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WDDX functions

LXV. WDDX functions

These functions are intended for work with WDDX.

Note that all the functions that serialize variables use the first element of an array to determine whether the array is to be serialized into an array or structure. If the first element has string key, then it is serialized into a structure, otherwise, into an array.

Example 1. Serializing a single value

print wddx_serialize_value("PHP to WDDX packet example", "PHP packet");

This example will produce:

<wddxPacket version='1.0'><header comment='PHP packet'/><data>
<string>PHP to WDDX packet example</string></data></wddxPacket>

Example 2. Using incremental packets

$pi = 3.1415926;
$packet_id = wddx_packet_start("PHP");
wddx_add_vars($packet_id, "pi");

/* Suppose $cities came from database */
$cities = array("Austin", "Novato", "Seattle");
wddx_add_vars($packet_id, "cities");

$packet = wddx_packet_end($packet_id);
print $packet;

This example will produce:

<wddxPacket version='1.0'><header comment='PHP'/><data><struct>
<var name='pi'><number>3.1415926</number></var><var name='cities'>
<array length='3'><string>Austin</string><string>Novato</string>

Table of Contents
wddx_serialize_value — Serialize a single value into a WDDX packet
wddx_serialize_vars — Serialize variables into a WDDX packet
wddx_packet_start — Starts a new WDDX packet with structure inside it
wddx_packet_end — Ends a WDDX packet with the specified ID
wddx_add_vars — Ends a WDDX packet with the specified ID
wddx_deserialize — Deserializes a WDDX packet

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