hpux 10.20 - swremove (1)

      swremove - Unconfigure and remove software products

      swremove [XToolkit Options] [-i] [-p] [-v] [-d|-r] [-x option=value]
      [-X option_file] [-f software_file] [-t target_file] [-C session_file]
      [-S session_file] [-Q date] [-J jobid] [software_selections] [
      @ target_selections]

      SD-UX commands are included with the HP-UX Operating System and manage
      software on the local host only.  To install and manage software
      simultaneously on multiple remote hosts (including PCs) from a central
      controller, you must purchase the HP OpenView Software Distributor (HP
      Prod. No. B1996AA) which provides extended software management, multi-
      site software distribution capabilities and distribution to PCs.  While
      most of the information in this manual page applies to both SD-UX
      commands and the OpenView product, some applies only to the OpenView
      product. Where this is the case, you will see:

                The following xxx applies only to HP OpenView Software

      The swremove command removes software_selections from
      target_selections (e.g. root filesystems).  When removing installed
      software, swremove also unconfigures the software before it is
      removed.  The software is not unconfigured when removed from an
      alternate root directory since it was not configured during
      installation.  When removing available software (within a depot),
      swremove also does not perform the unconfiguration task.

      Note: Selecting a bundle for removal does not always remove all
      filesets in that bundle. If a particular fileset is required by
      another bundle, that fileset will not be removed. For example, if the
      bundles Pascal and FORTRAN both use the fileset Debugger.Run and you
      try to remove FORTRAN , the fileset Debugger.Run will not be removed
      because it is also used by the bundle Pascal.  This is done to prevent
      the removal of one bundle from inadvertently causing the removal of
      filesets needed by another bundle.

      Use the swcluster command to remove software from NFSD clients.

                The following sentence applies only to HP OpenView Software

      For PC software removal, the swremove command also removes
      software_selections from one or more target PC depots.

      Control Scripts

      When removing installed software, the swremove command executes
      several vendor-supplied scripts (if they exist) during the removal of
      the software_selections.  The swremove command supports the following

                a script executed during the analysis of each
                target_selection, it checks to make sure the removal can be
                attempted.  If this check fails, the software product will
                not be removed.

                a script executed immediately before the software files are

                a script executed immediately after the software files are

                a script executed during the unconfiguration of each
                target_selection, it unconfigures the host for the software
                (and the software for the host).  The preremove and
                postremove scripts are not intended for unconfiguration
                tasks.  They are to be used for simple file management needs
                such as restoring files moved during install.  The
                unconfigure script allows the swremove command to
                unconfigure the hosts on which it has been running before
                removing the software specified.

      The swremove supports the following options:

           XToolKit Options
                          The swremove command supports a subset of the
                          standard X Toolkit options to control the
                          appearance of the GUI.  The supported options are:
                          -bg, -background, -fg, -foreground, -display, -
                          name, -xrm, and -synchronous.  See the X(1) manual
                          page for a definition of these options.

           -p             Previews a remove task by running the session
                          through the analysis phase only.

           -i             Runs swremove in interactive mode (invokes the
                          Graphical User Interface). The swremove command

                          also supports an interactive terminal user
                          interface (TUI) in which screen navigation is done
                          with the keyboard (no mouse).

           -v             Turns on verbose output to stdout.  (The swremove
                          logfile is not affected by this option.) Verbose
                          output is controlled by the default verbose=x.

           -d             Operate on a depot rather than installed software.

           -r             Operate on an alternate root rather than /.
                          Unconfigure scripts are not run when removing
                          software from an alternate root directory.  As of
                          HP-UX release 10.2*, -r is optional but is allowed
                          to maintain compatibility with previous versions.

           -x option=value
                          Set the session option to value and override the
                          default value (or a value in an alternate
                          option_file specified with the -X option).
                          Multiple -x options can be specified.

           -X option_file Read the session options and behaviors from

           -f software_file
                          Read the list of software_selections from
                          software_file instead of (or in addition to) the
                          command line.

           -t target_file Read the list of target_selections from
                          target_file instead of (or in addition to) the
                          command line.

           -C session_file
                          Save the current options and operands to
                          session_file.  You can enter a relative or
                          absolute path with the file name. The default
                          directory for session files is /.sw/sessions/.
                          You can recall a session file with the -S option.

           -S session_file
                          Execute swremove based on the options and operands
                          saved from a previous session, as defined in
                          session_file.  You can save session information to
                          a file with the -C option.

                               The -Q and -J options apply only to HP
                               OpenView Software Distributor

           -Q date        Schedules the job for this date.  The date's
                          format can be changed by modifying the file
                          /var/adm/sw/getdate.templ .

           -J jobid       Executes the previously scheduled job.  This is
                          the syntax used by the daemon to start the job.

      The swremove command supports the following syntax for each




      The version component has the form:

           [,r <op> revision][,a <op> arch][,v <op> vendor][,c <op>



      where <op> can be: ==, >=, <=, < or *, >, or != which performs
      individual comparisons on dot-separated fields.  For example,
      r>=BB.10.00 means choose all revisions that are greater than or equal
      to BB.10.00. The system will compare each dot-separated field to find
      matches. Software will only be selected when matches within each field
      are satisfied. Wildcards are not allowed with these operators.

      The = (equals) relational operator is also allowed to specify a
      particular version component.

      All version components are repeatable within a single specification
      (e.g.  r>=A.12, r<A.20). If multiple components are used, the
      selection must match all components.  If the version component is
      simply *, then all versions are included.  No isspace(3) characters
      are allowed.

      The \* software specification selects all products.  It is not allowed
      when removing software from the root directory /.

      For complete information, see the sd(4) manual page.

      The swremove command supports the following syntax for a
      target_selection.  The : (colon) is required if both a host and
      directory are specified.


                The following PC information applies only to HP OpenView
                Software Distributor

      The swremove command also supports the syntax:


      This syntax applies only to PC Controllers.  The pc_controller is a
      fanout server, and swremove will remove software from its PC depot.

    Defaults File
      In addition to the standard options, several swremove behaviors and
      policy options can be changed by editing the default values found in:

           /var/adm/sw/defaults - the system-wide default values,

           $HOME/.sw/defaults - the user-specific default values.

      Values must be specified in the defaults file using this syntax:


      The default values can be overridden by specifying an options file
      with the -X option, or by specifying -x option=value on the command
      line. The policy options that apply to swremove are:

                     Causes the target agent to automatically exit after
                     Execute phase, or after a failed Analysis phase.  This
                     is forced to false when the controller is using an
                     interactive UI, or when -p (preview) is used.  This
                     enhances network reliability and performance.  The
                     default is true - the target agent will automatically
                     exit when appropriate.  If set to false, the target
                     agent will not exit until the controller ends the

                     Causes a target agent to exit if it has been inactive
                     for the specified time.  The default of 1440 (24 hours)
                     applies only when the interactive UI is used.  Usually,
                     the command line controller resets this to 10 minutes.

                     If you change this value to anything other than 1440,
                     that value will be used even if the controller is using
                     an interactive UI.  When using command line invocation
                     of HP OpenView Software Distributor with multiple
                     targets and you have not changed this value from 1440,
                     the value will be reset to 9 minutes plus the number of

                     Normally set to true.  Specifies whether the removal of
                     a kernel fileset should rebuild the kernel or not. If
                     the kernel rebuild succeeds, the system automatically
                     reboots.  If set to false, the system continues to run
                     the current kernel.

                     If the auto_kernel_build option is set to true, the
                     autoreboot option must also be set to true.  If the
                     auto_kernel_build option is set to false, the value of
                     the autoreboot option does not matter.

                     Prevents the removal of software requiring a reboot
                     from the non-interactive interface.  If set to true,
                     then this software can be removed and the target
                     system(s) will be automatically rebooted.

                     An interactive session always asks for confirmation
                     before software requiring a reboot is removed.

                     If the auto_kernel_build option is set to true, the
                     autoreboot option must also be set to true.  If the
                     auto_kernel_build option is set to false, the value of
                     the autoreboot option does not matter.

                     Applies only to the HP OpenView Software Distributor
                     product. Controls automatic job removal.  If the job is
                     automatically removed, job information (job status or
                     controller/agent logfiles) cannot be queried with

                     Automatically selects all software that depends on the
                     specified software.  When set to true, and any software
                     that other software depends on is selected for remove,
                     swremove automatically selects that other software.  If

                     set to false, automatic selections are not made to
                     resolve requisites.

                     If true, bundles that have the is_sticky attribute set
                     to true will be automatically removed when the last of
                     its contents is removed.  If false, the sticky bundles
                     will not be automatically removed.

                     Requires that all dependencies specified by the
                     software_selections be resolved at the
                     target_selections.  For swremove, if a selected fileset
                     has dependents (i.e. other software depends on the
                     fileset) and they are not selected, do not remove the
                     selected filesets.  If set to false, dependencies will
                     still be checked, but not enforced.

                     By default, if a fileset checkremove script fails (i.e.
                     returns with exit code 1), that fileset will not be
                     removed.  If a product checkremove script fails, none
                     of the filesets in that product will be removed .  If
                     set to false, the remove operation will proceed even
                     when a check script fails.

                     If true, bundles that have the is_sticky attribute set
                     to true will be automatically removed when the last of
                     its contents is removed.  If false, the sticky bundles
                     will not be automatically removed.

           job_title =
                     Applies only to the HP OpenView Software Distributor
                     product. This is an ASCII string giving a title to a
                     job.  It is displayed along with the job ID to provide
                     additional identifying information about a job when
                     swjob is invoked.

                     The SD loglevel and logdetail options allow you to
                     choose what amount of information you need in your
                     logfiles - from no detail to complete information.

           The loglevel=0 option allows no information to be written to the
           logfile.  This essentially turns off the logfile process.

           The logdetail=true[false] option controls the amount of detail
           written to the logfile.  Here are the possible combinations of
           loglevel and logdetail options:

           Log Level  | Log Detail      | Information Included
           loglevel=0 |                 | No information is
                      |                 | written to the logfile.
           loglevel=1 | logdetail=false | Only POSIX events are
                      |                 | logged; this is the
                      |                 | default.
           loglevel=1 | logdetail=true  | POSIX detail as above
                      |                 | plus task progress
                      |                 | messages.  Setting
                      |                 | loglevel=1 is not
                      |                 | necessary, it is the
                      |                 | default.
           loglevel=2 | logdetail=false | POSIX and file level
                      |                 | messages only.
                      |                 | Setting the
                      |                 | logdetail=false
                      |                 | option is not necessary.
           loglevel=2 | logdetail=true  | All information
                      |                 | is logged. Setting both
                      |                 | loglevel=2 and
                      |                 | logdetail=true
                      |                 | options is required. With
                      |                 | this combination you
                      |                 | may get the same logfile
                      |                 | behavior as previous
                      |                 | HP-UX 10.x releases.

                This is the default command log file for the swremove

                Controls the log level for the events logged to the command
                logfile, and the target agent logfile.  A value of 0
                prevents information from being logged.  A value of 1
                enables verbose logging to the logfiles.  A value of 2
                enables very verbose logging to the logfiles.

                Controls whether numeric identification numbers are
                prepended to logfile messages produced by SD. A value of 0
                (default) indicates no such identifiers are attached.
                Values of 1-4 indicate that identifiers are attached to

                +  1 applies to ERROR messages only

                +  2 applies to ERROR and WARNING messages

                +  3 applies to ERROR, WARNING, and NOTE messages

                +  4 applies to ERROR, WARNING, NOTE, and certain other
                   logfile messages.

                By default, the swremove command attempts to automatically
                mount all filesystems in the /etc/fstab file at the
                beginning of the analysis phase, to ensure that all listed
                filesystems are mounted before proceeding.  This policy
                helps to ensure that files which may be on mounted
                filesystems are available to be removed.

                If set to false, the mount operation is not attempted, and
                no check of the current mounts is performed.

                Defines the polling interval used by the Interactive UI of
                the controller.  It specifies how often each target agent
                will be polled to obtain status information about the task
                being performed.  When operating across wide-area networks,
                the polling interval can be increased to reduce network

                Controls whether a depot is removed once the last
                product/bundle has been removed.  Useful to set to false if
                you want to retain existing depot ACLs for subsequent depot

                Defines the protocol sequence and endpoint which will be
                used to contact swagentd.  This value should be consistent
                among all hosts that work together.  See sd(5) for details
                on specifying this option.

                For HP OpenView Software Distributor, rpc_timeout=5.
                Relative length of the communications timeout. This is a
                value in the range from 0 to 9 and is interpreted by the DCE
                RPC.  Higher values mean longer times; you may need a higher
                value for a slow or busy network.  Lower values will give
                faster recognition on attempts to contact hosts that are not
                up, or are not running the swagentd.  Each value is
                approximately twice as long as the preceding value.  A value
                of 5 is about 30 seconds for ncadg_ip_udp.

                If no target_selections are specified, select the default
                root directory /, or the default target_directory (when
                operating on depots), at the local host as the target of the

                Defines the default software_selections.  There is no
                supplied default.  If there is more than software selection,
                they must be separated by spaces.

                Indicates the software view to be used by the Interactive UI
                of the controller.  It can be set to products, all_bundles,
                or a bundle category tag (to indicate to show only bundles
                of that category).

                Defines the default location of the target depot.

                Defines the default target_selections.  There is no supplied
                default (see select_local above).  If there is more than
                target selection, they must be separated by spaces.

                Defines the default location of the alternate root

                Controls the verbosity of the swremove output (stdout).  A
                value of 0 disables output to stdout.  (Error and warning
                messages are always written to stderr).  A value of 1
                enables verbose messaging to stdout.

                Prevents the removal of files from a remote (NFS)
                filesystem.  All files on a remote filesystem will be

                If set to true and if the superuser has write permission on
                the remote filesystem, the remote files will not be skipped,
                but will be removed.

    Session File
      Each invocation of the swremove command defines a remove session.  The
      invocation options, source information, software selections, and
      target hosts are saved before the installation or copy task actually
      commences.  This lets you re-execute the command even if the session
      ends before it is complete.

      Each session is automatically saved to the file
      $HOME/.sw/sessions/swinstall{swcopy}.last.  This file is overwritten
      by each invocation of swremove.

      You can also save session information from interactive or command-line
      sessions. From an interactive session, you can save session
      information into a file at any time by selecting the Save Session or
      Save Session As option from the File menu. From a command-line
      session, you can save session information by executing swremove with
      the -C session__file option.

      A session file uses the same syntax as the defaults files. You can
      specify an absolute path for a session file.  If you do not specify a
      directory, the default location for a session file is /.sw/sessions/.

      To re-execute a saved session from an interactive session, use the
      Recall Session option from the File menu.  To re-execute a session
      from a command-line, specify the session file as the argument for the
      -S session__file option of swremove.

      Note that when you re-execute a session file, the values in the
      session file take precedence over values in the system defaults file.
      Likewise, any command line options or parameters that you specify when
      you invoke swremove take precedence over the values in the session

    Software and Target Lists
      The swremove command supports software and target selections from
      separate input files (see the -f and -t options).  Software and
      targets specified in these files will be selected for operation.

      Additionally, the interactive interface reads a list of possible hosts
      to operate on from the values found in:

           /var/adm/sw/defaults.hosts - the system-wide default list of

           $HOME/.sw/defaults.hosts - the user-specific default list of

      Hosts in this file will not be marked for operation, but provide a
      default list from which to choose.  For each interactive command,
      target hosts containing roots and host containing depots, are
      specified in separate lists ( hosts and hosts_with_depots
      respectively).  The list of hosts are enclosed in {} braces and
      separated by white space (blank, tab and newline).  For example:

           swremove.hosts={hostA hostB hostC hostD
           hostE hostF}

    Environment Variables
      The swremove program sets these environment variables for use by the
      control scripts being executed:


           Determines the language in which messages are displayed.  If LANG
           is not specified or is set to the empty string, a default value
           of C is used. See lang(5) for more information.

           NOTE: The language in which the SD agent and daemon log messages
           are displayed is set by the system configuration variable script,
           /etc/rc.config.d/LANG.  For example, /etc/rc.config.d/LANG, must
           be set to LANG=ja_JP.SJIS or LANG=ja_JP.eucJP to make the agent
           and daemon log messages display in Japanese.


           Defines the current directory of the script being executed,
           either a temporary catalog directory, or a directory within in
           the Installed Products Database (IPD).  This variable tells
           scripts where other control scripts for the software are located
           (e.g. subscripts).


           Defines the location of the product, which may have been changed
           from the default product directory.  When combined with the
           SW_ROOT_DIRECTORY, this variable tells scripts where the product
           files are located.


           A PATH variable which defines a minimum set of commands available
           for use in a control script (e.g.  /sbin:/usr/bin).


           Defines the root directory in which the session is operating,
           either "/" or an alternate root directory. This variable tells
           control scripts the root directory in which the products are
           installed.  A script must use this directory as a prefix to
           SW_LOCATION to locate the product's installed files.


           Indicates whether a kernel build is scheduled for a kernel
           fileset selected for removal. This variable is exported to a
           fileset's control scripts and must be tested by preremove scripts
           to determine whether to undo any additions performed by the
           fileset's postinstall script at install time.

           A TRUE value indicates that the selected kernel fileset is
           scheduled for a kernel build and that changes to /stand/system
           are required. A null value, indicates that a kernel build is not
           scheduled and that changes to /stand/system is not required.

           The value of this variable is always equal to the value of


           Indicates whether a reboot is scheduled for a fileset selected
           for removal.  Because all HP-UX kernel filesets are also reboot
           filesets, the values of this variables is always equal to the
           value of SW_SESSION_IS_KERNEL.


           This variable contains the fully qualified software specification
           of the current product or fileset.  The software specification
           allows the product or fileset to be uniquely identified.

      The swremove command catches the signals SIGQUIT and SIGINT.  If these
      signals are received, swremove prints a message, sends a Remote
      Procedure Call (RPC) to the agents to wrap up, and then exits.

      Each agent will complete the removal task (if the execution phase has
      already started) before it wraps up.  This avoids leaving software in
      a corrupt state.

           The Terminal User Interface (TUI) is only supported on SD-UX

    VT320 Terminal Support
      Because the VT320 terminal has predefined local functions for keys
      labeled as F1, F2, F3 and F4, users should use following mapping when
      they desire to use function keys:

           HP or Wyse60        VT320 or HP 700/60 in VT320 mode

           F1                  PF2  !

           F2                  PF1  !

           F3                  space bar

           F4                  PF3  !

           F5                  F10, [ EXIT ], F5  *

           F6                  none

           F7                  F18, first unlabeled key to right of

           F8                  F19, second unlabeled key to right of

           *    - When using PC-AT keyboard with HP 700/60 in VT320 mode

           !    - See "Configuration: HP 700/60 in DEC mode, or DEC
                terminals with PC-AT type keyboard"

           Further, since DEC terminals do not support softkey menu, no such
           menu is displayed on these terminals.

           Many applications tend to use TAB for forward navigation (moving
           from one field to another) and shift-TAB is used for backward
           navigation.  Users having DEC terminals or using terminals in DEC
           emulation modes such as VT100 or VT320 may note that these
           terminals/emulators may give out same character for TAB and
           shift-TAB. As such, it is impossible for an application to
           distinguish between TAB and shift-TAB, and both of them treated
           as if a TAB key was pressed. It might present slight overhead to
           users in case they want to go backwards. Now instead, they should
           complete rest of the inputs and get back to the desired field

    VT100 Terminal Support
      VT100 does not allow the (f1-f8) function keys to be configured.
      Therefore, the following keyboard mappings will apply to VT100

           HP or Wyse60        VT100 or HP 700/60 in VT100 mode

           F1                  PF2  !

           F2                  PF1  !

           F3                  space bar

           F4                  [PF3], [space bar] or [PF3], [=]  !

           F5                  return

           F6                  none

           F7                  none

           F8                  none

           !    - See "Configuration: HP 700/60 in DEC mode, or DEC
                terminals with PC-AT type keyboard"

           Further, since DEC terminals do not support softkey menu, no such
           menu is displayed on these terminals.

           Many applications tend to use TAB for forward navigation (moving
           from one field to another) and shift-TAB is used for backward
           navigation.  Users having DEC terminals or using terminals in DEC
           emulation modes such as VT100 or VT320 may note that these
           terminals/emulators may give out same character for TAB and
           shift-TAB. As such, it is impossible for an application to
           distinguish between TAB and shift-TAB, and both of them treated
           as if a TAB key was pressed. It might present slight overhead to
           users in case they want to go backwards. Now instead, they should
           complete the rest of the inputs and get back to the desired field

    Configuration: HP 700/60 terminal in DEC mode, or DEC terminal with PC-
           AT type keyboard
      Customers using the following configuration may want to be aware of
      the following keyboard difference.

      It may be possible for a user with the "HP 700/60 terminal in DEC
      mode, or DEC terminal with PC-AT type keyboard" configuration to be
      told to press function key F1 through F4 to achieve some desired
      result. For HP 700/60 terminal in DEC mode or DEC terminals, these
      functions keys may be mapped onto PF1-PF4 keys.  (see "Keyboard
      Mappings"). However, the PC-AT type keyboard does not provide PF1,
      PF2, PF3, or PF4 keys, as does the DEC/ANSI keyboard.

      Keyboard Mappings

           "Num Lock"          maps to  "PF1"

           "/"                 maps to  "PF2"

           "*"                 maps to  "PF3"

           "-"                 maps to  "PF4"
           The "Num Lock", "/", "*", and "-" keys are located on the
           keyboard, in a row, above the number pad on the right side of the
           keyboard. Please note that although this keyboard is called a
           PC-AT type keyboard, it is supplied by HP. A PC-AT type keyboard
           can be recognized by location of ESC key at the left-top of the

    Wyse60 Terminal Support
      On Wyse60, use DEL (located next to Backspace) key to backspace.  On
      an HP 700/60 with a PC-AT type keyboard in Wyse60 mode, the DEL key is
      located in the bottom row on the number pad.

      Wyse60 terminals provide a single line to display softkey labels
      unlike HP terminals which provide two lines.  Sometimes this may

      result in truncated softkey labels.  For example, "Help on Context"
      label for F1 may appear as "Help on C".  Some standard labels for
      screen-oriented applications such as SAM and swinstall are as follows:

           On Wyse60 may appear as ..         means

           Help On C                          Help On Context

           Select/D                           Select/Deselect

           Menubar                            Menubar on/off

      An interactive swremove session always returns 0.  A non-interactive
      swremove session returns:

           0   The software_selections were successfully removed.
           1   The remove operation failed on all target_selections.
           2   The remove operation failed on some target_selections.

      The swremove command writes to stdout, stderr, and to specific

    Standard Output
      An interactive swremove session does not write to stdout.  A non-
      interactive swremove session writes messages for significant events.
      These include:

           + a begin and end session message,
           + selection, analysis, and execution task messages for each

    Standard Error
      An interactive swremove session does not write to stderr.  A non-
      interactive swremove session writes messages for all WARNING and ERROR
      conditions to stderr.

      Both interactive and non-interactive swremove sessions log summary
      events at the host where the command was invoked.  They log detailed
      events to the swagent logfile associated with each target_selection.

      Command Log
           A non-interactive swremove session logs all stdout and stderr
           messages to the the logfile /var/adm/sw/swremove.log.  Similar
           messages are logged  by an interactive swremove session.  (The
           user can specify a different logfile by modifying the logfile

      Target Log
           A swagent process performs the actual remove operation at each
           target_selection.  When removing installed software, the swagent
           logs messages to the file var/adm/sw/swagent.log beneath the root
           directory (e.g.  / or an alternate root directory).  When
           removing available software (within a depot), the swagent logs
           messages to the file swagent.log beneath the depot directory
           (e.g.  /var/spool/sw).

                The following line applies only to HP OpenView Software

      Command and target log files can be viewed using the swjob command.

      Preview the remove of the C and Pascal products installed at the local

           swremove -p cc pascal

                The following example applies only to HP OpenView Software

      Remove the C and Pascal products from several remote hosts:

           swremove cc pascal @ hostA hostB hostC

      Remove a particular version of HP Omniback:

           swremove Omniback,l/opt/Omniback_v2.0

      Remove the entire contents of a local depot:

           swremove -d * @ /var/spool/sw

      The SunOS and SD-UX versions of swremove do not support the
      unconfiguration and removal of software products on remote targets.

      The SunOS version of swremove does not provide a graphical user
      interface to unconfigure and remove software products.

                The following PC information applies only to HP OpenView
                Software Distributor

      When removing software from a PC Controller, the swremove command
      operates only on the available software stored in the PC depot
      (configured on the PC controller).  Software installed on PC targets
      can be removed by packaging remove actions (using the PC Console), and
      distributing that package to PC targets.

      The following options do not apply to removing software from PC



              The directory which contains all of the configurable (and
              non-configurable) data for SD.  This directory is also the
              default location of logfiles.
              Contains the master list of current SD options (with their
              default values).
              Contains the active system-wide default values for some or all
              SD options.
              Contains the user-specific default values for some or all SD
              Contains the system-wide default list of hosts to manage.
              Contains the user-specific default list of hosts to manage.
              Contains the set of date/time templates used when scheduling
              Contains session files automatically saved by the SD commands,
              or explicitly saved by the user.
              The Installed Products Database (IPD), a catalog of all
              products installed on a system.
              The default location of a target software depot.

                The following applies only to HP OpenView Software
              The directory which contains all of the configurable (and
              non-configurable) data for SD.
              The default location of a source and target PC depot.

      swremove was developed by the Hewlett-Packard Company.

      sd(4), sd(5), swacl(1M), swagentd(1M), swcluster(1M), swconfig(1M),
      swcopy(1M), swgettools(1M), swinstall(1M), swjob(1M), swlist(1M),
      swmodify(1M), swpackage(1M), swpackage(4), swreg(1M), swverify(1M),
      update(1M), and the HP OpenView Software Distributor Administrator's
      Guide or Managing HP-UX Software with SD-UX manuals.