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- Copyright
The Linux Programmer's Guide is © 1994, 1995 by Sven Goldt
Sven Goldt, Sachsendamm 47b, 10829 Berlin, Germany
Chapter 8 is © 1994, 1995 by Sven van der Meer
Chapter 6 is © 1995 Scott Burkett
Chapter 10 is © 1994, 1995 Matt Welsh
Special thanks goes to John D. Harper <jharper@uiuc.edu>
for proofreading this guide.
Permission to reproduce this document in whole or in part is
subject to the following conditions:
- The copyright notice remains intact and is included.
- If you make money with it the authors want a share.
- The authors are not responsible for any harm that might arise
by the use of it.
- Preface
This guide is far from being complete.
The first release started at version 0.1 in September 1994.
It concentrated on system calls because of lack of manpower and information.
Planned are the description of library functions and major kernel
changes as well as excursions into important areas like networking, sound,
graphics and asynchronous I/O. Maybe some hints about how to build
shared libraries and pointers to useful toolkits will later
be included.
This guide will only be a success with generous help in the form
of information or perhaps even submission of whole chapters. - Introduction
Once upon a time I installed Linux on my PC to learn more about
system administration. I tried to install a slip server but it didn't
work with shadow and mgetty. I had to patch sliplogin and it worked
until the new Linux 1.1 releases. No one could tell me what had
happened. There was no documentation about changes since the 0.99
kernel except the kernel change summaries from Russ Nelson, but they
didn't help me very much in solving problems.
The Linux Programmer's Guide is meant to do what the name implies--
It is to help Linux programmers understand the peculiarities of
Linux. By its nature, this also means that it
should be useful when porting programs from other operating systems to
Linux. Therefore, this guide must describe the system calls and the
major kernel changes which have effects on older programs like serial
I/O and networking.
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Fri Mar 29 14:43:04 EST 1996