Вся предоставленная на этом сервере информация собрана нами из разных источников. Если Вам кажется, что публикация каких-то документов нарушает чьи-либо авторские права, сообщите нам об этом. |

Static variable in class java.awt.Cursor
- The north-resize cursor type.
Static variable in class java.awt.Frame
- name.
Variable in class java.sql.DriverPropertyInfo
- The name of the property.
- name.
Variable in class java.awt.Font
The logical name of this font.
- NaN.
Static variable in class java.lang.Double
A NaN value of type
double .
- NaN.
Static variable in class java.lang.Float
The NaN value of type
float .
Static variable in class java.lang.reflect.Modifier
- nativeSQL(String).
Method in interface java.sql.Connection
- A driver may convert the JDBC sql grammar into its system's
native SQL grammar prior to sending it; nativeSQL returns the
native form of the statement that the driver would have sent.
Static variable in class java.awt.Cursor
- The north-east-resize cursor type.
Static variable in class java.awt.Frame
- needsDictionary().
Method in class java.util.zip.Inflater
- Returns true if a preset dictionary is needed for decompression.
- needsGui().
Method in interface java.beans.Visibility
- needsInput().
Method in class java.util.zip.Deflater
- Returns true if the input data buffer is empty and setInput()
should be called in order to provide more input.
- needsInput().
Method in class java.util.zip.Inflater
- Returns true if no data remains in the input buffer.
- negate().
Method in class java.math.BigDecimal
- Returns a BigDecimal whose value is -1 * this, and whose scale is
- negate().
Method in class java.math.BigInteger
- Returns a BigInteger whose value is (-1 * this).
Static variable in class java.lang.Double
- The negative infinity of type
double .
Static variable in class java.lang.Float
- The negative infinity of type
float .
- NegativeArraySizeException().
Constructor for class java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException
- Constructs a
NegativeArraySizeException with no
detail message.
- NegativeArraySizeException(String).
Constructor for class java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException
- Constructs a
NegativeArraySizeException with the
specified detail message.
- newCall(RemoteObject, Operation[], int, long).
Method in interface java.rmi.server.RemoteRef
- Creates an appropriate call object for a new remote method
invocation on this object.
- newInstance().
Method in class java.lang.Class
- Creates a new instance of a class.
- newInstance(Class, int).
Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Array
- Creates a new array with the specified component type and
- newInstance(Class, int[]).
Static method in class java.lang.reflect.Array
- Creates a new array with the specified component type and
- newInstance(Object[]).
Method in class java.lang.reflect.Constructor
- Uses the constructor represented by this Constructor object to
create and initialize a new instance of the constructor's
declaring class, with the specified initialization parameters.
- newLine().
Method in class java.io.BufferedWriter
- Write a line separator.
- newmodel.
Variable in class java.awt.image.RGBImageFilter
- newPixels().
Method in class java.awt.image.MemoryImageSource
- Send a whole new buffer of pixels to any ImageConsumers that
are currently interested in the data for this image and notify
them that an animation frame is complete.
- newPixels(byte[], ColorModel, int, int).
Method in class java.awt.image.MemoryImageSource
- Change to a new byte array to hold the pixels for this image.
- newPixels(int, int, int, int).
Method in class java.awt.image.MemoryImageSource
- Send a rectangular region of the buffer of pixels to any
ImageConsumers that are currently interested in the data for
this image and notify them that an animation frame is complete.
- newPixels(int, int, int, int, boolean).
Method in class java.awt.image.MemoryImageSource
- Send a rectangular region of the buffer of pixels to any
ImageConsumers that are currently interested in the data for
this image.
- newPixels(int[], ColorModel, int, int).
Method in class java.awt.image.MemoryImageSource
- Change to a new int array to hold the pixels for this image.
- next().
Method in class java.text.BreakIterator
- Return the boundary following the current boundary.
- next().
Method in interface java.text.CharacterIterator
- Increment the iterator's index by one and return the character
at the new index.
- next().
Method in class java.text.CollationElementIterator
- Get the ordering priority of the next character in the string.
- next().
Method in interface java.sql.ResultSet
- A ResultSet is initially positioned before its first row; the
first call to next makes the first row the current row; the
second call makes the second row the current row, etc.
- next().
Method in class java.text.StringCharacterIterator
- Increment the iterator's index by one and return the character
at the new index.
- next(Container).
Method in class java.awt.CardLayout
- Flips to the next card of the specified container.
- next(int).
Method in class java.text.BreakIterator
- Return the nth boundary from the current boundary
- next(int).
Method in class java.util.Random
- Generates the next pseudorandom number.
- next(int).
Method in class java.security.SecureRandom
- Generates an integer containing the user-specified number of
pseudo-random bits (right justified, with leading zeros).
- nextBytes(byte[]).
Method in class java.util.Random
- Generates a user specified number of random bytes.
- nextBytes(byte[]).
Method in class java.security.SecureRandom
- Generates a user-specified number of random bytes.
- nextDouble().
Method in class java.util.Random
- Returns the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed
double value between 0.0 and
1.0 from this random number generator's sequence.
- nextDouble(double).
Static method in class java.text.ChoiceFormat
- Finds the least double greater than d.
- nextDouble(double, boolean).
Static method in class java.text.ChoiceFormat
- nextElement().
Method in interface java.util.Enumeration
- Returns the next element of this enumeration.
- nextElement().
Method in class java.util.StringTokenizer
- Returns the same value as the
nextToken method,
except that its declared return value is Object rather than
String .
- nextFloat().
Method in class java.util.Random
- Returns the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed
value between 0.0 and 1.0 from this random
number generator's sequence.
- nextFocus().
Method in class java.awt.Component
- nextGaussian().
Method in class java.util.Random
- Returns the next pseudorandom, Gaussian ("normally") distributed
double value with mean 0.0 and standard
deviation 1.0 from this random number generator's sequence.
- nextInt().
Method in class java.util.Random
- Returns the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed
value from this random number generator's sequence.
- nextLong().
Method in class java.util.Random
- Returns the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed
value from this random number generator's sequence.
- nextToken().
Method in class java.io.StreamTokenizer
Parses the next token from the input stream of this tokenizer.
- nextToken().
Method in class java.util.StringTokenizer
- Returns the next token from this string tokenizer.
- nextToken(String).
Method in class java.util.StringTokenizer
- Returns the next token in this string tokenizer's string.
Static variable in class java.util.zip.Deflater
- Compression level for no compression.
Static variable in class java.text.Collator
- Decomposition mode value.
- NoClassDefFoundError().
Constructor for class java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
- Constructs a
NoClassDefFoundError with no detail message.
- NoClassDefFoundError(String).
Constructor for class java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
- Constructs a
NoClassDefFoundError with the specified
detail message.
Static variable in class java.lang.Character
Static variable in class java.awt.GridBagConstraints
- Do not resize the component.
Static variable in class java.lang.Thread
- The default priority that is assigned to a thread.
- normalizeMimeType(String).
Method in class java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor
- Called for each MIME type string to give DataFlavor subtypes the
opportunity to change how the normalization of MIME types is accomplished.
- normalizeMimeTypeParameter(String, String).
Method in class java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor
- Called on DataFlavor for every MIME Type parameter to allow DataFlavor
subclasses to handle special parameters like the text/plain charset
parameters, whose values are case insensitive.
- NoRouteToHostException().
Constructor for class java.net.NoRouteToHostException
- Construct a new NoRouteToHostException with no detailed message.
- NoRouteToHostException(String).
Constructor for class java.net.NoRouteToHostException
- Constructs a new NoRouteToHostException with the specified detail
message as to why the remote host cannot be reached.
Static variable in class java.awt.BorderLayout
- The north layout constraint (top of container).
Static variable in class java.awt.GridBagConstraints
- Put the component at the top of its display area,
centered horizontally.
Static variable in class java.awt.GridBagConstraints
- Put the component at the top-right corner of its display area.
Static variable in class java.awt.GridBagConstraints
- Put the component at the top-left corner of its display area.
- NoSuchAlgorithmException().
Constructor for class java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException
Constructs a NoSuchAlgorithmException with no detail
- NoSuchAlgorithmException(String).
Constructor for class java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException
- Constructs a NoSuchAlgorithmException with the specified
detail message.
- NoSuchElementException().
Constructor for class java.util.NoSuchElementException
- Constructs a
NoSuchElementException with no detail message.
- NoSuchElementException(String).
Constructor for class java.util.NoSuchElementException
- Constructs a
NoSuchElementException with the
specified detail message.
- NoSuchFieldError().
Constructor for class java.lang.NoSuchFieldError
- Constructs a
NoSuchFieldException with no detail message.
- NoSuchFieldError(String).
Constructor for class java.lang.NoSuchFieldError
- Constructs a
NoSuchFieldException with the specified
detail message.
- NoSuchFieldException().
Constructor for class java.lang.NoSuchFieldException
- Constructor.
- NoSuchFieldException(String).
Constructor for class java.lang.NoSuchFieldException
- Constructor with a detail message.
- NoSuchMethodError().
Constructor for class java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
- NoSuchMethodError(String).
Constructor for class java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
- Constructs a
NoSuchMethodException with the
specified detail message.
- NoSuchMethodException().
Constructor for class java.lang.NoSuchMethodException
- Constructs a
NoSuchMethodException without a detail message.
- NoSuchMethodException(String).
Constructor for class java.lang.NoSuchMethodException
- Constructs a
NoSuchMethodException with a detail message.
- NoSuchObjectException(String).
Constructor for class java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException
- Create a new NoSuchObjectException with a description.
- NoSuchProviderException().
Constructor for class java.security.NoSuchProviderException
- Constructs a NoSuchProviderException with no detail message.
- NoSuchProviderException(String).
Constructor for class java.security.NoSuchProviderException
- Constructs a NoSuchProviderException with the specified detail
- not().
Method in class java.math.BigInteger
- Returns a BigInteger whose value is (~this).
- NotActiveException().
Constructor for class java.io.NotActiveException
- Constructor to create a new NotActiveException with no reason.
- NotActiveException(String).
Constructor for class java.io.NotActiveException
- Constructor to create a new NotActiveException with the reason given.
- NotBoundException().
Constructor for class java.rmi.NotBoundException
- NotBoundException(String).
Constructor for class java.rmi.NotBoundException
- notify().
Method in class java.lang.Object
- Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object's
- notifyAll().
Method in class java.lang.Object
- Wakes up all threads that are waiting on this object's monitor.
- notifyObservers().
Method in class java.util.Observable
- If this object has changed, as indicated by the
hasChanged method, then notify all of its observers
and then call the clearChanged method to
indicate that this object has no longer changed.
- notifyObservers(Object).
Method in class java.util.Observable
- If this object has changed, as indicated by the
hasChanged method, then notify all of its observers
and then call the clearChanged method to indicate
that this object has no longer changed.
- NotOwnerException().
Constructor for class java.security.acl.NotOwnerException
- Constructs a NotOwnerException.
- NotSerializableException().
Constructor for class java.io.NotSerializableException
- NotSerializableException(String).
Constructor for class java.io.NotSerializableException
Static variable in class java.util.Calendar
- Useful constant for month.
- npoints.
Variable in class java.awt.Polygon
- The total number of points.
Static variable in class java.sql.Types
Static variable in class java.text.CollationElementIterator
- Null order which indicates the end of string is reached by the
- nullPlusNonNullIsNull().
Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
- Are concatenations between NULL and non-NULL values NULL?
A JDBC-Compliant driver always returns true.
- NullPointerException().
Constructor for class java.lang.NullPointerException
- Constructs a
NullPointerException with no detail message.
- NullPointerException(String).
Constructor for class java.lang.NullPointerException
- Constructs a
NullPointerException with the specified
detail message.
- nullsAreSortedAtEnd().
Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
- Are NULL values sorted at the end regardless of sort order?
- nullsAreSortedAtStart().
Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
- Are NULL values sorted at the start regardless of sort order?
- nullsAreSortedHigh().
Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
- Are NULL values sorted high?
- nullsAreSortedLow().
Method in interface java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
- Are NULL values sorted low?
Static variable in class java.awt.SystemColor
- The number of system colors in the array.
Static variable in class java.awt.Event
- The Num Lock key, a non-ASCII action key.
- Number().
Constructor for class java.lang.Number
- numberFormat.
Variable in class java.text.DateFormat
- The number formatter that DateFormat uses to format numbers in dates
and times.
- NumberFormat().
Constructor for class java.text.NumberFormat
- NumberFormatException().
Constructor for class java.lang.NumberFormatException
- Constructs a
NumberFormatException with no detail message.
- NumberFormatException(String).
Constructor for class java.lang.NumberFormatException
- Constructs a
NumberFormatException with the
specified detail message.
Static variable in class java.sql.Types
- nval.
Variable in class java.io.StreamTokenizer
- If the current token is a number, this field contains the value
of that number.
Static variable in class java.awt.Cursor
- The north-west-resize cursor type.
Static variable in class java.awt.Frame
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