
      brc, bcheckrc, mirrorrc, rc, powerfail - system initialization shell






      The mirror disk features described on this page require installation
      of optional Data Pair 800 software (not included in the standard HP-UX
      operating system) before they can be used.

      These shell procedures are executed via entries in /etc/inittab by
      init (see init(1M)).  bcheckrc, brc, and mirrorrc are executed when
      the system is changed out of single-user mode.  rc is executed upon
      entering a new, numbered, run-level.  powerfail is executed whenever a
      system power failure is detected.

           brc         Clears the mounted file system table /etc/mnttab (see
                       mnttab(4)), and loads any programmable
                       microprocessors with their appropriate scripts.

           bcheckrc    Performs all necessary consistency checks to prepare
                       the system to change into multi-user mode.  It
                       prompts to set the system date and to check the file
                       systems with fsck (see fsck(1M)).

           mirrorrc    Sets up mirror disk pairs based on information
                       contained in /etc/mirrortab (see mirrortab(4)).  It
                       invokes mirror to configure the mirror pairs and, if
                       necessary, to reimage the mirrors for data
                       consistency (see mirror(1M)).  It is run by bcheckrc
                       before fsck is run.

           rc          Starts all system daemons before the terminal lines
                       are enabled for multi-user mode.  In addition, file
                       systems are mounted, and accounting, error logging,
                       system activity logging, and the Remote Job Entry
                       (RJE) system are activated in this procedure.

           powerfail   Invoked when the system detects a power-failure
                       condition.  Its chief duty is to reload any

                       programmable microprocessors with their appropriate
                       scripts, where applicable.  It also logs the fact
                       that a power failure occurred.

      fsck(1M), init(1M), mirror(1M), shutdown(1M), inittab(4),
      mirrortab(4), mnttab(4).