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Troubleshooting NFS

General Recommendations




Common NFS Errors


The showmount command may be used to display server-side mount information. The option -a displays all remote mounts showing the name of the client and the directory, separated by a colon. The -d option displays only the names of the directories mounted by the clients. And the -e option displays the list of file systems exported by the server.
     # showmount -a
     All mount points on local host:

     # showmount -d
     Directories on local host:

     # showmount -e
     Export list on local host
     /home           edcert21.ucs.indiana.edu edcert20.ucs.indiana.edu     
     /usr/local      edcert21.ucs.indiana.edu

The df command may be used to display information on the file systems mounted remotely, the mount point and the amount of available space. The -F option may be specified to list only a specified file system type.

     # df -F nfs
     Filesystem                      Type  blocks     use   avail %use  Mounted on
     edcert21.ucs.indiana.edu:/home  nfs    68510   55804   12706  81%  /usr/share/help
BSD systems use -t option to specify the fstype. The output from the df command also varies among the different operating systems.

df also resolves the symbolic links and determines the file system mounted at the link's target. For example:

     # ls -l /usr/local/man
     lrwxr-xr-x    1 root     sys            6 Mar 17  1995 /usr/local/man -> catman/
     # df /usr/local/man
     Filesystem              Type  blocks     use   avail %use  Mounted on
     orange:/usr/local        nfs   68510   55804   12706  81%  /usr/local

Use the command nfsstat -s to display NFS activity on the server side. For example:

     # nfsstat -s

     Server RPC:
     calls      badcalls   nullrecv   badlen     xdrcall    duphits    dupage
     50852      0          0          0          0          0          0.00    

     Server NFS:
     calls        badcalls     
     50852        0            
     null         getattr      setattr      root         lookup       readlink  
     1  0%        233  0%      0  0%        0  0%        1041  2%     0  0%  
     read         wrcache      write        create       remove       rename    
     49498 97%    0  0%        0  0%        0  0%        0  0%        0  0% 
     link         symlink      mkdir        rmdir        readdir      fsstat 
     0  0%        0  0%        0  0%        0  0%        75  0%       4  0%     
The output may be interpreted using the following guidelines. On the client side use the command nfsstat -c to display the client statistics. For example:
     # nfsstat -c

     Client RPC:
     calls      badcalls   retrans    badxid     timeout    wait       newcred
     369003     62         1998       43         2053       0          0 

     Client NFS:
     calls        badcalls     nclget       nclsleep     
     368948       0            368948       0            
     null         getattr      setattr      root         lookup       readlink  
     0  0%        51732 14%    680  0%      0  0%        95069 25%    542  0% 
     read         wrcache      write        create       remove       rename 
     210187 56%   0  0%        2259  0%     1117  0%     805  0%      337  0%   
     link         symlink      mkdir        rmdir        readdir      fsstat    
     120  0%      0  0%        7  0%        0  0%        5510  1%     583  0% 
This output may be interpreted using the guidelines given below.

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