"Linux Gazette...making Linux just a little more fun!"

Welcome to the Graphics Muse
Set your browser as wide as you'd like now.  I've fixed the Muse to expand to fill the aviailable space!
© 1998 by mjh 

Button Bar muse: 
  1. v; to become absorbed in thought 
  2. n; [ fr. Any of the nine sister goddesses of learning and the arts in Greek Mythology ]: a source of inspiration 
 Welcome to the Graphics Muse! Why a "muse"? Well, except for the sisters aspect, the above definitions are pretty much the way I'd describe my own interest in computer graphics: it keeps me deep in thought and it is a daily source of inspiration. 
[Graphics Mews][WebWonderings][Musings] [Resources]
This column is dedicated to the use, creation, distribution, and discussion of computer graphics tools for Linux systems.
The past two months have been quite busy for me.  First, I moved from Denver to Dallas.  Yes - on purpose.  I grew up in Texas and have many friends here.  I loved Colorado - its a beautiful state - but I wasn't much of a cold weather fan and winters there could get chilly.  More importantly, I missed my friends.  Hey, geeks need friends too.
   So I'm back in Dallas now.  The move went well up until I started to set my computers back up.  First, and before I got the other systems unpacked, I blew the monitor on my laptop (aka "kepler").  I have no idea what happened.  Its just dead.  Sigh.  Thats now an $1800 doorstop unless I can get NEC to fix it for a reasonable price.  Suprisingly, I wasn't put off by this.  I started to get my main systems unpacked.  The first thing I did was to bring up my primary system - "feynman", the one I do all my real work on.  I plugged it in, turned it on.  It sprang to life just as always.  Then, 15 minutes later - power spike.  You see, this is a brand new apartment complex.  No one had ever lived here before.  Apparently no one had ever plugged anything in here either.  That burnt plastic smell you've noticed was my Cyrix CPU and PCI chipset waving bye bye.  $400 more.  I really need a cheaper hobby.  Anyway, things are finally back up and running.  More imporantly, its all stable.  Through it all my Linux OS has performed fine.  Its the hardware that keeps kicking up dirt.  So much for commodity items.
   Once life settled back to normal I got back down to business.  I had spent about a month away from serious nerd time during the move and was feeling pretty refreshed.  Translated that means I should have gotten my writing responsibilities done with immediately. Instead I started playing around with the PalmPilot my brother gave me for Christmas.  It wasn't a new one - I think he had it for about a year - but its in perfect condition.  He knew I'd found some info on using it with Linux previously and had mentioned that if I were to get a PDA (Personal Digital Assistant), it would be the Pilot.  Well, I got one.  And its cool (no, not "kewl" - cool, as in "I'm over 30 now").  And the tools available for Unix systems and the Pilot work great.  So great I wrote an article about it.  Keep an eye out in a future LJ for it.  Its cool.
   I also took on another programming task.  I decided, for no particular reason I can think of, to begin scanning the bowels of Gtk and to port my XPostitPlus (aka computer sticky notes for the 3M impaired) to a new widget set.  I really enjoyed it, mostly because the port was very straight forward.  Gtk is quite easy to use.  More so than Motif, although Gtk still has a way to go to be as feature rich (mostly its missing simple convenience tools - or perhaps they are there and I just missed them).  Anyway, I spent way to much time on that.  Planning new features, testing some neat ideas.  Way too long.
   Which leads me to this months column.  Its nearly midnight on January 29th.  I promised I would upload this issue by tonight.  And I still wanted to do a section on XeoMenu, a Java-based menuing system from JavaSoft.  Guess thats not going to happen.  On the bright side - I know what I can do for the Web Wonderings section next month.
    In this months column I'll be covering that nifty logo machine, Font3D, along with its side kick XFont3D.  Both are terrific tools.  XFont3D is a fairly decent front end to Font3D which you'll want to look at if you get seriously involved with creating 3D logos.  For this month, you'll want to view the Muse in something wider than 640 pixels.  Sorry, but to get the images in required a little extra width.
    Hopefully your holidays (if you had any) were good and you're ready to get back into the fun stuff again.  I know I am.  Hey, I even got approached about possibly being a series editor for a set of Linux-related books.  Gee, I wonder what topic I should emphasize....

Graphics Mews
      Disclaimer: Before I get too far into this I should note that any of the news items I post in this section are just that - news. Either I happened to run across them via some mailing list I was on, via some Usenet newsgroup, or via email from someone. I'm not necessarily endorsing these products (some of which may be commercial), I'm just letting you know I'd heard about them in the past month.

Play Video CDs with MpegTV Player

MpegTV is happy to announce that is it now possible to play Video-CD's (VCD's) on Linux-x86 systems with MpegTV Player 1.0 and xreadvcd

MpegTV Player 1.0 is shareware (US$ 10) for personnal and non profit use only. Commercial licenses are required for commercial or governmental use.  xreadvcd is a free utility developped by Ales Makarov (source code available). 

For information and to download MpegTV Player and xreadvcd: 

To receive announcement of new MpegTV product releases you can subscribe to our mailing list: 

Contact information: mailto:info@mpegtv.com 
MpegTV website:      http://www.mpegtv.com


Xi Graphics announes Virge GX/2 support

Xi Graphics, Inc. announces support for the Virge GX/2 in their Accelerated-X Display Server v4.1 for Linux, FreeBSD, BSD/OS, Sun Solaris/86, Interactive, Unixware, and SCO OpenServer V.  XiG has full 2D acceleration in all color depths and resolutions.  XiG also supports hardware gamma correction. 

For current users of Accelerated-X Display Server v4.1 there is now an update_4100.016 on their FTP site which contains new support for the Virge GX/2 (AGP & PCI) video cards, this update includes specific support for the Number9 Reality 334 video card. The update also contains enhanced support for the previous Virge GX and DX video cards. 

For a demo of the Accelerated-X Display Server v4.1 download the demo and these updates: 

are the two files required to get this support.  The update_4100.016.txt file has installation details. 

If you have a graphic card with troubled support contact XiG. They may have a server that fixes your problems. 
Xi Graphics, Inc.  800.946.7433  303.298.7478

TrueType to Postscript font converter

Andrew Weeks has written a program to convert True Type fonts to Postscript, so Linux users can use the TT fonts that come with Windows. 

See http://www.bath.ac.uk/~ccsaw/fonts/ 
Comments/Problems to: 
Andrew Weeks 
Bath Information & Data Services 
University of Bath 
email: A.Weeks@bath.ac.uk 

OpenGL Widget for Gtk

gtkGL version 0.2 is a function/object/widget set to use OpenGL easily with GTK. gtkGL includes gdkGL; GLX wrapper. 

List of current archives appears to be at 
The current version appears to be 

MindsEye mailing list archives


Freedom VR 2, a Quicktime VR viewer

Paul A. Houle announces the release of Freedom VR 2,  a Java applet  that works like a Quicktime VR object movie.  Freedom VR 2 is a solution for photographic VR that can be viewed on any platform for a Java  enabled web-browser,  including Linux as well as other forms of Unix, Mac OS,  OS/2,  Windows and more.  Because it's based on open standards  such as .gif and .jpg,  you can create Freedom VR content on any platform as well.  Freedom VR 2 is released under the GNU public license so it's free and source code is available.

Freedom VR 2 adds many features to Freedom VR 1 -- it's now possible to embed hyperlinks in your VR scenes as well as to make scenes with two dimensional navigation -- where you can drag the object up and down as well as left and right.  Users can now navigate via the keyboard,  and Freedom VR 2 can now be controlled by Javascript.  In addition,  Freedom VR 2 has some improvements in cross-platform performance.

Freedom VR 2 is easy to use;  many people have already made great  content with Freedom VR 1 -- to encourage people to use Freedom VR 2,  we're sponsoring a contest.  We're giving away a free virtual pet to the person who submits the best VR model before December 15, 1997.  Take a look at http://www.honeylocust.com/vr/
Editor's Note:  Ok, so I didn't get this out in time for the contest.  My apologies.

Brother HL 720 Laser Printer driver for Ghostscript

P.O. Gaillard wrote a Ghostscript driver for the Brother HL 720 laser printer. He submitted it to Aladdin Enterprises and it should be included in upcoming versions of Ghostscript (i.e. the ones coming AFTER 5.10). 

This driver is completely free from copyrights by Brother or Microsoft (the printer is not a true WPS printer, which is why he could obtain documentation). You should note that such documentation is not available for Oki and Canon (LBP 660) printers which prevents writing drivers for them. 

Some facts about the driver and the printer 
  = The printer is a 600dpi, 6 ppm , $300 printer 
  = With ghostscript you can print at approximately 5 ppm 
  = It took less than 50 hours to develop the driver 

People (especially maintainers of Ghostscript packages for commercial distributions) who want to use the driver with gs3.33 can contact Mr. Gaillard and he will send them a patch. (The patch has already been posted in fr.comp.os.linux a few months ago). Maybe normal users can wait for Debian and Red Hat packages. 

P.O. Gaillard 

Ed. Note:  this was an old announcment from comp.os.linux.announce. I don't have any other contact information except for the email address. 


VARKON is a high level development tool for parametric CAD and engineering applications developed by Microform, Sweden. Version 1.15C of the free version for Linux is now available for download at: 

For details on what's new in 1.15C check: 

Johan Kjellander, Microform AB 
http://www.microform.se (VARKON/English)

Awethor - Java Based authoring tool

CandleWeb AS is proud to announce a new Java based authoring tool called Awethor.  Awethor strives to meet the needs of web authors when it comes to designing and creating graphics for the Web. As the Awethor system uses vector graphics rather than bitmaps, users can create and publish large scale drawings and animations in small files, thereby avoiding the large download times traditionally associated with large web graphics and animations. 

The output of Awethor can be run in any browser that supports the Java language. Awethor typically outputs two files : 

  1. A file containing the presentation in the QDV (Quick and Dirty Vector graphics) format. QDV is optimized for the Web, and graphics in this format have a fraction of the size compared to similar graphics in GIF or JPEG. 
  1. An HTML-file example with the correct parameters for incorporating the QDV graphics into regular HTML-files. In addition, a standard Java applet driver for QDV is used. The size of the applet is about 13K, so it is loaded quickly (and automatically) and you may reuse the same applet on multiple QDV files.
Here is a short summary of the features of Awethor : 
  • Creates animations and vector graphics that scales for use on the web.
  • Drawing of rectangles, arcs, lines, polygons, splines, images and text are suppported.
  • Full featured WYSIWYG vector based drawing tool.
  • Integrated HTML based help system.
Awethor may be downloaded from the CandelWeb web site : 

FREEdraft - 2D drafting system for Linux/Unix/X.

FREEdraft is under development. It is not yet in any sense ready for production work. It may be useful if you are interested in constraint syntax modeling, or are just the curious type.  Currently FREEdraft consists of a viewer, a dynamically loadable grammer/menu/command system, some geometry types and a library of 2D plane and cad mathematics.

FREEdraft is licensed under the GPL.  Feedback is appreciated.  The source code and a screen shot is available from http://www2.netcom.com/~iamcliff/techno.html

Announcing The WebMagick Image Web Generator Version 1.39

New in this release: a 100% JavaScript interface!

WebMagick is a package which makes putting images on the Web as easy as magick.  You want WebMagick if you:

  1. Have access to a Unix system
  2. Have a large collection of images you want to put on the Web
  3. Are tired of editing page after page of HTML by hand
  4. Want to generate sophisticated pages to showcase your images
  5. Like its interactive JavaScript based interface
  6. Are not afraid of installing sophisticated software packages
  7. Want to use well-documented software (40 page manual!)
  8. Support free software
After 12 months of development, WebMagick is chock-full of features. WebMagick recurses through directory trees, building HTML pages, imagemap files, and client-side/server-side maps to allow the user to navigate through collections of thumbnail images (somewhat similar to xv's Visual Schnauzer) and select the image to view with a mouse click. In fact, WebMagick supports xv's thumbnail cache format so it can be used in conjunction with xv.

The primary focus of WebMagick is performance. Image thumbnails are reduced and composed into a single image to reduce client accesses, reducing server load and improving client performance. Everything is either pre-computed or computed in the browser.

Users with JavaScript-capable browsers (Netscape 3 or 4 & Internet Explorer 4) enjoy an interface that minimizes accesses to the server. Since HTML generation is done in the brower, navigation is much faster and more interactive.

During operation WebMagick employs innovative caching and work-avoidance techniques to make successive executions much faster. WebMagick has been successfully executed on directory trees containing hundreds of directories and thousands of images ranging from tiny icons to large JPEGs or PDF files.

Here is a small sampling of the many image formats that WebMagick supports (48 in all):

WebMagick is written in PERL and requires the ImageMagick (3.8.4 or later) and PerlMagick (1.0.3 or later) packages as well as a recent version of PERL 5 (5.003 or later). Installation instructions are provided in the WebMagick distribution.

Obtain WebMagick from the WebMagick page at http://www.cyberramp.net/~bfriesen/webmagick/dist/. WebMagick
can also be obtained from the ImageMagick distribution site (or one of its mirrors) at ftp://ftp.wizards.dupont.com/pub/ImageMagick/perl/.

Did You Know?

...the POV-Ray Texture Library 3.0 has its own domain now?  Check outhttp://texlib.povray.org/.

Q and A

Q:  Is the Gimp licensed under the GPL or the LGPL?  Does it make a difference?

A:  Actually, I'm not completely sure about the legal differences, but I'll tell you what I know and how I interpret it.  First, the Gimp core program is licensed under GPL.  The Plug-Ins (as of the 0.99.18 release) are licensed via the Gimp API library they use which is called libgimp.  This library is licensed under the LPGL.  GPL - the GNU General Public LIcense - provides that the program may be modified and distributed by anyone as long as the changes are distributed with the source.  This means, I believe, that you can sell the Gimp if you want but that you need to distribute it with the source code, including any changes you may have made to the program.  It also means that the code in the Gimp's core cannot be incorporated into proprietary programs - those programs would have to fall under the GPL if they used any of the Gimp's source code directly.

The Plug-Ins differ from this in that they can be commercial applications, distributable without source code.  They link against libgimp (and the Gtk libraries, which are also LGPL'd) but do not use any of the core Gimp code directly.  The LGPL  appears to cover the libraries distribution rights, but allows proprietary programs to link against the library with certain restrictions.

At least thats how I interpreted it.

Reader Mail

hixson@frozenwave.com wrote (way back in November): 'Muse:  Not quite on my LGH pages, but its a start.  I'll get it added to my LGH pages next time I do an update (whenever I get a chance to do that).

In going through some old email, I found the following discussion which took place in early November 1997 regarding the use of RIB shaders with BRMT.  Being a little short on real subject matter this month, I thought I'd share it with you.

Ed Holzwarth (eholzwar@MIT.EDU) initially wrote:

'Muse:  (Note - I'd love to get back to BMRT.  I just have to learn to stop taking on so many projects at once.)

Hmmm.  I haven't been playing with BMRT for some time now and was no expert to begin with, however I think the problem might be fairly straight forward.  I played with what you sent me by shoving it in a standard RIB that I use to test objects and shaders.  I played with lots of settings in the RIB for colors and opacity.  No real help there.  Then I tried mucking with the two shaders.  Not much luck there.

So I thought about what the volume shader really does.  A volume shader does not have a geometric primitive associated with it.  It is bound to a  surface.  So thinking about this and looking at how the surface was defined via the RIB and the surface shader I thought "Gee, maybe the surface isn't of a type that can allow light to pass through it very well, even if we've set the opacity low".  So I swapped your surface shader with the BMGlass shader I got from a web site (or maybe it was from Larry Gritz's pages, I've forgotten now - the shader was written by Larry).

Success.  The effects of the volume shader are properly displayed using the glass surface shader.  Or lets say the colors you'd expect from the volume shaders impact are obvious and distinct.  The old way, all I got was various forms of reflection from the surface.  Now I get the surface mixed with the volume shader effects.

I don't know if this is the correct solution to your problem, but I think its a start.  The volume shaders effects are tightly bound to how the light enters that volume, and that is determined by the characteristics of the surface through which the light must travel.  Muck with the surface characteristics (or use a clear glass shader if you don't want the surface to play a role in the overall effect) first, then fiddle with the volume shader.

Ed wrote back:

'Muse:  Neat indeed!

And another from the really old email category:

Rob Hartley <rhartley@aei.ca or robert.hartley@pwc.ca> wrote:

'Muse:  ...and howdy from Texas! 'Muse:  Snow measured in anything but millimeters is why I left Colorado.  Beautiful state, but I lack the requisite tolerance for frigid winters. 'Muse:  I'm not certain its legal to redistribute those texts, but it is nice to know they are available in electronic format if desired. 'Muse:  You already have!  Thanks for all this wonderful information! 'Muse:  Its not a bad idea and there certainly is enough material to keep it going.  The only problem is that I don't have the time to split between the two subject areas (and a job, and other writing duties, and ...).  Of course, if any readers would like to do a write up on either and have it included with the Muse feel free to contact me.  You will, of course, get full credit for your work.  The Muse is just another place for graphics fans to gather.

XeoMenu 1.1 from JavaSoft should have been here.  I just procrastinated.  If you want to get a head start on it, take a look at http://java.sun.com:81/share/classes/menu/source/source.html.  Happy wonderings!


Font3D and XFont3D

   One of the problems with using 3D graphics for logos is the lack of good model data for the fonts.  A quick scan of the various model banks, such as Viewpoint Datalabs Avalon archives or 3DSite, finds very few canned models of fonts.  Besides, do you really want to hang on to a complete set of letters in a given font as model data?  After all, how often will you be using X, Q or Z?  (Of course, cyberworld artists probably use these all the time, but thats another story). 

   Fortunately, this problem is easily solved using Todd Prater's Font3D utiltity.  Font3D is a tool for converting text strings using a given font into model data which can be read by a variety of modelling programs and rendering utilities.  Output formats include support for POV-Ray (both 2.x and 3.x formats), Raidance, Vivid, AutoCad DXF, Renderman RIB, and RAW Triangles.  The model data can be generated using a healthy set of Font3D command options.  Features such as face textures, beveling of both front and back faces, length of face and side cuts for beveling, and object positioning are provided.  Font3D supports both Macintosh and MSWindows TrueType font files. 

   Font3D is, I believe, shareware.  The register.txt file states it runs for $10US, although it doesn't state explicitly that you need to register.  Since the files in the latest version, 1.60, are dated with a January 1996 date, I suspect that either no new work has been done on Font3D in some time or only registered users are getting updates.  Then again, once you've seen the breadth of command options avialable, you might wonder what new features could be added. 

   You can fetch the C++ source for Font3D from its primary archives at  http://www-personal.ksu.edu/~squid/ font3d.html.  You can also fetch a slightly older version from the POV-Ray archives at ftp://ftp.povray.org/pub/poray/utilities.  This latter version is th 1.51 version.  I'm not certain why, after all this time, the 1.60 version has not been added to the POV-Ray archives.  Also note that the 1.51 release includes a large DOS and OS/2 binaries in the zip file, along with the C++ source.  The 1.60 release broke out the DOS and OS/2 binaries and includes only the source. 

   The source for 1.60 comes in a zip file.  If, like me, you are unfamiliar with C++, don't worry.  The Makefile provided builds the source without modification.  There really isn't all that much to the source, which makes dealing with the build all that much simpler.  The Makefile assumes you have GCC/G++ installed and in your path.  For Linux users this is pretty much a given, especially if you've installed from one of the well known Linux distributions (Red Hat, Debian, SuSE, Slackware, etc.).  Basically, just follow the installation instructions for Unix systems that can be found in the font3d.txt file, or if you prefer, in the font3d.ps document. 

The code appears quite stable, producing usable code for both POV and RIB (via BMRT) as well as DXF and RAW files that were parsable by the latest version of the AC3D modeller. 

   Font3D processes a specified string using a specified font by parsing a set of commands.  These commands can be specified either on the command line or in a configuration file.  Command options fall into 8 basic categories: 

Categories Commands
Fonts font, font-path, map
Visibility faces, sides, bevels, front-face, back-face, front-bevel, back-bevel
Texturing texture, face-texture, side-texture, bevel-texture, front-face-texture, back-face-texture, front-bevel-texture, back-bevel-texture
Beveling bevel-type, cut, face-cut, side-cut, front-face-cut, front-side-cut, back-face-cut, back-side-cut
Object char, code, depth, resolution, string, triangle type
Output coordinate-system, constants, format, name, output, output-path, precision
Positioning xpos, ypos, zpos
Miscellaneous config, verbose
A config file can be used to specify commands.  The config command can be used to specify the name of the config file or you can set the FONT3D_DEFAULT_CONFIG environment variable: 

For bash/ksh/sh users: 

For csh users: 
    setenv FONT3D_DEFAULT_CONFIG <path>/<config_file_name>
If a path is not specified, the default config file (font3d.def) will be searched for in the same directory from which you started Font3D.   Note that the FONT3D_DEFAULT_CONFIG variable specifies the path and file name, not just the path, to the config file. 

   Commands are formed as "name=value" pairs, whether they are in the config file or on the command line.  If the "value" portion of the command includes spaces it must be enclosed in double quotes.  This is probably only applicable to the string command, which is used to specify the text for which the objects will be generated. 

   By default Font3D uses POV-Ray as its preview renderer, which means the default output file will be a POV-Ray include file.  Object naming is supported for POV objects, although no other output formats allow for naming of objects.  Font3D also uses a right-handed coordinate system by default.  This can be changed with the coordiante-system command line option.  Note that POV-Ray, for example, uses a left handed coordinate system. I would think it would make more sense to make the default left handed since the default output is POV-Ray.  Strings are generated by default, but you can specify a single character using the char command.  You can also specify a character code of a single glyph using the code command. 

   Texturing is only supported for POV output formats.  The texture is referenced by name only, by applying the named texture to the object.  Font3D cannot be used to generate a texture directly. 

   The visibility commands only determine if a component (front face, a bevel, etc) will be displayed in the rendered image.  If the visibility for a component is turned off, the component is still generated as part of the object in the output file.  This means turning the visibility off for various components will reduce the polygon count for your objects.  It does not turn off the actual beveling, however.  If the cut for a face or side is non-zero, then the bevel will still be there except with the visibility turned off the object has a gap where the bevel would have been. 


-Top of next column-
indent More Musings...  
  • None this month!
  •    Bevels, sides and faces are better understood with a simple diagram: 

    As you can see, it is possible to set quite a few characteristics of the objects generated. You can't use the rounded beveling features of Font3D to create completely rounded lettering, however.  The beveling (whether using rounded or flat bevels) work best as subtle effects on the lettering.  This is because the rounded beveling is done using smooth triangles on a flat bevel, which only fake the rounded appearance by altering the normals at the points of triangles.  I covered this type of problem when discussing BMRT's support for True Displacements in the May 1997 Graphics Muse article titled BMRT Part II:  Renderman Shaders. Also, not all formats support the smooth triangles.  Despite this, smooth triangles are the default (POV-Ray) does support them) and are recommended for final renderings. Previews can be run without them, of course, to decrease rendering time. 

    The output from Font3D is prefixed with comments, as shown in font3d-1.txt.  This makes it easy to determine how to reproduce the objects should the need arise.  You can view the actual object code by viewing the example POV-Ray 3.x and RIB files.  These are abbreviated, sample files, since the complete files were over 700k.  Notice that the RIB file is in a format where it can be included using the ReadArchive command.  The samples generated produced the following images:   
    As you can see the generated objects come out very similar.  The rendering options were not optimized so the quality of the renderings shouldn't be compared. 

    Font3D comes complete with very good documentation in both regular text and a postscript version which prints out to 30 pages.  The document includes a very thorough description of all command line options. 

    Although Font3D offers many wonderful features, it can be cumbersome to remeber how to use them all.  Thankfully, Robert S. Mallozzi has added an X-based front end to Font3D which he calls XFont3DXFont3D is an XForms based front end that includes a POV preview capability.  That means it understands how to run POV, but not any of the other supported formats supported by Font3D.
    Aimed at POV users, it (apparently, I didn't verify this) will still run all the command line options allowed by Font3D. 

    XForms Interface

    Using this interface is pretty straightforward as long as you understand the Font3D command structure.  Clicking a button under the options header on the right of the window causes the framed area to the left of that to be populated with relevant buttons and input fields.  Many of these options can be reset to their default values using the small, square buttons with the black dot in them (just click on it once).  In general, you'll want to choose a font first (using the font button to access a file selection window), specify the string to generate and an output file name.  AFter this you can specify configuration options and an output file format (RIB, POV, etc).  Changing the map type (MS, which should really be PC to avoid annoying Unix traditionalists like myself, or MAC) or the Cooordinate handedness probably won't be necessary that often, but that depends on your own needs.

    The following links are just starting points for finding more information about computer graphics and multimedia in general for Linux systems. If you have some application specific information for me, I'll add them to my other pages or you can contact the maintainer of some other web site. I'll consider adding other general references here, but application or site specific information needs to go into one of the following general references and not listed here.
    Linux Graphics mini-Howto 
    Unix Graphics Utilities 
    Linux Multimedia Page 

    Some of the Mailing Lists and Newsgroups I keep an eye on and where I get much of the information in this column: 

    The Gimp User and Gimp Developer Mailing Lists
    The IRTC-L discussion list 

    Future Directions

    Next month:
    XeoMenu, for one.  libgr might be another, or maybe IPAD or VRWave, if I can get either them running in time.

    Let me know what you'd like to hear about!

    © 1998 Michael J. Hammel

    Copyright © 1998, Michael J. Hammel
    Published in Issue 25 of Linux Gazette, February 1998

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