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<BODY> </BODY>, 43
<FORM> </FORM>, 470
<HEAD>...</HEAD>, 43, 57
<HTML> </HTML> tags, 43
<LAYER> </LAYER>, 808
<NOFRAMES> tag, 43
<NOSCRIPT> tag, 43
<SCRIPT> tag 37, 39, 46
<SELECT>...</SELECT>, 529
<TITLE> </TITLE>, 450


ABOVE, 812-813
abs(), 330
Acadia Infuse, 29
acos(), 334
action property, 475
alert boxes, 162
alert dialog box, 155
alert("expression"), 62
algorithm, 168
alinkColor, 462
alternate content, 43
anchor, 423, 424, 548
anchor object, 861
anchor() method, 548
anchors, 27
anchors array, 550
animation, 19
applet, “nervous text”, 789-792
applet, modifying, 789-795
applet object, 787-788, 861-862
applets, Java, 783-795
area event handlers, 551-556
area object, 862
area properties, 556
arguments array, 159-164, 165-166, 270-272
arguments object, 161
arguments.length property, 272
arithmetic methods, 330-334
arithmetic operators, 100
array methods, 257-270
array notation, 97, 239
array object, 256, 862-863
array properties, 256
arrays, 25, 247-280
creating dense, 252
creating simple, 248-249
elements of, 251
referring to elements, 250-252
types, 252-255
arrayType, 254
ASCII character set, 881-884
asin(), 335
assignment operators, 113-114
associative arrays, 276-280
get, 286-287
parse, 286-287
populating, 278-279
set, 286-287
splitting a string into, 279-280
to, 286-287
with constructor function, 278-279
with dot notation, 277
with square brackets, 276
associativeSplit() function, 279
atan(), 336
atan2(), 336
authoring tools, 839-844


back, 446
banners, 398-413
N-banner, 410-413
R-banner, 403-410
T-banner, 398-403
base conversion, 77
base converter, 193-209
algorithm, 193-195
analysis, 199-208
output, 208-209
script, 195-198
base-2 logarithm of Euler’s constant, 328
BELOW, 812-813
bgColor, 454-455
BGCOLOR, 813-814
binary operators, 99
binding, 15
bitwise operators, 107-113
AND, 108-109
left shift, 111
NOT, 110-111
OR, 109
right shift, 112
shift, 111-113
XOR, 110
zero-fill right, 113
blur event, 489, 532
blur() method, 493-494
bodyDefinition(), 695
Boolean, 67
Boolean arrays, see arrays, types
Boolean expressions, 104
Boolean literals, 79-80
Boolean operators, 117
Boolean values, 89
border property, 600
border width, setting, 829
box math, 828
braces, finding matching, 844
break statement, 136, 142-144
browser, 443
choosing a, 36
detection of, 751-757
determining user’s, 753-754
redirecting, 754
using frames to display pages for 755-757
browser detection, 751-757
browser objects, 8-9, 387-391
creating, 388-389
browser window, 707
getting a handle for, 777
browsers, 4
browser-specific page redirection, 754
bug-preventing techniques, 852-854
building a script, 67
built-in objects, 93, 248
button objects, 507, 863
click event, 509
click() method, 511
name property, 511
value property, 511-515


calcNum(), 207
calendar, 310-321
calling deferred code from a script, 58-61
calling deferred code from event handlers, 61-62
calling deferred script from links and image maps, 62-65
calling object, 233-234
case sensitive, 45
ceil(), 331
CGI, 5-6
CGI programs, 3-4
CGI scripts, 3-4
change event, 489-490, 532
characteristics(x, y) function, 672-673
characters, 367
charAt(), 371-372
check box, 515-523
checkbox object, 515-523, 863-864
event handlers, 517
HTML syntax, 515-516
methods, 517-518
properties, 518-521
referencing, 516
checked property, 518-521, 528
checking if a value is a number, 380
checkMoveX(step) function, 658
checkMoveY() function, 659
checkWarp(startX, startY, endX, endY) function, 667
chop method, 257
class, 15
clearActive() function, 657
click() method, 511-517-518, 526-528
client-side image map, 553
client-side JavaScript scripts, 8, 433
CLIP, 812
Color Center
“control” frame, 698-699
example, 686-702
“main” frame, 702
“swatches” frame, 700-702
Frame-setting window, 688-692
Color Cube, 687
colors, 451-452
alinkColor, 462
bgColor, 452-455
display(triplet), 455-456
drawCell(red, green, blue), 456
drawCube(), 457-458
drawRow(red, blue), 456-457
drawTable(blue), 457
fade(sred, sgreen, sblue, ered, egreen, eblue, step), 460-461
fgColor, 461
linkColor, 462
setbgColor(red, green, blue), 460
toHex(dec), 459-460
vlinkColor, 462
comma, 71, 106
command blocks, 51-52, 83
nested, 52
commenting tags, 41
comments, 45
Common Gateway Interface, 3
communication, Java to JavaScript, 776-781
communication, JavaScript to Java, 781-805
compareFunction, 266
compiled program, 14
complete property, 601
complexWarp() function, 666-667
computeIndex() function, 630
concatenation operator, 105
condition, 138
conditional statement, 131, 135
constructor function, 231-235, 274-275
continue keyword, 145
continue statement, 145-146
control structures, 878
conventions, 44-45
convert(num, base1, base2), 205
converting from a specified base to decimal, 77-78
converting from decimal base to other bases, 77
convertInput(), 183
cookie-based counter example, 568-569
cookie-based reminder calendar example, 571-578
cookies, 27, 559-594
and HTTP, 560
and JavaScript, 564
client-side, 582
functions, 565-594
getting an HTTP, 562
setting an HTTP, 560-562
transaction sequence examples, 563-564
cos(), 334
creating a curve, 340-343
creating instances, 229-231
curAttribute(), 694
curly braces, 52, 87
custom objects, create, 843
customize your editor, 842


data streams, 463-465
data structures, 91
data tainting, 833
enabling, 834-835
specific, 835-836
data type operator, 121-123
data types, 67
data typing, 33
date constructor, parameters of, 283-385
date instance, 281-282
date method categories, 286-287
date numeric conventions, 285-286
date object, 25, 281-282, 283, 864-865
debugging, 29
debugging scripts, 845-855
debugging techniques, manual, 850-852
decimal integers, 76
declaration, 71
defaultCheck property, 521-522
defaultChecked property, 528-529
defaultValue property, 496-497
deferred code, calling 61-65
deferred script, 54, 58-65
destination document, 557
dialog boxes, 24, 127-129
alert, 127-128
confirm, 128
prompt, 129
digital clock, 302-307
example, 607-614
digital date, 307-309
digits array, 610
display(), 699
display(r, g, b), 692-693
display(triplet), 455-456
div(opl, op2), 200
document object, 26, 389, 449-465, 865-866
colors, 451-452
title property, 450-451
document property, 449
document.bgColor, 452
document.clear(), 464
document.close(), 464
document images array, 27
document.links, 556
document location (document.URL), 441-442
document.referrred property, 557
document.title, 450
document.write, 462
dot syntax, 96, 97
drag-&-drop, 840
drawBlank() function, 627-628
drawBlank(num), 343, 358
drawCal(), variables in, 317
drawCal(firstDay, lastDate, monthName, year), 317
drawCell(red, green, blue), 456
drawCube(), 457-458
drawCurve(), 362-363
drawCurve(lastDeg, jump), 347
drawDot(), 344
drawDot(x, y), 358
drawLetter(letter, startX) function, 628-629
drawLine(deg), 345
drawMessage(num) function, 630-632
drawRow(red, blue), 456-457
drawScreen() function, 655
drawSpace(startX) function, 630
drawTable(blue), 457
drawTable(lastNum), 206-207
dropLines() function, 670-671
dynamic objects, 15


E, 327
Electronic Mail (Mailto), 417
element, array item, 247
elements property, 476-479
else statement, 132-133
empty string concatenation, 375-377
emulating events via methods, 223-225
encipher(), 383-384
encode(str, key), 384
encoding property, 479
entitles, 65, 71-73
equal sign, 71
equality, 116
error handling, 222-223
error messages, 29, 846-850
errors, compiletime, 845
errors, runtime, 845
escape, 374
escape characters, 81
escape sequences, 81
Euler’s constant, 327
eval() function, 341, 741
evaluating a string, 741-743
evaluating text expressions, 381
evaluation, 84
testing, 85-86
window, 85
event actions, 213-214
event handlers, 24, 61, 62, 215, 703
calling explicitly, 225-227
calling, 551
creating, 240-242
list of, 215-216
onAbort, 215-223
onBlur, 215
onError, 219-221
onLoad, 219
onUnload, 219
using in a frame-setting document, 703-704
event methods, 224
events, 24, 211-228, 703
canceling, 227-228
error, 213
focus, 213
load, 213
mouseOut, 213
mouseOver, 213
select, 213
submit, 213
unload, 213
example of a simple game, 430-431
exp(), 331
expression, 75, 124
evaluating, 84
extendible objects, 243
external scripts, 37-38


factorial(a), 356
fade(sred, sgreen, sblue, ered, egreen, eblue, step), 460-461
fgColor, 461
File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 417
fileUpload object, 545-546-866
HTML syntax, 545
JavaScript access, 545
properties, 546
find matching brace, 844
floating point literals, 78-79
floating point numbers, 78, 120
flood(state) function, 668
floodBoard(startX) function, 630
floor(), 331-332
focus event, 489, 532
focus() method, 494
for statement, 137-139 statement, 141-142
form, 467-546
form elements 19, 27
form name, 468
form object, 469-486, 867
element types, 481
event handlers, 470-473
HTML syntax, 469-470
methods, 473-474
properties, 475-486
form property, 484, 485-486
utilizing, 485-486
form reference, JavaScript, 467-468
form tags, 467
formReference.encoding, 479
forms array, 468
forms submission methods, 433-434
forward, 446
frame object, 876-877
frames, 27, 675-706
and JavaScript, 682
creating, 675-679
emulating events, 704
nested, 680-682
targeting multiple, 705
using event handlers within, 703
frames property, 685-686
Frame-setting window, 688-692
fullMap() function, 673
function, 58-59
compiling code as a, 744-749
specifying body, 745-746
function call, 88, 159, 743
function declaration, 87
function definition, 86
function object, 744, 867-868
properties of, 748-749
specifying arguments, 747
using with a variable, 746-747
using with an event handler, 747-748
function references, 743-744
function.Name.arguments arrays, 270-272
function.Name.arguments.length, 271
functions, 52-53, 67, 86-89, 158
argument array, 159-164
calling, 54, 88, 158
creating with default arguments, 164-166
defining, 54, 158
parameters, 158-166
returning a value, 166-167


general plotting utility, 347-364
get, 434
get methods, 287-294
get3DigitNum(num), 345
getAmpm() function, 614
getDays(month, year), 315
getDigit(val), 200-201
getHeight(sex, age, height), 183-185
getHour(place) function, 613
getInput() function, 360-361, 579
getInput(func, form) function, 738-739
getImput(num, monthName) function, 579-580
getList method, 257
getMinute(place) function, 613
getMonthName(month), 315
getNewLine(), 737
getPath(), 305
getPath(url), 614
getProps() function, 142, 249
getRadian(deg), 344
getRandom() function, 664-665
getRandom(max), 408
getSpecificReminder(num, monthName), 581
getSpot(deg), 344
getString(), 408-409
getTableAttributes(), 205-206
getTime(), 314
getVal(), 170
getValue(dig), 201-202
global variable, 149, 155
go, 446-447
Gopher Protocol(Gopher), 417
goto statements, 143
greater than character, 42, 527
grep method, 257-258


hash mark (#), 423, 425
hash, 423-426
height and weight calculator, 175-192
algorithm, 175
global statements, 190-191
output, 191-192
script, 176-182
height property, 601
Hello net. script, 46
helpers, 4
hexadecimal integers, 76-77, 78
hexadecimal notation, 107
hexadecimal triplets, 451
hexadecimal values, 107
hidden object, 506-507
accessing, 507
HTML syntax, 506
JavaScript access, 507
properties and methods, 507
hidden objects, 868
hiding the script, 41
hierarchy, object, 387
history list, 224, 443-444
history list entry indexing, 445-446
history list length, 445
history methods, 446-447
history object, 26, 390, 444, 868
security aspects, 447-448
host, 426-427
hostname, 427
Host-Specific File Names (File), 418
HREF attribute, 547
href, 419-422, 425
hspace property, 602
HTML, 3, 16, 23, 37, 51, 71-72, 697-698
extending, 3
HTML, editor, 740
HTML, elements, 481
HTML, formatting methods, 369-371
HTML, forms, 27, 211, 467
HTML, table, 55
HTML, tags, 3, 469
HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), 416
hypertext, 62


identifiers, 69-70
if statement, 130-132
image map, 27, 548-549, 553-555
image object, 27, 869
creating an instance, 596-597
event handlers, 605-607
properties, 600-605
images, 27, 595
defining in HTML, 595
images array, 597-600
immediate script, 54
incrementing, 104
indexOf(), 372
inequality, 116
Infuse by Acadia, 839
inheritance of styles, 825
initCookie() function, 581
initCookie(monthName), 580-581
initial value, 156
initialExpression, 138
inline characters, 841
insertShape() function, 665-666
instances, 231, 234, 229, 230, 231, 281
integer literals, 76-78
integers, 76-78
internal scripts, 37
interpreted language, 18
isLine(y) function, 668-669
isNaN, 380
ISO Latin-1 character set, 374
ISO-8859-1 character set, 374
item(parent, text, depth), 589


Java, 5, 13-17
accessing directly, 782
checking enabling, 757
Java applets, 5, 16, 18
controlling, 783-795
Java byte code, 14
Java Console, 774
Java to JavaScript communication, 776-781
JavaScript and LiveAudio, 796-803
authoring tools, 839-844
banners, 10
basic structure, 37-44
client-side, 8
comparing to Java, 13-17
conventions, 44-45
data types, 67
definition, 6
development, status, 17-18
digital clock, 12
form validation, 11
future of, 18
games, 9-10
history, 7-8
LED sign, 12
operators, 23, 99-126
printing output, 47
programming with, 23, 26
URLs, 26
uses for, 9-13, 19
JavaScript and LiveVideo, 803-805
JavaScript code, reusing, 842
JavaScript entities, 65
JavaScript exception, 781
JavaScript form reference, 467-468
JavaScript HTML Editor window, 726
new document, 728-737
source document, 724-725
JavaScript interpreter, 31
JavaScript methods, calling, 778-780
JavaScript object specification syntax, 861-880
JavaScript objects, instantiate, 841
JavaScript objects and properties, accessing, 778
JavaScript reference, 840
JavaScript statements (javascript), 418
JavaScript to Java communication, 781-805
join() method, 258-259
JSObject class, methods, 780


keywords, 82


LANGUAGE attribute, 37
lastIndexOf(), 373
layer object, 814-818, 869-870
properties, 814
layer object methods, 817
layers, 28, 807-822
defining, 808-814
introduction, 807-808
leapYear (year), 314-315
LED sign example, 614-633
LEFT, 809
length property, 533
letterArray() function, 627
link, 547-548
link event handlers, 551-556
link object, 870-871
link properties, 556
link() method, 547
linkColor, 462
links array, 549
links, 27, 63
literals, 75-81
Boolean, 79-80
floating point, 78-79
integer, 76-78
string, 80-81
LiveAudio, 766-771
LiveConnect, 16, 28, 773-806
enabling, 773
Netscape packages, 775
LiveConnect communication, 781
LiveScript, 7
LiveVideo, 771
LiveWire, 13
LN2, 327
LN10, 327
load(), 697
local variable, 149, 155, 171
location methods, 438-441
location object, 391, 418-419, 425
location properties, 419-433
location.hash, 424, 425, 426
location.hostname, 427
location.href, 421
location.reload, 438-440, 428-430
log base-10 of Euler’s constant, 328
log(), 332
LOG2E, 328
LOG10E, 328
logab(a,b), 356
logical AND, 118-119
logical NOT, 119
logical operators, 120-121
comma, 121
conditional, 120-121
short-circuit, 117-120
logical OR, 117-118
logical values, 79
loop statements, 137-146
break, 142-144
continue, 145-146
for, 137-139, 141-142
while, 139-140
with, 146-148
loosely typed, 15
lowsrc property, 602-603


main(), 364
mainInput(), 208
maintaining a state, 559
makeArray(length), 589
makeArray(min, max, dif), 362
makeAttribute(r, g, b), 693
makeDatabase(), 590
making statements, 82-83
margins, setting, 828-829
match game, 432
math, 325-365
math constants, 326-329
math examples, 340-364
math methods, 329-330
math object, 25, 325-326, 329-330, 871
Math.max, 359
mathematical operators, 99-105
addition, 100
decrement, 104-105
division, 101
increment, 102-104
integral division, 102
modulus, 101-102
multiplication, 100-101
subtraction, 100
mathematics, 25
math-related functions, 339-340
eval(), 341
parseFloat(), 340
parseInt(), 339-340
max(), min(), 332
METHOD attribute, 480
method property, 480
methods, 25, 95-96, 223
methods syntax, 96
Microsoft Internet Explorer, 8
MIME, 761
mimeTypes object, 761, 872
properties of, 762-764
mixed arrays, see arrays, types
mixed expression, 75
mixing strings and numbers, 74-75
moveX(step) function, 659-660
moveY() function, 661-662
multicharacter strings, 115
multidimensional arrays, creating, 273-276
multiengine search, 433
multitasking operating system, 17
multiword identifiers, 70
MUSIC function, 674


NAME, 808-809
name property, 498-500, 511, 522, 529, 534, 603
naming conventions, 70
NaN, 338
natural cursor positioning, 842
natural logarithm of 2, 327
natural logarithm of 10, 327
navigator object, 28, 752-753, 761, 872
navigator.userAgent, 753
N-banner, 410-413
nested command blocks, 52
nested if-else statements, 133-137
nested objects, 236-242, 387
defining methods, 238-240
dot syntax, 236-237, 239
nested statements, 133
nested strings, 80
Netris Deluxe example, 633-674
Netscape, 7
Netscape color cube, 452
Netscape color names, 451
Netscape Navigator, 8, 36, 65
Netscape packages, 775-776
noActive() function, 668
null value, 67, 68, 249
num, 155
number arrays, see arrays, types
number methods, 339
number object, 337-339
NaN, 338
numbers, 67
number-to-string conversion, 375-378


object, 25, 141
object arrays, see arrays, types
object based, 98
object hierarchy, 93, 94, 387-388
object map, HTML-generated, 857-859
object methods, 223
object oriented, 98
object paradigm, 98
object properties, defining, 231
object-based programming, 91
object-oriented programming, 15, 23, 32
objects, 91-92, 95, 229, 231
built-in, 93, 96
user-defined, 93
octal integers, 76, 78
onAbort event handler, 605-606
onBlur event, 215, 489, 532
onChange event, 489-490, 532, 551
onClick event, 515- 525-56
onError event handler, 219-221, 606
onFocus event, 490-493, 532
onLoad event handler, 219. 606-607
onMouseOut event handler, 552-553
onMouseOver event handler, 61, 552
onRest event handler, 472-473
onSelect event, 493
onSubmit event handler, 470-472
on Unload, 219
operation, 138
operations, 92
operator categories, 99
operator precedence, 123
operators, 23, 99-126, 878-879
assignment, 113-114
bitwise, 107-113
data type, 121-123
logical, 120-121
precedence, 123
relational, 115-117
short-circuit logical, 117-120
string, 105-107
void, 122
Option constructor, 542-544
option object, adding options, 542-545
options array
defaultSelected, 537
index property, 537
properties, 536-543
selected property, 537-539
text property, 539-541
value property, 541
options object, 534
outliner, 582-589
outliner script, 584-588
output methods and streams, 462-465
overflow, 78


padding size, setting, 829
page layout, 51
parameters, 87, 159
parent property, 683-684
parse methods, 298-299
parseFloat(), 340
parseInt(), 339-340
parseInt() and parseFloat(), 379-380
password object, 501-502, 875
access, 502
HTML syntax, 501
methods, 502
properties, 502
pathname, 427
pause() function, 673-674
percentile graph, 187
permanent variables, 152
PI, 328-329
pi, 329
pictorial album of U.S. presidents example, 818-821
placing JavaScript code, 43
placing scripts in documents, 54-57
play() function, 671-672
plugin object, 82
plug-in, accessing elements, 796
plug-in object, 28
determining installation of, 761-762
embedding in HTML, 759
referencing in JavaScript, 760
plugins object, 761
properties of, 764-765
plug-ins, 4, 28, 759-772
controlling, 796-805
pop method, 259-260
port, 427
post, 434
pow(), 332
power(op1, op2), 199
printDeg(deg), 345
printing JavaScript output, 47
printText() function, 53
printUnit(num), 362
programming style, 29-30
properties, 25, 93-95, 238
properties syntax, 94-95
protocol, 428
prototype, 242, 243
prototype and object extensions, 242-244
pull-down menu, 818, 821
push method, 260


quotes, 45, 80


radio button, 523-529
accessing, 525
radio object, 523-529, 872
event handlers, 525-526
HTML syntax, 523-524
JavaScript access, 524-525
methods, 526-528
properties, 528-529
random quotes, 321-323
random(), 333
R-banner, 403-410
reading examples, 30
recursion, 168-173
recursive algorithms, 168
recursive functions, 168-169, 171, 239-240
tracing values in, 170-171
variables and, 171
referring documents, 557
relational operators, 115-117
equality, 116
inequality, 116
reload() method, 438-440
remote document example, 723-725
remote windows, 28
remotes, 716-720
HTML-based, 716-718
JavaScript-based, 719-720
replace() method, 440-441
replaced elements, 828
replaceSpecialSequence(str), 358-359
reset object, 507, 863
reset() method, 474
return statement, 166, 167
returning a value, 166-167
reverse method, 260-261
root(a, b), 356
rotate() function, 667
round(), 333
roundoff error, 79


save(), 696
scope, 149, 151
Script Navigator, 839
scripts, deferred, 54, 56-57, 58-65
scripts, immediate, 54
scrollBanner(seed), 412-413
search, 428
search engines, 2, 3-4
search interface, 433, 435
search utilities, 433-438
security, 29, 831-837
e-mail address, 831-832
tainting, 833-834
URL to URL access, 832-833
select event, 493
select object, 529-545, 873
event handlers, 532-533
HTML syntax, 529-531
JavaScript access, 531
methods, 533
properties, 533-536
select() method, 494-496
select(r, g, b), 694
selectedIndex property, 535-536
self object, 682-683
semantical errors, 31
semicolon, 44
server-side applications, 13
set methods, 294-296
setbgColor(red, green, blue), 460
setCal() function, 316, 578
setClock() function, 305, 612
setImages(), 591-592
setLight(state, x, y) function, 628
setSpecificReminder(num, monthName, newValue), 581-582
setSquare(x, y, state) function, 657
setState(), 590-591
setStorage(), 593
shapeMap() function, 662-664
shift method, 261
shopping cart application, 559
short-circuit evaluation, 119
short-circuit logical operators, 117-120
showBanner(), 402-403, 409-410
side effects, 124-126
sin(), 335
sine curve, 341
smartX(x, y, step) function, 660-661
smartY(x, y) function, 662
sort() method, 226-269
source document, 557
spaces in strings, 106
splice method, 262-265
length, 262-263
offset, 262-263
split() method, 265-266, 279
splitFunc(func), 360
sqrt(), 333-334
SQRT1_2, 329
SQRT2, 329
square brackets, 87, 97
square root, 329
src property, 604
start() function, 669-670
startBanner(), 401-402
startSign() function, 632
startWizard(), 356-358
state(x, y) function, 656
making, 82-83
multiple, 82-83
nested, 83
simple assignment, 83-84
static objects, 14-15
status bar, 26, 393-413
setting a default value, 397-398
writing to, 394-397
stopBanner(), 401
stopClock() function, 613
stopSign() function, 632
storage class, 149, 152, 153
string, 74, 105
spaces in, 106
string arrays, see arrays, types
string enciphering, 381-383
string handling examples, 381
encipher(), 383-384
encode(str, key), 384
string enciphering, 381-383
string indexing, 367
string instance construction, 377
string literals, 80-81
string methods, 371-374
string object, 255, 229, 279, 368, 874
length, 368-369
string operands, 115
string operators, 105-107
strings, 25-26, 67, 367
creating, 368
strings and numbers, mixing, 74-75
string-to-number conversion, 378-380
strongly typed, 15
style sheets, 28-29, 823-830
assigning styles, 825-827
border width, 829
box math, 828
context layout, 824
creating, 825-827
font properties, 824
format properties, 827-829
inheritance of styles, 825
margins, 828-829
padding size, 829
replaced elements, 828
text properties, 824
styles, defining classes of, 826-827
styles, defining with <STYLE> tag, 826
styles, specifying for elements, 826
submit object, 507, 863
submit() method, 473-474
subscript, 250
substring(), 373-374
swap() function, 541
switch statement workaround, 136-137
syntax, 94, 96
syntax errors, 31


taint accumulator, 836-837
taint codes, 836
tainting, 29, 833-837
tan(), 335-336
TARGET attribute, 480
target property, 480-481, 556
T-banner, 398-403
temporary variables, 152
testing equality, 120
testing your script, 854
Tetris game, 633-652
text editor, 35, 46
text object, 487-501, 875
event handlers, 489-493
HTML syntax, 487-488
JavaScript access, 488
methods, 493-496
properties, 496-501
text properties, 824
textarea object, 503-506, 875
handling by line, 505-506
HTML syntax, 503-504
inserting new line characters, 504-505
JavaScript access, 504
this, 231-235
using with event handlers, 481485
this keyword, 235
this properties, 232
time and date examples, 302-323
calendar, 310-321
digital clock, 302-307
digital date, 307-309
time-related methods, 299-302
clearTimeout(), 301-302
setTimeout(), 299-300
title property, 450-451
to methods, 297
toGMTString(), 297
toLocaleString(), 297
toBase(num, base), 202-203
toDec(num, base), 203-204
toggle(num), 592-593
toHex(dec), 459-460
top property, 685
TOP, 809
topmost objects, 389-391
toString() method, 377-378
trailing quote, 80
trigonometric methods, 334-336
two-dimensional arrays, 274
type conversion, 73-75
type property, 481


unary operators, 99
underflow, 78
unescape, 374-375
Universal Resource Locator, 62
unshift method(), 269-270
update(), 695-696
update() functions, 612
updating a page, 48
URL (Uniform Resource Locator), 62, 415
crash course, 415-418
general syntax, 415-416
schemes, 416-417
syntax, 418
Usenet News (News), 417-418
user agent, 753
user interaction, 19
user-defined object, 93, 146, 244


value, 166
value property, 500-501, 511-515, 522-523, 529
var, 149-151, 156, 157
var keyword, 71
variable, 141
variable declaration, 70-71
variable name, 70
variable scope, 149, 153, 157
variable scoping, 24
variable values, 154
variables, 68-71, 84, 89, 247
global, 149, 155
local, 155
permanent, 152
temporary, 152
vertical() function, 739-740
vlinkColor, 462
void operator, 122
vspace property, 604


warp(startX, startY, endX, endY) function, 669
Web page, 3
Web page authoring tools, 22
Web surfers, 2-3, 6
while loops, 140
while statement, 139-140
WIDTH, 810-811
width property, 605
window object, 147, 387, 389, 449, 708, 876-877
window.history object, 444 method, 708-713
IE 3.0 bug workaround, 714
windows, 28, 707-739
accessing objects example, 726-740
algorithm for opening, 721
closing, 721-722
names, 715
opening with JavaScript, 708713
referencing, 715
remotes, 716
scrolling, 723
with statement, 146-148
World Wide Web, 1-2
competition on the, 1
search engines, 2
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), 823
write and writeln, 462-463
WWW, 62


X axis, 345-355


your first script, 46
yVal(xVal), 361


Z-INDEX, 812-813

What's on the CD?

The CD included with this book contains the html source for all examples referred to throughout the book. GIF files with graphics for these examples are also included. The goal in adding these examples is to let you cut and paste applicable examples so you can quickly reuse them during your JavaScript learning experience, and long after that.

The CD contains several subdirectories located off the root directory. The directories are organized by examples, a separate directory for each example. A directory’s name is identical to that of the appropriate example in the book. Directory ex25-2, for example, includes all relevant material for example ex25-2, which is the second example in Chapter 25. Inside each directory are the html sources and, if applicable, gif files. Directory ex25-2, for example, includes the source code ex25-2.htm and the gif files 10.gif, 11.gif, 12.gif, 13.gif, 14.gif, 15.gif, and 16.gif.

These examples can be used in various ways. The easiest way is to just copy them to your hard disk and load them with your favorite browser. Your learning will much improve if you get hands-on experience running the book’s examples. Once you master these examples, you can start to change them. Copy source codes to different files and play around with the JavaScript code. Be sure to test your creations from time to time, so you will be able to easily return to your last working version.

Acadia Infuse software package is also included for your convenience. It allows you to visually create JavaScript code, prepare and store reusable JavaScript code, etc. This package is described in the book.

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