hpux 10.20 - tcio (1)

      tcio - Command Set 80 CS/80 Cartridge Tape Utility

      tcio -o[dervVZ] [-l number [-n limit]] [-S buffersize] [-T tty] file

      tcio -i[drvZ] [-l number [-n limit]] [-S buffersize] [-T tty] file

      tcio -u[rvV] [-l number] [-m blocknumber] file

      tcio is designed to optimize the data transfer rate between certain
      cartridge tape units and the controlling computer.  When used in
      conjunction with other utilities (such as cpio) a significant
      improvement in throughput can be obtained, in addition to reducing the
      wear and tear on the tape cartridges and drives.  With autochanger
      mechanisms, tcio provides the capability of loading a specified
      cartridge, or automatically switching to successive cartridges as
      needed.  With the utility operation, tcio provides functions that are
      unique to cartridge tapes.

      tcio commands take one of the following forms:

           tcio -o     (copy out) Reads the standard input and writes the
                       data to the CS/80 Cartridge Tape Unit specified by

           tcio -i     (copy in) Reads the CS/80 Cartridge Tape Unit
                       specified by file and writes the data to the standard

           tcio -u     (utility) Performs utility functions on the cartridge
                       tape, such as unload, mark, and/or verify the

      In all cases, file must refer to a character special file associated
      with a CS/80 cartridge tape unit.

      During input and output operations, tcio enables immediate report mode
      on cartridge tape units that support this mode (see DEPENDENCIES).
      During writing, this mode enables the drive to complete a write
      transaction with the host before the data has actually been written to
      the tape from the drive's buffer.  This allows the host to start
      gathering data for the next write request while the data for the
      previous request is still in the process of being written.  During
      reading, this mode enables the drive to read ahead after completing a
      host read request.  This allows the drive to gather data for future
      read requests while the host is still processing data from the
      previous read request.  Under favorable conditions, immediate report
      mode allows the drive to stream the tape continuously across multiple
      read/write requests, rather than having to reposition the tape between

      each read/write request.  See ct(7) for more information.

      By default, tcio writes a tape mark in the first block on each tape to
      prevent the tape from being image restored onto a disk.  It also uses
      the last block on each tape to hold a flag indicating whether or not
      the tape is the last tape in a multi-tape sequence.

      Every tcio command must be followed by a -o, -i, or -u option to
      indicate the type of operation being performed.  In addition, the
      following command options are recognized.  They can be specified in
      any order, but all must precede the file name.  Options without
      parameters can be listed individually (each preceded by a -) or
      grouped together.  Options with parameters require the parameter, and
      must be listed individually.

           -d             Print a checksum to standard error.  The checksum
                          is a 32-bit unsigned addition of all bytes written
                          to or read from the tape, providing an extra check
                          of data validity (in addition to tape
                          verification).  The checksum value is only
                          reported to the user, and is not written on the
                          media; thus, the user must manually record and
                          check it.  The checksum is valid only if the same
                          number of bytes are read from the tape as were
                          written to it; in other words, the checksum as a
                          data verification test is meaningless unless the
                          -e option was used when writing the tape.  This
                          option is independent of the verbose modifier.

           -e             Cause a tape mark to be written on the nearest
                          1024-byte boundary following the end of the data.
                          When a tape containing an end-of-data tape mark is
                          read back, the read terminates upon encountering
                          the tape mark.  Thus, by using this option, the
                          checksums generated by the input and output
                          operations are guaranteed to agree.

           -r             Unload the tape from the drive.  On autochanger
                          units, the tape is returned to the magazine.

           -v             Verbose mode; prints information and error
                          messages to standard error.

           -V             This option turns off tape verification.  Some
                          cartridge tape units (see DEPENDENCIES) provide
                          hardware for verifying the data output to the tape
                          (called "read-while-write").  For these units
                          software-driven verification is somewhat
                          redundant, and this option is suggested as a means
                          of reducing wear on tape heads and transport

                          mechanisms.  However, read-while-write
                          verification does not completely eliminate all
                          risk of data loss, so software verification may
                          still be desired in situations where data
                          preservation is critically important.

                          For drives that do not have the read-while-write
                          hardware, a separate verification operation is
                          suggested.  Thus, it is recommended that this
                          option not be used with drives that do not support

           -Z             Prevents tcio from writing a file mark in the
                          first and last blocks.  This option should be used
                          with care because a tape without a tape mark in
                          block zero can be image-restored to a disk.

           -l number      This option is intended solely for autochanging
                          tape drives.  For input or output operations (-i
                          or -o) the -l option selects the cartridge
                          specified by number from the magazine as the first
                          cartridge used in the transfer.  For utility
                          operations (-u option), tcio loads the cartridge
                          specified by number into the drive.  (Note: the
                          autochanger must be in selective mode for the
                          autochanger options to work properly.) Whitespace
                          between -l and number is optional.

           -m blocknumber This option writes a tape mark on a tape at the
                          specified block.  A tape mark in block zero of the
                          tape prevents it from being image-restored to a
                          disk.  Whitespace between -m and blocknumber is

           -n limit       This option specifies the maximum number of
                          cartridges to be allowed in a multitape transfer.
                          It applies only to autochanger type units, and
                          must be preceded by the -l option.  Thus, -l
                          starts the transfer by loading cartridge number
                          and uses at most limit cartridges.  If -l is
                          specified without -n, tcio quietly assumes all
                          remaining cartridges (in ascending order) in the
                          magazine.  Whitespace between -n and limit is

           -S buffersize  Enable specification of buffer size.  This option
                          forces allocation of a block of memory to be used
                          in reading or writing the tape.  The size of the
                          buffer in bytes is 1024 times the value specified
                          for buffersize.  If buffersize is less than 4, it
                          is silently increased to 4.  A buffersize greater

                          than 64 is silently decreased to 64.  If
                          buffersize is not specified, tcio allocates a
                          64K-byte buffer.  Whitespace between -S and
                          buffersize is optional.

                          On tape units that support immediate report, a
                          significant performance increase can often be
                          obtained by using a smaller buffer.  8 Kbytes is
                          the recommended buffer size for these units.  On
                          tape units that do not support the immediate
                          report mode, or on tape units that share a
                          controller with a disk (see DEPENDENCIES) that is
                          simultaneously being accessed, an increase in
                          performance can usually be obtained with a larger
                          buffer.  64K bytes, the default, is the
                          recommended buffer size for these units.

           -T tty         Specify tty as an alternative to /dev/tty.
                          Normally /dev/tty is opened by tcio when terminal
                          interaction is required.  The specified file tty
                          is opened instead of /dev/tty.  Whitespace between
                          -T and tty is optional.  If no input device is
                          available, use /dev/null.

      Copy the contents of a directory into an archive:

           ls | cpio -o | tcio -o /dev/rct/c4t1d0

      Restore it:

           tcio -i /dev/rct/c4t1d0 | cpio -i

      Unload the cartridge from the drive (without verifying the tape):

           tcio -urV /dev/rct/c4t1d0

      Copy all files in the current directory to the tape specified by the
      device file > .CR /dev/rct/c4t1d0 .  The device has a read-while-write
      head, so verify is turned off; a buffer size (option -S) of 8 blocks
      (8 Kbytes) is to be used:

           ls | cpio -o | tcio -oV -S 8 /dev/rct/c4t1d0

      Assume that the cartridge tape unit is an autochanger on controller 2,
      with 8 tapes in the magazine.  Start writing with cartridge 3, and use
      at most 4 cartridges before prompting the user for additional media:

           find usr -cpio | tcio -oV -S 8 -l 3 -n 4 /dev/rct/c2t0d0

    HP7941CT, HP9144A, HP9145A, and HP35401
      These cartridge tape devices contain read-while-write hardware and
      support immediate report mode.

    HP7942, HP7946
      These cartridge tape devices contain read-while-write hardware and
      support immediate report mode.  Use of a small buffer size is not
      recommended with these shared-controller devices when simultaneous
      access to the disk is also required because the intervening disk
      accesses prevent proper tape streaming.

    HP7908, HP7911, HP7912, and HP7914
      These cartridge tape devices do not contain read-while-write hardware,
      and therefore do not support immediate report mode.

      tcio was developed by HP.


      HP-UX System Administrator Manuals.