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- int erase()
int werase(win)
werase(...) and erase() will copy blanks to every position
on the window win or . For instance, when you set
color attributes to a window and call werase() the window would be
colored. I had some problems with COLOR_PAIRS when I defined other
attributes then black on white so I wrote my own erase function (this is
a low level access to the WINDOW structure):
The problem is, that ncurses sometimes makes no use of the window
attributes when
blanking the screen. For instance, in _clrtoeol.c, is
BLANK defined as
so that the other window attributes get lost while the line is
erased. - int clear()
int wclear(win)
The same as erase(), but will also set clearok() (the screen
will be cleared with the next refresh). - int clrtobot()
int wclrtobot(win)
Clearing the current cursor line (start is one character right from the
cursor) and the line below the cursor. - int clrtoeol()
int wclrtoeol(win)
Clear the current line right from the cursor up to its end.
Converted on:
Fri Mar 29 14:43:04 EST 1996