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Appendix E - Setting Up a Firewall
Sometimes the standard security precautions aren't considered stringent
enough to protect a site's data. If this is the case for your site, then
you may need to set up a firewall to protect your systems from intrusive
data. (See chapter 12, "Security,"
for help on deciding whether or not your site needs a firewall.)
The firewall software you'll install with this book is Socks version
5. It allows the hosts behind your firewall to access the Internet without
permitting hosts outside the firewall access them.

Be sure to have a separate machine for your firewall for good security.
Then, the machine that contains your servers (e.g., ftpd, httpd) should
be outside the firewall, so people from the outside world can access it.
Your users should be inside the firewall (see fig. E.1).

There are also commercial firewall packages available for Linux, but
they are often too expensive for anyone except those who are running large
sites. The best way to find the commercial system (generally software and
hardware) is by searching the Web. For example, try ZEBU.
Compiling and Installing the Binaries
First, you need to get the binaries compiled before you can set up your
server. So, let's go through that process now.
Preparing to Compile Socks
Before you can compile Socks, you need to set up a Makefile containing
the specific settings you need for your site. This will ensure that the
firewall software is compiled for your needs.
To configure your source for compilation, complete the following steps
on the machine you intend to use as your firewall server (as root):
- Copy the source from /socks5 on the CD-ROM to your favorite
unpacking and compiling location.
- Gunzip the source.
- Untar the source.
- Change to the socks5 directory.
- Type configure to run the script that will look over your system
and configure things for you. This is an automated script that locates
all of the items it needs to be able to compile Socks, and sets up the
Makefile and a list of other necessary files accordingly. A few screens
worth of information slide by as it looks for what it needs and then creates
the files.
Compiling and Installing the binaries
Compiling and installing the general Socks binary is fairly simple.
Just do the following (as root):
- Go to your Socks directory.
- Type make to compile Socks. Use what you've learned throughout
this book about fixing source (e.g. in chapter 10, "Installing FTP
Server software") that won't compile to get it working if you run
into any problems.
- Type make check to run any self-test programs included with
the distribution.
- Type make install to install the binaries and documentation
for Socks.
- Type make clean to get rid of the mess of interim files created
during the compilation.
- Type make distclean to get rid of the interim files the configuration
script created.
Setting Up Your Socks Server
Now, it's time to set up your firewall itself. Take your time and put
a lot of thought into this section. Whatever you leave out now, you'll
have to add later.
Setting Up socks5.conf
The socks5.conf file is where you will define most of your
firewall's permissions and how it handles access. To set this file up,
do the following (as root):
- Edit the file /etc/services.
- Add the line:
socks 1080/tcp
- Edit the file /etc/socks5.conf.
- First, you're going to determine your site's most basic IP address
and your netmask. For example, my site's IP addresses all start with 199.60.103.
with one more number specifying the machine. If I use,
the 0 in the last digit tells Socks that any machine with the same inital
three parts of the IP address is one of mine. For the netmask, because
I have a class C address, I'd use This item is used
in a few of the definitions you'll encounter in this file.
- Now, assign what kind of authentication is required for each location.
Your choices are as follows:
- n no authentication required
- u username, plus password if you require one
- k kerberos 5 required
- - any form of authentication required
- For each item you want to assign a type of authentication to, you need
to have a line containing the following items:
- Use the word auth to tell the server this is an authentication
assignment line.
- Supply the address for the service the authentication type is being
assigned to. This address can be the one determined in step 4: a full host
+ domain name or a domain name.
- Specify the port for the above mentioned service.
- Specify the type of authentication required.
- If, for example, I had a Web server on port 80 with the address
and I didn't want to require authentication so outside users could access
it, I would use the following for its authentication line:
auth 80 n
- If you have any machines with multiple IP addresses, you need to tell
your firewall how to handle them. The items you need to have on a line
assigning routing are the following:
- Use the word route to tell the server this is a routing definition.
- Supply the address for the service or host you are defining. This address
can be expressed in the form of step 4: a full host + domain name or a
domain name.
- Specify the port number of the service you are defining or the name
of the service.
- Specify the IP address of the interface card or the name assigned to
the interface.

If you don't have machines with multiple IP addresses, a routing definition
is not necessary.
- For example, if the Web server I referred to in the previous example
is on a machine with two IP addresses, then I need to assign its routing
here. The definition, if the name of the interface card is le1,
would be as follows:
- route 80 le1
- Now, you can set how you want your server to log some items, and what
kinds of messages it should display. A line with this type of definition
consists of the following items:
- Include the word set to tell it you're setting a logging or
display definition.
- Specify the variable you want to set. The items you can set are as
- SOCKS5_DEBUG Turns on all debugging information
- SOCKS5_LOG_STDERR Logs all messages to stderr
- SOCKS5_LOG_SYSLOG Logs all messages to syslog
- For example, I can send all messages to initially go to the syslog.
Then, I can set the syslog to separate these items according
to type and save them to specific files. To do this, I would:
- If your Socks server has services it needs to access through other
Socks servers, you need to assign some proxies. A proxy definition line
contains the following items:
- Indicate the type of proxy, which can be s5 (socks5), s4
(socks4), or np (no proxy necessary).
- Indicate the address for the service or host you are defining. This
address can be expressed in the form of step 4: a full host + domain name
or a domain name.
- Specify either the port number or the name of the service you're defining.
- Specify either the IP address or the name of the proxy server to use
for the service.
- Indicate the port on the proxy server to contact for the service.
- For example, if the Web service I discussed earlier has to go through
another Socks server, and if this proxy server is also a Socks5 setup at and is set to wait for Web items at port 85,
I would enter the following:
s5 80 85
- Now set access controls to determine which requests for services will
be honored and which will be denied. There are two types of access definitions:
permit and deny. Both options require the same list of parameters,
as follows:
- Determine the type of authentication methods necessary to trust the
service connecting. Your choices are one or more of the following:
- n no authentication necessary
- u username authentication required with optional password
- k Kerberos 5 authentication required
- Establish the types of commands your server will accept from the process
making the connection. You can choose one or more of the following:
- c Accept connections
- b Accept bind
- u Accept udp
- a Accept any and all commands
- Decide the address for the service or host the command is approved
to come from. This address can be expressed in the form of step 4: a full
host + domain name or a domain name.
- Decide the address for the service or host the command is approved
to go to. This address can be expressed in the form of item 4: a full host
+ domain name or a domain name.
- Specify the port for the service or host the command is authorized
to come from.
- Specify the port for the service or host the command is authorized
to go to.
- Create an optional list of user names you are specifically authorizing,
excluding all others.
- For example, if I wanted to authorize all commands from the site
from port 40, to be sent to the machine
on port 45 with no authentication required, then my line would read as
permit a 40 45
- If I wanted to ensure that three particular users (Ralph, Jane, and
Spot) from the site on port 40 could not get into the
same area, I would use the following:
deny a 40 45 ralph jane spot
- 10. Save and exit the file.
Preparing Your Clients
All of your client applications need to be recompiled to know how to
talk to your firewall. Fortunately, even if your client of choice doesn't
have an option in its source to work with a firewall, it's simple to add
the necessary code (if you have access to the source).

Some preconfigured clients come with the firewall software in the clients
directory. Compile them and give them a try if you like.
To determine whether a client's source can be changed to allow it to
work with your firewall, do the following:
- Go to the source directory for the client you want to convert.
- Search it for the following item:
- To do this search, use grep SOCK_DGRAM * to search all of the
files in the directory for the term SOCK_DGRAM.
- If this shows up, you cannot use this client with Socks. SOCK_DGRAM
is a UDP item and does not get along with this firewall software.
- Find another acceptable client that does not contain this item.
To change a client's source to allow it to work with your firewall,
do the following:
- Edit the file.
- Locate the beginning of the main procedure.
- Enter the following near the beginning of this procedure:
- Locate all lines that begin with cc. Add the following to
the end of each of those lines:
-Dconnect=Rconnect -Dgetsockname=Rgetsockname -Dbind=Rbind \
-Daccept=Raccept -Dlisten=Rlisten -Dselect=Rselect

If the client is compiled with a Makefile, add the above to the CFLAGS
- Locate the final target in the Makefile, which starts with cc
or ld.
- Add the following library:
- Compile the client.
- Test the client.
Locating Assistance
If you need assistance in setting up your firewall, there are a number
of excellent sources you can look to for help. These sources are supported
by the people who program the server itself.
The NEC Socks Home Page
NEC has an excellent home page with everything you want to know about
Socks. Check it out at
The Socks Mailing List
You can subscribe to a mailing list for discussions of Socks problems,
postings of new FAQs, announcements, etc. To subscribe, send e-mail to
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