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Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3
Upgrading to 1.3 from 1.2
In order to assist folks upgrading we are now going to maintain a
document describing information critical to existing Apache users. Note
that it only lists differences between recent major releases, so
for example, folks using Apache 1.1 or earlier will have to figure out
what changed up to Apache 1.2 before this document can be considered
relevant. Old users could look at the src/CHANGES file
which tracks code changes.
These are intended to be brief notes, and you should be able to find
more information in either the New Features
document, or in the src/CHANGES file.
Compile-Time Configuration Changes
- The source code has been reorganized,
which affects anyone with custom modules or modifications. But also,
Module directive has been changed to the
AddModule directive.
- The
Configuration variable EXTRA_LFLAGS has
been renamed EXTRA_LDFLAGS .
- The
-DMAXIMUM_DNS definition has been obsoleted by
changes to mod_access enforcing double-reverse DNS lookups
when necessary.
- The
-DSERVER_SUBVERSION=\"string\" compile-time option has
been replaced with the run-time API call
ap_add_version_component() . Compile-time modification of the
server identity by the configuration scripts is no longer supported.
mod_dir has been split into two pieces
mod_autoindex , and
mod_dir .
mod_browser has been
replaced by mod_setenvif .
- IRIX systems with untrusted users who can write CGIs which execute
as the same uid as httpd should consider using
suexec ,
EXTRA_CFLAGS . This is slower, more information is available
on the performance tuning
page. There is a mild denial of service attack possible with the
default config, but the default config is an order of magnitude faster.
mod_auth_msql has been removed from the distribution.
- The new Apache Autoconf-style Interface (APACI) was added to
the top-level to provide a real out-of-the-box build and installation
procedure for the complete Apache package.
Run-Time Configuration Changes
- AuthName strings may need to be quoted
in .htaccess or server configuration files. If you use
an AuthName directive like this:
AuthName This and That
you will need to change it to
AuthName "This and That"
This change was made for consistency in the config language.
- The default Apache ServerRoot directory changed
from the NCSA-compatible /usr/local/etc/httpd/ to
/usr/local/apache/. This change covers only the default
setting (and the documentation); it is of course possible to override it
using the -d ServerRoot and -f httpd.conf switches
when starting apache.
- Folks using HTTP/1.1-style virtual hosting will need to list the
ip:port pairs that are supposed to have HTTP/1.1-style virtual hosting
via the
NameVirtualHost directive (one directive per pair).
Previously this support was given implicitly on the "main server
address". Now it has to be explicitly listed so as to avoid many
problems that users had.
Please see the Apache Virtual Host
documentation for further details on configuration.
- The precedence of virtual hosts has been reversed (applies mainly to
vhosts using HTTP/1.1 Host: headers, and the
ServerPath directive). Now
the earlier vhosts in the file have precedence over the later vhosts.
HostnameLookups defaults to Off.
- The undocumented
syntax "allow user-agents" was removed. The replacement is the
more general "allow from env".
- When using wildcards in pathnames (such as * and ?) they no longer
match / (slash). That is, they more closely behave how a UNIX shell
behaves. This affects
<Directory> directives,
for example.
- If no
TransferLog directive is given then nothing will
be logged.
(Previously it would default to logs/access_log .)
- Apache now has configurable error
logging levels, and the default eliminates some messages that
earlier versions always generated.
- When booting, Apache will now detach itself from stdin, stdout,
and stderr. stderr will not be detached until after the config
files have been read so you will be able to see initial error
messages. After that all errors are logged in the error_log.
This makes it more convenient to start Apache via rsh, ssh,
or crontabs.
- <Files> sections previously could take a full pathname, and
were matched against the full pathnames. This had some
inconsistancies, and was removed. To emulate this older behaviour
use a <Files> section nested inside a <Directory>
- <Location> matching behaviour with respect to slashes has
changed. See the <Location>
documentation for more info.
Misc Changes
ServerType inetd has been deprecated. It still exists,
but bugs are unlikely to be fixed.
httpd_monitor has been deprecated. The replacement is
to use mod_status and make a request to a URL such as
http://myhost/server-status?refresh=10 .
Apache now provides an effectively unbuffered connection for
CGI scripts. This means that data will be sent to the client
as soon as the CGI pauses or stops output; previously, Apache would
buffer the output up to a fixed buffer size before sending, which
could result in the user viewing an empty page until the CGI finished
or output a complete buffer. It is no longer necessary to use an
"nph-" CGI to get unbuffered output. Given that most CGIs are written
in a language that by default does buffering (e.g. perl) this
shouldn't have a detrimental effect on performance.
"nph-" CGIs, which formerly provided a direct socket to the client
without any server post-processing, were not fully compatible with
HTTP/1.1 or SSL support. As such they would have had to implement
the transport details, such as encryption or chunking, in order
to work properly in certain situations. Now, the only difference
between nph and non-nph scripts is "non-parsed headers".
dbmmanage has been overhauled.
Third Party Modules
The following changes between the 1.2 and 1.3 API may require slight
changes in third party modules not maintained by Apache.
To avoid symbol clashes with third-party code compiled into the server, the
general prefix `
ap_ ' was globally applied to the following
classes of symbols: Apache provided general functions (e.g.,
ap_cpystrn ), public API functions (e.g., palloc ,
bgets ) and private functions which can't be made static
(because of cross-object usage) but should be (e.g.,
new_connection ). For backward source compatibility with
Apache 1.2 a new header file named compat.h was created which
provides defines for the old symbol names.
You'll either have to #include compat.h or update the API
symbols you use.
Be sure and examine the source code
reorganization page to see whether any item there affects you.
- Use of SERVER_VERSION definition. If third-party
modules reference the server version string using this symbol,
they should be corrected to obtain it by calling the new API routine
const char *ap_get_server_version() .
ap_construct_url prototype change. The second parameter
was previously a server_rec , it has been changed to
a request_rec .
- The
table datatype has been made an opaque type.
Code which assumes a table is the same as an
array_header will not compile. This is actually a
change to enforce the API the way it was intended, all versions
of Apache have had a table_elts() function which
is intended for code which needs to access the elements of
a table. The changes required for this are pretty easy, and
work with all versions of Apache.
Suppose t is a table. Whenever code refers to
t->elts , replace it with something like this:
array_header *arr = table_elts(t);
table_entry *elts = (table_entry *)arr->elts;
Whenever code refers to t->nelts use
arr->nelts . Many examples can be found in
the standard modules, search for table_elts .
Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3