hpux 10.20 - top (1)

      top - display and update information about the top processes on the

      top [-s time] [-d count] [-q] [-u] [-n number]

      top displays the top processes on the system and periodically updates
      the information.  Raw CPU percentage is used to rank the processes.

      top recognizes the following command-line options:

           -s time     Set the delay between screen updates to time seconds.
                       The default delay between updates is 5 seconds.

           -d count    Show only count displays, then exit.  A display is
                       considered to be one update of the screen.  This
                       option is used to select the number of displays to be
                       shown before the program exits.

           -q          This option runs the top program at the same priority
                       as if it is executed via a nice -20 command so that
                       it will execute faster (see nice(1)).  This can be
                       very useful in discovering any system problem when
                       the system is very sluggish.  This option is
                       accessibly only to users who have appropriate

           -u          User ID (uid) numbers are displayed instead of
                       usernames.  This improves execution speed by
                       eliminating the additional time required to map uid
                       numbers to user names.

           -n number   Show only number processes per screen.  Note that
                       this option is ignored if number is greater than the
                       maximum number of processes that can be displayed per

    Screen-Control Commands
      When displaying multiple-screen data, top recognizes the following
      keyboard screen-control commands:

           j           Display next screen if the current screen is not the
                       last screen.

           k           Display previous screen if the current screen is not
                       the first screen.

           t           Display the first (top) screen.

    Program Termination
      To exit the program and resume normal user activities, type q at any

    Display Description
      Three general classes of information are displayed by top:

           System Data:
                The first few lines at the top of the display show general
                information about the state of the system, including:

                     +  System name and current time.

                     +  Load averages in the last one, five, and fifteen

                     +  Number of existing processes and the number of
                        processes in each state (sleeping, waiting, running,
                        starting, zombie, and stopped).

                     +  Percentage of time spent in each of the processor
                        states (user, nice, system, idle, interrupt and
                        swapper) per processor on the system.

                     +  Average value for each of the processor states (only
                        on multi-processor systems).

           Memory Data
                Includes virtual and real memory in use (with the amount of
                memory considered "active" in parentheses) and the amount of
                free memory.

           Process Data
                Information about individual processes on the system.  When
                process data cannot fit on a single screen, top divides the
                data into two or more screens.  To view multiple-screen
                data, use the j, k, and t commands described previously.
                Note that the system- and memory-data displays are present
                in each screen of multiple-screen process data.

                Process data is displayed in a format similar to that used
                by ps(1):

                     CPU         Processor number on which the process is
                                 executing (only on multi-processor

                     TTY         Terminal interface used by the process.

                     PID         Process ID number.

                     USERNAME    Name of the owner of the process.  When the
                                 -u option is specified, the user ID (uid)
                                 is displayed instead of USERNAME.

                     PRI         Current priority of the process.

                     NI          Nice value ranging from -20 to +20.

                     SIZE        Total size of the process in kilobytes.
                                 This includes text, data, and stack.

                     RES         Resident size of the process in kilobytes.
                                 The resident size information is, at best,
                                 an approximate value.

                     STATE       Current state of the process.  The various
                                 states are sleep, wait, run, idl, zomb, or

                     TIME        Number of system and CPU seconds the
                                 process has consumed.

                     %WCPU       Weighted CPU (central processing unit)

                     %CPU        Raw CPU percentage.  This field is used to
                                 sort the top processes.

                     COMMAND     Name of the command the process is
                                 currently running.

      top can be executed with or without command-line options.  To display
      five screens of data at two-second intervals then automatically exit,

           top -s2 -d5

      top was developed by HP and William LeFebvre of Rice University.