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SGI Networking

SGI also recommends that a separate shell script, /etc/init.d/network.local be created as a place to put site specific configuration commands for adding static routing and publishing ARP entries. The shell script should look like this:

# Local network start up script

# Change this to the IP number of your default router

case "$1" in
                route add default $defaultrouter 1
                route delete default $defaultrouter
                echo "usage:  $0 {start|stop}"

Symbolic links should be made to this script from /etc/rc0.d and /etc/rc2.d so the script is called at the time the system starts up and shuts down. Instructions on how to do this can be found /etc/init.d/networks.

The problem with using /etc/init.d/network.local to specify the default route is that when the system is booting up this script isn't read until after the /etc/init.d/network script. So all the commands in the /etc/init.d/network will try to run without a default route. An alternative solution is:

  1. Turn off routed
    # chkconfig routed off
  2. Copy /etc/init.d/network to /etc/init.d/network.dist
  3. Edit /etc/init.d/network. In a standard distribution of this file the following lines should be added at line 428:

If /etc/init.d/network has already been edited look for the following:

            elif $IS_ON routed && test -x /usr/etc/routed ; then

                # Useful option:
                #       -q = "quiet": don't act as router if > 1 interface.
                # See routed(1M) for other options.

                /usr/etc/routed `cat $CONFIG/routed.options 2> /dev/null` &
                                                        $ECHO " routed\c"

# Add segment here

            # Set the default route for all IP multicast packets to the
            # primary interface.
           HOSTRESORDER=local $ROUTE -q add $if1addr 0 >/dev/null 2> &1

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