hpux 10.20 - finger (1)

      finger - user information lookup program

      finger [options] user_name ...

      By default, finger lists for each user_name on the system:

           +  Login name,
           +  Full given name,
           +  Terminal write status (if write permission is denied),
           +  Idle time,
           +  Login time,
           +  User's home directory and login shell,
           +  Any plan the user has placed in file .plan in their home
           +  Project on which they are working from the file .project, also
              in the home directory,
           +  office location and phone number (if known).

      Idle time is in minutes if listed as a single integer, hours and
      minutes if a : is present, or days and hours if a d is present.
      Account names as well as first and last names of users are accepted.

      finger can also be used to list users on a remote machine.  The format
      for user_name is user_name@host.  If user_name is not specified, the
      remote system (HP-UX or non-HP-UX) uses its default standard format
      for listing user information.

      finger recognizes the following options:

           -b        Suppress printing the user's home directory and shell.

           -f        Suppress printing the header that is normally printed
                     in a short-format printout.

           -f        Suppress printing the .project file in a long-format

           -i        Force ``idle'' output format.  Similar to short format
                     except that only the login name, terminal, login time,
                     and idle time are printed.

           -l        Force long output format.

           -m        Match arguments only on user name.

           -p        Suppress printing of the .plan files

           -q        Force quick output format.  Similar to short format
                     except that only the login name, terminal, and login
                     time are printed.

           -R        Print the user's host name.

           -s        Force short output format.

           -w        Suppress printing the full name in a short-format

      Only the first line of the .project file is printed.

      finger was developed by the University of California, Berkeley.

      /etc/utmp           who file
      /var/adm/wtmp       last login file
      /etc/passwd         for users names, offices, ...
      ~/.plan             plans
      ~/.project          projects

      chfn(1), who(1).