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- int keypad(win, bf)
If TRUE, it enables the keypad on the keyboard of the user's terminal
waiting for input. Ncurses will then return a key code defined in
.h as KEY_* for the function and arrow keys on the keypad.
This is very useful for a PC keyboard because you can enable the
numerical block and the cursor keys.
- int meta(win, bf)
If TRUE, the key codes returned from getch() are 8-bit-clean
(the highest bit will not be stripped). - int cbreak()
int nocbreak()
int crmode()
int nocrmode()
cbreak() and nocbreak() will turn the terminal CBREAK mode
on or off. When CBREAK is on, input from a read will be immediately
available to the program, when off the input will be buffered until
newline occurs.
(Note: crmode() and nocrmode() are for upward compatibility,
don't use them.) - int raw()
int noraw()
Turn RAW mode on or off. RAW is the same as CBREAK, except that in RAW
mode no special character processing will be done. - int echo()
int noecho()
Set echo() to echo input typed by the user and noecho()
to be silent about it. - int halfdelay(t)
As cbreak() with a delay of t seconds. - int nodelay(win, bf)
Terminal will be set to no blocking mode. cetch() will return ERR
if no input is ready. If set to FALSE, getch() will wait until a
key is pressed. - int timeout(t)
int wtimeout(win, t)
It is recommended to use these functions instead of
halfdelay(t) and nodelay(win,bf). The result of
depends on the value of t. If t is positive, the read
is blocked for t milliseconds, if t is zero, no
blocking is done, and when t is negative the program blocks
until input is available. - int notimeout(win, bf)
If bf is TRUE, getch() will use a special timer (of one second
to interpret and input sequence beginning with keys as ESCAPE etc. - int typeahead(fd)
If fd is -1 no typeahead check will be done, else ncurses will
use the file descriptor fd instead of for these
checks. - int intrflush(win, bf)
When enabled with bf TRUE an interrupt key pressed on the
terminal (quit, break ...) will flush all output in the tty driver
queue. - void noqiflush()
void qiflush()
(Note: not implemented yet.)
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Fri Mar 29 14:43:04 EST 1996