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Appendix A
HTML-Generated Object Map

This appendix shows a comprehensive map of all objects generated by an HTML document. As you can see from a quick glance, the object map is quite complex: Objects are linked to each other in many different ways and directions. Although the object map is transparent to an HTML author, it is very useful to a JavaScript programmer. The shown objects are created automatically from the HTML document; take the time to educate yourself about which HTML construct generates a specific object.

The book references many of these objects. When studying a specific example or explanation, you can go to the map and look for the objects dealt with in the example, as well as the objects which are linked to them in any way. It is always good to understand which other objects a particular object is related to, as this will extend your understanding and increase the number of options you have to accomplish a specific task.

The map in this appendix also shows the properties, methods, and event handlers of every object, in a very succinct way. If you forget the name of an attribute, method, or event handler of an object, it is always good to consult this map first.

The essence of JavaScript is the ability to manipulate the objects in this map (as well as your own). Use this map to achieve more from your script.

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