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Chapter 26

What are Frames?

Frames provide the ability to divide the browser’s window into several sections, each containing a distinct HTML document. There are many different ways to use frames. You can display, for instance, the table of contents on one side of the window, and the content itself on the other side. You can then direct all links in the table of contents to load documents in the other frame, thus ensuring that the table of contents is present at all times. While surfing the Web, you can occasionally recognize a frame-separated window by the frames’ borders. Borderless frames, though, have recently become much more popular.

Creating Frames

Frames are basically plain HTML which are loaded by a parent document. In order to specify the frames in the top-level document, you must use the <FRAMESET> definition. This tag specifies how to divide the window. A single <FRAMESET> tag can divide a document into a set of rows or columns, depending on the desired design. For example, the following definition divides a document into two frames:


These two frames are organized in columns. The left frame is 50 pixels wide, whereas the other frame fills the rest of the document. An asterisk (*) represents the remaining space in a document, after allocating space for the other frames.

You can also specify the percentage width of a column frame out of the window’s width, or the percentage height of a row frame out of the window’s height. The following definition, for instance, divides a document into two frames (laid out as rows), where the upper one takes up one quarter of the document, and the bottom one takes up three quarters of it:

<FRAMESET ROWS="25%, *">

The following tags are equivalent to the preceding one:

<FRAMESET ROWS="*, 75%">
<FRAMESET ROWS="25%, 75%">

The <FRAMESET> tag must always be specified along with its closing counterpart, </FRAMESET>. The basic attributes of the <FRAMESET> tag are cols and rows (they cannot be present simultaneously). Netscape Navigator 3.0 introduced two more attributes:


The FRAMEBORDER attribute accepts either a no or a yes. Alternatively, you can replace the “no” with a 0 digit, and the “yes” with a 1 digit. This attribute enables you to create a document that consists of frames with invisible borders. The BORDERCOLOR attribute accepts a color, either in the form of a hexadecimal triplet or a recognized color name. Since there is a plain gray transition line between two borderless frames, you should specify a white border even when setting FRAMEBORDER to no. Setting FRAMEBORDER to no is not sufficient to completely hide the transition from one frame to another under IE 3.0x. To work around this problem, you should set the FRAMESPACING attribute to 0 under IE 3.0x.

The <FRAMESET> tag specifies a set of frames, each defined by a <FRAME> tag and usually a URL which reflects the initial document in the frame. The following construct creates a document consisting of two frames:

<FRAMESET COLS="100, *">
 <FRAME SRC="frame1.html">
 <FRAME SRC="frame2.html">

The SRC attribute specifies the URL of the document in the frame. You can always load a different document in that frame by clicking a link, submitting a form, and so forth. The preceding source requires three documents: the parent HTML document that includes the <FRAMESET> definition, frame1.html, and frame2.html (note that you can use either a relative or absolute URL). Take a look at the following documents:

<FRAMESET COLS="150, *">
 <FRAME SRC="ex26-1a.htm">
 <FRAME SRC="ex26-1b.htm">
You must download a frame-capable browser
in order to view this document.

Example 26-1 (ex26-1.htm). The top-level FRAMESET document.

<TITLE>First frame</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="white">
Frame #1

Example 26-1a—first frame (ex26-1a.htm). The initial document for the left frame.

<TITLE>Second frame</TITLE>
<BODY BGCOLOR="white">
Frame #2

Example 26-1b—second frame (ex26-1b.htm). The initial document for the right frame.

Figure 26-1.  A simple frames document.

You can delete the borders by replacing the <FRAMESET> tag in Example 26-1 by the following definition:


The result is illustrated in Figure 26-2:

Figure 26-2.  A frames document without a border.

Now take another look at Example 26-1, and notice the <NOFRAMES>… </NOFRAMES> portion. These tags enclose alternative content for browsers which do not support frames. They are similar to the <NOSCRIPT>…</NOSCRIPT> tags which specify alternative content for browsers that do not support JavaScript or have their JavaScript disabled by the user.

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