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- int idlok(win, bf)
void idcok(win, bf)
Enable or disable terminal's insert/delete features for the window
(idlok(...) for lines and idcok(...) for characters).
(Note: idcok(...) not implemented yet.) - void immedok(win, bf)
If set TRUE, every change to the window win will cause a refresh
to the physical screen. This can decrease the performance of a
program, so the default value is FALSE.
(Note: not implemented yet.) - int clearok(win, bf)
If bf is TRUE the next call to wrefresh(win) will clear the
screen and redraw it completely. (as in the editor vi when you press
CTRL+L). - int leaveok(win, bf)
The default behavior is for ncurses to leave the physical cursor in the
same place it was on the last refresh of the window.
Programs which don't use the cursor
can set leaveok(...) TRUE and save the time normally required for
cursor motion. In addition, ncurses will try to make the terminal
cursor invisible. - int nl()
int nonl()
Control the translation for newline. Turned on with nl() will
translate a newline in carriage return and line feed on output.
nonl() will turn translation off. With disabled translation
ncurses can do faster cursor motion.
Converted on:
Fri Mar 29 14:43:04 EST 1996