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- Anv
Peter Anvin.
Linux device list.
A list of major and minor device numbers for Linux devices. Now
included in the kernel sources.
- Cha
Graham Chapman.
Bootdisk howto.
Available with other Linux HOWTO's.
- Kir
Olaf Kirch.
Linux network administrators' guide.
- Qui95
Daniel Quinlan.
Linux Filesystem Structure--Release 1.2, March 1995.
A description of and a proposal for a standard Linux directory tree,
with the intention is to make it easier to package software and administer
Linux systems by making files appear in standard places. Follows fairly
closely traditional Unix practice, and has got support from most Linux
distributions. Available via FTP from ftp.funet.fi, directory
- TV
Stephen Tweedie and Alexei Vovenko.
Linux filesystem defragmenter.
Available electronically from \
- Wel
Matt Welsh.
Installation and getting started guide.
Lars Wirzenius
Sat Nov 15 02:32:11 EET 1997