.Vector
- Inserts the specified object as a component in this vector at the
index .
- insertProviderAt(Provider, int).
Static method in class java.security.Security
- Adds a new provider, at a specified position.
- insertSeparator(int).
Method in class java.awt.Menu
- Inserts a separator at the specified position.
- insertText(String, int).
Method in class java.awt.TextArea
- insets.
Variable in class java.awt.GridBagConstraints
- This field specifies the external padding of the component, the
minimum amount of space between the component and the edges of its
display area.
- insets().
Method in class java.awt.Container
- Insets(int, int, int, int).
Constructor for class java.awt.Insets
- Creates and initializes a new
Insets object with the
specified top, left, bottom, and right insets.
- inside(int, int).
Method in class java.awt.Component
- inside(int, int).
Method in class java.awt.Polygon
- inside(int, int).
Method in class java.awt.Rectangle
- instantiate(ClassLoader, String).
Static method in class java.beans.Beans
- Instantiate a bean.
- InstantiationError().
Constructor for class java.lang.InstantiationError
- Constructs an
InstantiationError with no detail message.
- InstantiationError(String).
Constructor for class java.lang.InstantiationError
- Constructs an
InstantiationError with the specified
detail message.
- InstantiationException().
Constructor for class java.lang.InstantiationException
- Constructs an
InstantiationException with no detail message.
- InstantiationException(String).
Constructor for class java.lang.InstantiationException
- Constructs an
InstantiationException with the
specified detail message.
- intBitsToFloat(int).
Static method in class java.lang.Float
- Returns the single-float corresponding to a given bit represention.
Static variable in class java.sql.Types
- Integer(int).
Constructor for class java.lang.Integer
- Constructs a newly allocated
Integer object that
represents the primitive int argument.
- Integer(String).
Constructor for class java.lang.Integer
- Constructs a newly allocated
Integer object that
represents the value represented by the string.
Static variable in class java.text.NumberFormat
- Field constant used to construct a FieldPosition object.
Static variable in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
- intern().
Method in class java.lang.String
- Returns a canonical representation for the string object.
- InternalError().
Constructor for class java.lang.InternalError
- Constructs an
InternalError with no detail message.
- InternalError(String).
Constructor for class java.lang.InternalError
- Constructs an
InternalError with the specified
detail message.
- internalGet(int).
Method in class java.util.Calendar
- Gets the value for a given time field.
- interrupt().
Method in class java.lang.Thread
- Interrupts this thread.
- interrupted().
Static method in class java.lang.Thread
- Tests if the current thread has been interrupted.
- InterruptedException().
Constructor for class java.lang.InterruptedException
- Constructs an
InterruptedException with no detail message.
- InterruptedException(String).
Constructor for class java.lang.InterruptedException
- Constructs an
InterruptedException with the
specified detail message.
- InterruptedIOException().
Constructor for class java.io.InterruptedIOException
- Constructs an
InterruptedIOException with no detail
- InterruptedIOException(String).
Constructor for class java.io.InterruptedIOException
- Constructs an
InterruptedIOException with the
specified detail message.
- intersection(Rectangle).
Method in class java.awt.Rectangle
- Computes the intersection of this rectangle with the
specified rectangle.
- intersects(Rectangle).
Method in class java.awt.Rectangle
- Determines whether this rectangle and the specified rectangle
- IntrospectionException(String).
Constructor for class java.beans.IntrospectionException
- intValue().
Method in class java.math.BigDecimal
- Converts this number to an int.
- intValue().
Method in class java.math.BigInteger
- Converts this number to an int.
- intValue().
Method in class java.lang.Byte
- Returns the value of this Byte as an int.
- intValue().
Method in class java.lang.Double
- Returns the integer value of this Double (by casting to an int).
- intValue().
Method in class java.lang.Float
- Returns the integer value of this Float (by casting to an int).
- intValue().
Method in class java.lang.Integer
- Returns the value of this Integer as an int.
- intValue().
Method in class java.lang.Long
- Returns the value of this Long as an int.
- intValue().
Method in class java.lang.Number
- Returns the value of the specified number as an
int .
- intValue().
Method in class java.lang.Short
- Returns the value of this Short as an int.
- invalidate().
Method in class java.awt.Component
Invalidates this component.
- invalidate().
Method in class java.awt.Container
Invalidates the container.
- invalidateLayout(Container).
Method in class java.awt.BorderLayout
- Invalidates the layout, indicating that if the layout manager
has cached information it should be discarded.
- invalidateLayout(Container).
Method in class java.awt.CardLayout
- Invalidates the layout, indicating that if the layout manager
has cached information it should be discarded.
- invalidateLayout(Container).
Method in class java.awt.GridBagLayout
- Invalidates the layout, indicating that if the layout manager
has cached information it should be discarded.
- invalidateLayout(Container).
Method in interface java.awt.LayoutManager2
- Invalidates the layout, indicating that if the layout manager
has cached information it should be discarded.
- InvalidClassException(String).
Constructor for class java.io.InvalidClassException
- Report a InvalidClassException for the specified reason.
- InvalidClassException(String, String).
Constructor for class java.io.InvalidClassException
- InvalidKeyException().
Constructor for class java.security.InvalidKeyException
- Constructs an InvalidKeyException with no detail message.
- InvalidKeyException(String).
Constructor for class java.security.InvalidKeyException
- Constructs an InvalidKeyException with the specified detail
- InvalidObjectException(String).
Constructor for class java.io.InvalidObjectException
- Constructs an
InvalidObjectException with a
detail message.
- InvalidParameterException().
Constructor for class java.security.InvalidParameterException
- Constructs an InvalidParameterException with no detail message.
- InvalidParameterException(String).
Constructor for class java.security.InvalidParameterException
- Constructs an InvalidParameterException with the specified
detail message.
- InvocationTargetException().
Constructor for class java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
- InvocationTargetException(Throwable).
Constructor for class java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
- Constructs a InvocationTargetException with a target exception.
- InvocationTargetException(Throwable, String).
Constructor for class java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
- Constructs a InvocationTargetException with a target exception
and a detail message.
- invoke(Object, Object[]).
Method in class java.lang.reflect.Method
- Invokes the underlying method represented by this Method
object, on the specified object with the specified parameters.
- invoke(RemoteCall).
Method in interface java.rmi.server.RemoteRef
- Executes the remote call.
- IOException().
Constructor for class java.io.IOException
- Constructs an
IOException with no detail message.
- IOException(String).
Constructor for class java.io.IOException
- Constructs an
IOException with the specified detail
- ipadx.
Variable in class java.awt.GridBagConstraints
- This field specifies the internal padding of the component, how much
space to add to the minimum width of the component.
- ipady.
Variable in class java.awt.GridBagConstraints
- This field specifies the internal padding, that is, how much
space to add to the minimum height of the component.
- isAbsolute().
Method in class java.io.File
- Tests if the file represented by this
File object is an
absolute pathname.
- isAbstract(int).
Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
- Return true if the specifier integer includes the abstract
- isActionKey().
Method in class java.awt.event.KeyEvent
- Returns whether or not the key in this event is an "action" key,
as defined in Event.java.
- isActive().
Method in class java.applet.Applet
- Determines if this applet is active.
- isActive().
Method in interface java.applet.AppletStub
- Determines if the applet is active.
- isAlive().
Method in class java.lang.Thread
- Tests if this thread is alive.
- isAltDown().
Method in class java.awt.event.InputEvent
- Returns whether or not the Alt modifier is down on this event.
- isAncestorOf(Component).
Method in class java.awt.Container
- Checks if the component is contained in the component hierarchy of
this container.
- isArray().
Method in class java.lang.Class
- If this Class object represents an array type, returns true,
otherwise returns false.
- isAssignableFrom(Class).
Method in class java.lang.Class
- Determines if the class or interface
represented by this Class object is either the same as, or is a
superclass or superinterface of, the class or interface
represented by the specified Class parameter.
- isAutoIncrement(int).
Method in interface java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
- Is the column automatically numbered, thus read-only?
- isBold().
Method in class java.awt.Font
- Indicates whether the font's style is bold.
- isBound().
Method in class java.beans.PropertyDescriptor
- Updates to "bound" properties will cause a "PropertyChange" event to
get fired when the property is changed.
- isCaseSensitive(int).
Method in interface java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
- Does a column's case matter?
- isCatalogAtStart().
Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
- Does a catalog appear at the start of a qualified table name?
(Otherwise it appears at the end)
- isClosed().
Method in interface java.sql.Connection
- Tests to see if a Connection is closed.
- isConstrained().
Method in class java.beans.PropertyDescriptor
- Attempted updates to "Constrained" properties will cause a "VetoableChange"
event to get fired when the property is changed.
- isConsumed().
Method in class java.awt.AWTEvent
- isConsumed().
Method in class java.awt.event.InputEvent
- Returns whether or not this event has been consumed.
- isConsumer(ImageConsumer).
Method in class java.awt.image.FilteredImageSource
- Determines whether an ImageConsumer is on the list of consumers
currently interested in data for this image.
- isConsumer(ImageConsumer).
Method in interface java.awt.image.ImageProducer
- This method determines if a given ImageConsumer object
is currently registered with this ImageProducer as one
of its consumers.
- isConsumer(ImageConsumer).
Method in class java.awt.image.MemoryImageSource
- Determine if an ImageConsumer is on the list of consumers currently
interested in data for this image.
- isControlDown().
Method in class java.awt.event.InputEvent
- Returns whether or not the Control modifier is down on this event.
- isCurrency(int).
Method in interface java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
- Is the column a cash value?
- isDaemon().
Method in class java.lang.Thread
- Tests if this thread is a daemon thread.
- isDaemon().
Method in class java.lang.ThreadGroup
- Tests if this thread group is a daemon thread group.
- isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor).
Method in class java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection
- Returns whether the requested flavor is supported by this object.
- isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor).
Method in interface java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable
- Returns whether or not the specified data flavor is supported for
this object.
- isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown().
Method in class java.text.DecimalFormat
- Allows you to get the behavior of the decimal separator with integers.
- isDefined(char).
Static method in class java.lang.Character
- Determines if a character has a defined meaning in Unicode.
- isDefinitelyWritable(int).
Method in interface java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
- Will a write on the column definitely succeed?
- isDesignTime().
Static method in class java.beans.Beans
- Test if we are in design-mode.
- isDestroyed().
Method in class java.lang.ThreadGroup
- Tests if this thread group has been destroyed.
- isDigit(char).
Static method in class java.lang.Character
- Determines if the specified character is a digit.
- isDirectory().
Method in class java.io.File
- Tests if the file represented by this
object is a directory.
- isDirectory().
Method in class java.util.zip.ZipEntry
- Returns true if this is a directory entry.
- isEditable().
Method in class java.awt.TextComponent
- Indicates whether or not this text component is editable.
- isEmpty().
Method in class java.util.Dictionary
- Tests if this dictionary maps no keys to value.
- isEmpty().
Method in class java.util.Hashtable
- Tests if this hashtable maps no keys to values.
- isEmpty().
Method in class java.awt.Rectangle
- Determines whether this rectangle is empty.
- isEmpty().
Method in class java.util.Vector
- Tests if this vector has no components.
- isEnabled().
Method in class java.awt.Component
- Determines whether this component is enabled.
- isEnabled().
Method in class java.awt.MenuItem
- Checks whether this menu item is enabled.
- isEqual(byte[], byte[]).
Static method in class java.security.MessageDigest
- Compares two digests for equality.
- isErrorAny().
Method in class java.awt.MediaTracker
- Checks the error status of all of the images.
- isErrorID(int).
Method in class java.awt.MediaTracker
- Checks the error status of all of the images tracked by this
media tracker with the specified identifier.
- isExpert().
Method in class java.beans.FeatureDescriptor
- The "expert" flag is used to distinguish between those features that are
intended for expert users from those that are intended for normal users.
- isFile().
Method in class java.io.File
- Tests if the file represented by this
object is a "normal" file.
- isFinal(int).
Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
- Return true if the specifier integer includes the final
- isFocusTraversable().
Method in class java.awt.Component
- Returns the value of a flag that indicates whether
this component can be traversed using
Tab or Shift-Tab keyboard focus traversal.
- isGroupingUsed().
Method in class java.text.NumberFormat
- Returns true if grouping is used in this format.
- isGuiAvailable().
Static method in class java.beans.Beans
- isHidden().
Method in class java.beans.FeatureDescriptor
- The "hidden" flag is used to identify features that are intended only
for tool use, and which should not be exposed to humans.
- isIdentifierIgnorable(char).
Static method in class java.lang.Character
- Determines if the specified character should be regarded as
an ignorable character in a Java identifier or a Unicode identifier.
- isInDefaultEventSet().
Method in class java.beans.EventSetDescriptor
- Report if an event set is in the "default set".
- isIndexSelected(int).
Method in class java.awt.List
- Determines if the specified item in this scrolling list is
- isInfinite().
Method in class java.lang.Double
- Returns true if this Double value is infinitely large in magnitude.
- isInfinite().
Method in class java.lang.Float
- Returns true if this Float value is infinitely large in magnitude.
- isInfinite(double).
Static method in class java.lang.Double
- Returns true if the specified number is infinitely large in magnitude.
- isInfinite(float).
Static method in class java.lang.Float
- Returns true if the specified number is infinitely large in magnitude.
- isInstance(Object).
Method in class java.lang.Class
- This method is the dynamic equivalent of the Java language
instanceof operator.
- isInstanceOf(Object, Class).
Static method in class java.beans.Beans
- Check if a bean can be viewed as a given target type.
- isInterface().
Method in class java.lang.Class
- Determines if the specified Class object represents an interface type.
- isInterface(int).
Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
- Return true if the specifier integer includes the interface
- isInterrupted().
Method in class java.lang.Thread
- Tests if the current thread has been interrupted.
- isISOControl(char).
Static method in class java.lang.Character
- Determines if the specified character is an ISO control character.
- isItalic().
Method in class java.awt.Font
- Indicates whether the font's style is italic.
- isJavaIdentifierPart(char).
Static method in class java.lang.Character
- Determines if the specified character may be part of a Java
identifier as other than the first character.
- isJavaIdentifierStart(char).
Static method in class java.lang.Character
- Determines if the specified character is
permissible as the first character in a Java identifier.
- isJavaLetter(char).
Static method in class java.lang.Character
- Determines if the specified character is a
"Java" letter, that is, the character is permissible
as the first character in an identifier in the Java language.
- isJavaLetterOrDigit(char).
Static method in class java.lang.Character
- Determines if the specified character is a
"Java" letter or digit, that is, the character is
permissible as a non-initial character in an identifier in the
Java language.
- isLeapYear(int).
Method in class java.util.GregorianCalendar
- Determines if the given year is a leap year.
- isLenient().
Method in class java.util.Calendar
- Tell whether date/time interpretation is to be lenient.
- isLenient().
Method in class java.text.DateFormat
- Tell whether date/time parsing is to be lenient.
- isLetter(char).
Static method in class java.lang.Character
- Determines if the specified character is a letter.
- isLetterOrDigit(char).
Static method in class java.lang.Character
- Determines if the specified character is a letter or digit.
- isLowerCase(char).
Static method in class java.lang.Character
- Determines if the specified character is a lowercase character.
- isMember(Principal).
Method in interface java.security.acl.Group
- Returns true if the passed principal is a member of the group.
- isMetaDown().
Method in class java.awt.event.InputEvent
- Returns whether or not the Meta modifier is down on this event.
- isMimeTypeEqual(DataFlavor).
Method in class java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor
- Convenience function equivalent to calling:
- isMimeTypeEqual(String).
Method in class java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor
- Is the string representation of the MIME type passed in equivalent
to the MIME type of this DataFlavor.
- isModal().
Method in class java.awt.Dialog
- Indicates whether the dialog is modal.
- isMulticastAddress().
Method in class java.net.InetAddress
- Utility routine to check if the InetAddress is a
IP multicast address.
- isMultipleMode().
Method in class java.awt.List
- Determines whether this list allows multiple selections.
- isNaN().
Method in class java.lang.Double
- Returns true if this Double value is the special Not-a-Number (NaN)
- isNaN().
Method in class java.lang.Float
- Returns true if this Float value is Not-a-Number (NaN).
- isNaN(double).
Static method in class java.lang.Double
- Returns true if the specified number is the special Not-a-Number (NaN)
- isNaN(float).
Static method in class java.lang.Float
- Returns true if the specified number is the special Not-a-Number (NaN)
- isNative(int).
Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
- Return true if the specifier integer includes the native
- isNegative().
Method in interface java.security.acl.AclEntry
- Returns true if this is a negative ACL entry (one denying the
associated principal the set of permissions in the entry), false
- isNullable(int).
Method in interface java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
- Can you put a NULL in this column?
- isOwner(Principal).
Method in interface java.security.acl.Owner
- Returns true if the given principal is an owner of the ACL.
- isPaintable().
Method in interface java.beans.PropertyEditor
- isPaintable().
Method in class java.beans.PropertyEditorSupport
- isParseIntegerOnly().
Method in class java.text.NumberFormat
- Returns true if this format will parse numbers as integers only.
- isPlain().
Method in class java.awt.Font
- Indicates whether the font's style is plain.
- isPopupTrigger().
Method in class java.awt.event.MouseEvent
- Returns whether or not this mouse event is the popup-menu
trigger event for the platform.
- isPrimitive().
Method in class java.lang.Class
- Determines if the specified Class object represents a primitive Java
- isPrivate(int).
Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
- Return true if the specifier integer includes the private
- isProbablePrime(int).
Method in class java.math.BigInteger
- Returns true if this BigInteger is probably prime, false if it's
definitely composite.
- isProtected(int).
Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
- Return true if the specifier integer includes the protected
- isPublic(int).
Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
- Return true if the specified integer includes the public
- isReadOnly().
Method in interface java.sql.Connection
- Tests to see if the connection is in read-only mode.
- isReadOnly().
Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
- Is the database in read-only mode?
- isReadOnly(int).
Method in interface java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
- Is a column definitely not writable?
- isResizable().
Method in class java.awt.Dialog
- Indicates whether this dialog window is resizable.
- isResizable().
Method in class java.awt.Frame
- Indicates whether this frame is resizable.
- isSearchable(int).
Method in interface java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
- Can the column be used in a where clause?
- isSelected(int).
Method in class java.awt.List
- isSet.
Variable in class java.util.Calendar
- The flags which tell if a specified time field for the calendar is set.
- isSet(int).
Method in class java.util.Calendar
- Determines if the given time field has a value set.
- isShiftDown().
Method in class java.awt.event.InputEvent
- Returns whether or not the Shift modifier is down on this event.
- isShowing().
Method in class java.awt.Component
- Determines whether this component is showing on screen.
- isShowing().
Method in class java.awt.Window
- Checks if this Window is showing on screen.
- isSigned(int).
Method in interface java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
- Is the column a signed number?
- isSpace(char).
Static method in class java.lang.Character
- Determines if the specified character is ISO-LATIN-1 white space.
- isSpaceChar(char).
Static method in class java.lang.Character
- Determines if the specified character is a Unicode space character.
- isStatic(int).
Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
- Return true if the specifier integer includes the static
- isSynchronized(int).
Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
- Return true if the specifier integer includes the final
- isTearOff().
Method in class java.awt.Menu
- Indicates whether this menu is a tear-off menu.
- isTemporary().
Method in class java.awt.event.FocusEvent
- Returns whether or not this focus change event is a temporary
- isTimeSet.
Variable in class java.util.Calendar
- The flag which indicates if the current time is set for the calendar.
- isTitleCase(char).
Static method in class java.lang.Character
- Determines if the specified character is a titlecase character.
- isTransient(int).
Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
- Return true if the specifier integer includes the transient
- isUnicast().
Method in class java.beans.EventSetDescriptor
- Normally event sources are multicast.
- isUnicodeIdentifierPart(char).
Static method in class java.lang.Character
- Determines if the specified character may be part of a Unicode
identifier as other than the first character.
- isUnicodeIdentifierStart(char).
Static method in class java.lang.Character
- Determines if the specified character is
permissible as the first character in a Unicode identifier.
- isUnique().
Static method in class java.rmi.dgc.VMID
- Return true if an accurate address can be determined for this
- isUpperCase(char).
Static method in class java.lang.Character
- Determines if the specified character is an uppercase character.
- isValid().
Method in class java.awt.Component
- Determines whether this component is valid.
- isVisible().
Method in class java.awt.Component
- Determines whether this component is visible.
- isVolatile(int).
Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
- Return true if the specifier integer includes the volatile
- isWhitespace(char).
Static method in class java.lang.Character
- Determines if the specified character is white space according to Java.
- isWritable(int).
Method in interface java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
- Is it possible for a write on the column to succeed?
Static variable in class java.util.Locale
- Useful constant for language.
Static variable in class java.awt.Font
- The italicized style constant.
Static variable in class java.util.Locale
- Useful constant for country.
Static variable in class java.awt.AWTEvent
- The event mask for selecting item events.
Static variable in class java.awt.event.ItemEvent
- Marks the first integer id for the range of item event ids.
Static variable in class java.awt.event.ItemEvent
- Marks the last integer id for the range of item event ids.
Static variable in class java.awt.event.ItemEvent
The item state changed event type.
- ItemEvent(ItemSelectable, int, Object, int).
Constructor for class java.awt.event.ItemEvent
- Constructs a ItemSelectEvent object with the specified ItemSelectable source,
type, item, and item select state.
- itemStateChanged(ItemEvent).
Method in class java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster
- Handles the itemStateChanged event by invoking the
itemStateChanged methods on listener-a and listener-b.
- itemStateChanged(ItemEvent).
Method in interface java.awt.event.ItemListener
- Invoked when an item's state has been changed.
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