IRIX 6.2 - man pages


init		process control initial ization
telinit		process control initial ization
inittab		script for the init process
brc		system initialization procedures
bcheckrc	system initialization procedures


passwd		change login password and password attributes
passwd		password file
group		group membership file
groups		show group memberships
pwck		password file checker
grpck		group file checker
newgrp		log in to a new group
pwconv		install and update /etc/shadow with information from /etc/passwd
acctcms		command summary from per-process accounting records
chroot		change root directory for a command
cmp		compare two files
df		report number of free disk blocks
diff		differential file and directory comparator
du		summarize disk usage
find		find files
finger		user information lookup program
ftp		file transfer program
last		indicate last logins of users and terminals
ncheck		generate pathnames from i-numbers
ps		report process status
quot		summarize filesystem ownership
rcp		remote file copy
rdist		remote file distribution client program
renice		alter priority of running processes
sum		print checksum and block count of a file
telnet		user interface to the TELNET protocol
tty		get the name of the terminal
pty		pseudo terminal driver
pts		pseudo terminal driver
umask		set file-creation mode mask
uucp		UNIX-to-UNIX system copy
uulog		UNIX-to-UNIX system copy
uuname		UNIX-to-UNIX system copy
who		display who is on the system


networks	network name database
mount		mount and unmount file systems
umount		mount and unmount file systems
fstab		static information about filesystems
exportfs	export and unexport directories to NFS clients
exports		list of NFS filesystems being exported
showmount	show all remote NFS mounts


mediad		handle removable media on the system
cdromd		handle removable media on the system
msdosd		handle removable media on the system
hinv		hardware inventory command
makedev		Create device special files


cpio		copy file archives in and out
dd		convert and copy a file
mt		magnetic tape manipulating program
pax		portable archive exchange
dump		incremental file system dump
rdump		incremental file system dump
restore		incremental file system restore
rrestore	incremental file system restore
bru		backup and restore utility
distcp		copy or compare software distributions
dvhtool		modify and obtain disk volume header information
xfsdump		XFS filesystem incremental dump utility
xfsrestore	XFS filesystem incremental restore utility


inst		software installation tool


netstat		show network status
top		display processes having highest CPU usage
uptime		show how long system has been up
w		who is on and what they are doing