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- int move(y, x)
int wmove(win, y, x)
move() moves the cursor from , wmove(win) the
cursor from window win. For input/output functions,
additional macros are
defined which move the cursor before the specified function is called. - int curs_set(bf)
This will turn the cursor visibility on or off, if the terminal has
this capability. - void getyx(win, y, x)
getyx(...) will return the current cursor position.
(Note: this is a macro.) - void getparyx(win, y, x)
When win is a sub window, getparyx(...) will store the
window coordinates relative to the parent window in y and
x. Otherwise y and x are -1.
(Note: not implemented yet.) - void getbegyx(win, y, x)
void getmaxyx(win, y, x)
int getmaxx(win)
int getmaxy(win)
Store the begin and size coordinates for win in y and
x. - int getsyx(int y, int x)
int setsyx(int y, int x)
Store the virtual screen cursor in y and x or set this
cursor. When y and x are -1 and you call getsyx(...)
leaveok will be set.
Converted on:
Fri Mar 29 14:43:04 EST 1996