"Linux Gazette...making Linux just a little less scary!"
Write the Gazette at gazette@ssc.com
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 01:46:02 -0700
Subject: MPEG
From: Tristan RAMBO Savatier tristan@mpeg.org
FYI: Linux now has a fast MPEG software player !
Check MpegTV at
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996
Subject: Help?? Firewalling under 2.0.X
From: jwells@nwlink.com (James E. Wells)
I know this message should normally be sent to one of the linux
newsgroups, however I felt this to be a bit more efficient. Basically
the problem is that I can't seem to get IP Masquerading going under 2.X.
I have enabled firewalling / masquerading and disabled forwarding /
bridging. When I look at /proc/net I have two alias files which have to
do with the IP Aliasing, and I have IP Accounting, Forwarding, Input,
and Output, however I have no Masquerading. I have rebuilt the kernel a
number of times to no avail. I have toyed with ipfwadm a number of
times and found that it works fine for all forms of firewalling except
for Masquerading. Any help from you or the readers of this, the best
electronic mag on the net, would be greatly appreciated.
================================ ===============================
// \\ // \\
|| James E. Wells | | ||
|| mailto:nikatjef@nwlink.com | | Junior System Administrator ||
|| mailto:james@LaserDyn.com | | Northwest Link ||
\\ // \\ //
================================ ===============================
(Okay, all you firewall experts out there, who's got a good answer for this
one? --Editor)
Date: Wed, 02 Oct 1996 14:45:06 -0400
Subject: Wow! Support for Win 1.3 :)
From: Eric Wright majestik@netcom.ca
In issue #10, Product Announcements
V Multi-Platform GUI
Version 1.13 of V for X, Windows 1.3, and WIN32 (NT, Windows95) was released on September 9, 1996. It is....
Windows 1.3, eh? heheh
Ps: great job with LG, keep it up ...
(Oops, didn't read that one close enough, I guess. I'd say that was a definite
typo, and it would have been nice to have mentioned Linux more directly. This
product does work for Linux--there is an article by Dr. Wampler about it
in the upcoming December issue of Linux Journal. Anyway I've changed it to
take out all Windows references. Sorry about that. --Editor)
Date: Thu, 03 Oct 1996 10:35:38 +0000
Subject: #10
From: "Adam D. Moss" adam@uunet.pipex.com
Thanks for another Linux Gazette issue!
Adam D. Moss / Consulting / adam@uunet.pipex.com
====-==-=-=--=--=---=---=-------- ---- --- -- -- -- - - - - - - -
UUNET PIPEX / 332 Science Park / Milton Road / Cambridge CB4 4BZ
/ England / Voice +44 (0)1223 250100 / Fax +44 (0)1223 250101
- - - - - - - -- -- -- --- ---- --------=---=---=--=--=-=-==-====
(Short and sweet. Thank you for reading LG. --Editor)
Date: Thu, 03 Oct 1996 15:12:16 +0800
Subject: Postscript Format Request
From: Phil Lewis lewispj@eeye.com.sg
Could you please provide the lg in postscript format please so that it
will be possible to easily read it in hard copy format - It will get a
wider readership and reduce unnecessary multiple www downloads each time
within our organization.
Phil Lewis
Electric Eye
(Due to popular request, I have added one big text file to the list of
options in the Table of Contents called "The Whole Damn Thing 1". Also.
thanks to one of our readers (see next letter) there is also an HTML file called
"The Whole Damn Thing 2". For now that's the best I can do for you--postscript
and other formats will have to wait. --Editor)
Date: Thu, 03 Oct 1996 12:56:52 -0500
Subject: New Set Up of LG
From: Tushar Teredesai Tushar@Agents.ECE.IIT.Edu
I miss the old set up of LG whereby I could download the whole of the LG
which was contained in a single page. Even issue 9 had and alternative
comprising the whole LG in a single page. Hope U provide such a complete
page again. Though there is text version of the entire thing, I would
prefer a html version.
Maybe I could do that combining to a single .html and .txt if U tell me
how (i.e. the rules for formatting.)
BTW, great job. Very useful for guys like me who are new entrants to
administration of their own systems after being dependent on others to
do the dirty job.
-->> http://Tushar.Home.ML.Org
-->> mailto:Tushar@Agents.ECE.IIT.Edu
Running ....... Cos anything else would be a waste...
`:::' ....... ......
::: * `::. ::'
::: .:: .:.::. .:: .:: `::. :'
::: :: :: :: :: :: :::.
::: .::. .:: ::. `::::. .:' ::.
.:::.....................::' .::::..
(What a wonderful idea! Neither Michael, the webmaster, nor I have time to
combine LG
each month, and we were thinking of putting out requests for someone to do
it for us. And here's a volunteer! So we now have "The Whole Damn Thing 2"
in HTML format for issue 9 thanks to Michael, and for issue 10 thanks to
Tushar. What great guys! --Editor)
Date: Wed, 02 Oct 1996 23:00:22 -0400
Subject: Linux version of aprs
From: bill pemberton wapembe@gallows.smart.net
in the current (issue 10) of the Linux Gazette you mentioned that a
Linux version of aprs was available. can you provide further ref?
i searched the ham links on the net but could find no reference to the
Linux version. thanks for the assist.
wapembe@smart.net "actual meaningless quote to be inserted soon!"
(Sorry, I personally cannot. You might try writing Steve Stroh
(strohs@halcyon.com), who sent us the TAPR Position Statement that
appears elsewhere in this issue. --Editor)
Date: 05 Oct 1996 23:42:02 +0200
Subject: mailing list
From: Markus Gutschke gutschk@uni-muenster.de
Have you considered to set up a mailing list that distributes copies of
Linux Gazette? For me, it is very cumbersome to actively look for new
versions of files and to download them from the net; sending/receiving
e-mail/news is fine though, because this can be automated and I do it
in batch-mode every night.
(Yes, this has been requested before, and is on the list of things to
possibly do in the future. However, setting up and maintaining a mailing
list is not something I have time for in the foreseeable future. Since I
plan to have a new issue up on the first of each month, you only have to
look for changes once a month. That shouldn't be too cumbersome.--Editor)
Date: Sat, 12 Oct 1996 14:17:49 -0400
Subject: William R. Della Croce, Jr.
From: "rikk@dragonstar.net" rikk@dragonstar.net
In reference to your article on whether or not Linux is a registered
trademark or not...
First off allow me to say "This guy is the lowest in the scum chain."
There is commercialization, and there is gluttony. Seems to me this person
is trying to take over the Linux name to better his pockets. I
wish you had printed his e-mail address, and let him get a feel for
the anger and disgust...
At any rate, keep up the good work!
| Life on the edge, dragonstar.net
| Friends don't let friends do DOS!
| Running Linux 2.x Intel x86
(Yes, well, while we agree with your sentiments, printing his e-mail address
would probably not have been productive. Lawyers are working on this situation, and
we keep hearing that we will be getting an announcement any day now. Maybe
this week, something will break. It will be on the "Linux Hot News" button
as soon as it does. Thanks for writing. --Editor)
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 1996 14:55:31 -0400
Subject: pointer trouble
From: Bill Semler wsemler@epix.net
Hi -
Just wanted to let you know that the URL ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg
pointed to
in, roughly, the middle of the front page actually points to ftp.ssc.com/lg
which will
display the directory structure but things cannot be accessed. Not a
real big deal, but... Thanks for everything.
Bill Semler, N3RLR
(Thanks for letting me know. I've got it fixed now. Don't know why, but
leaving out the /pub happens to me often when I type that address. Think
it must be time to set up an abbreviation for it, so vi can take care of
it for me. --Editor)
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 1996 16:05:00 -0700
Subject: Linux Gazette versions
From: paulc@sunsite.unc.edu
I noticed a few people recently wanting to take versions of the Linux
Gazette home with them or trying to convert them to run on MS-Win
systems, well there is a program on the Amiga which fetches pages from
the web and changes links over in the process to either an absolute or
relative path - great for the gazette. Well, I'm in the process of
converting this program to Linux, and would be happy to supply you with
the compilable source code so that you can then place the file generated
by this program on one of the pages for download (after gzipping it
(Thanks for thinking of me. This does sound like easy method, and an
easier method is always a better method. Send it on when it's ready.
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 1996 14:17:57 -0700
Subject: Xwindows depth
From: James Amendolagine uq274@freenet.victoria.bc.ca
I have recently been messing with my x-server, and have managed to
get a depth of 16, ie 2^16 colors. This works really nice with netscape,
but some programs (doom, abuse, and other games) wont work with this
many colors. Do you know of a fix? I have tried to get X to support
multiple depths--to no avail. The man-page suggests that some video
cards support multiple depths and some don't. How do I know if mine
I would really like to see an article on this subject,
(Okay, guys here's another request for help with a good idea for an article.
All you authors out there looking for a subject, start writing. --Editor)
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 12:54:11 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: have you seen latest replacement for X?
From: jim fetters gfetters@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu
well, sort of. please check this out.
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 08:10:41 +0200
Subject: could not login to ftp server
From: Hermann Boeken hboeken@de.lucent.com
In the mailbag of LG 10 you write:
> (No problem. tar files are available, I've just been having technical
> difficulties -- they were unreadable. At any rate John Fisk sent us
> files that are now up at ftp://ftp.ssc.com/pub/lg/. Also, our issue 10 file,
> lg_issue10.tar.gzp and all issues (1-10) file,
> are located at that site. --Editor)
But it is (still?) not possible to login to the ftp server.
.-Hermann Boeken--Fon:+49-911-5266186---'::;-------;;:--.
| Fax:+49-911-5266299 :::,, :;; |
| ;:;' ;:; |
| Lucent Technologies ;;: .;: |
| Bell labs Innovations :;:, ,:;: |
| OEPT ':;;;:;:' |
| System Integration & Test |
| |
(Hmmm, it's been working for some time. The mirror sites have all downloaded
files from the ftp server with no problem. I guess I need to know more about
the type of problem you are having -- what kind of messages you get, etc.?
If you are using a web browser--which one and what version?
I have tried to write you directly several times, but all mail comes back
marked "Host unknown". --Editor)
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 1996 17:10:52 +0100
Subject: Mirroring of Linux Gazette
From: Massimo Orlando massimo@asterix.unime.it
I am a student of Computer Science at University of Messina and I am the
system administrator of the Server of the Department.
I have written the form to become a mirror of the Linux Gazette but I
have a question for you:
Must I download the compress file (LinuxGazette_xxx.tar.gz) or
is it automatic?
P.S.: sorry for my english
Thank you for your future answer.
Massimo Orlando
(Massimo, I seem to be having trouble getting mail to you--it keeps coming
back with unrecoverable errors. There is a README.mirrors file on the ftp site,
with instructions. It is definitely not automatic. The University's site
is very cool, and I will be happy
for you to mirror LG. I will need an exact address though (for both the
mirror and you); it was
not obvious to me how to find LG just by looking at the University's
main web page. Please write again. --Editor)
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 14:53:13 -0500
Subject: http://cenotaph.generec.nl/lg/issue10/lg_toc10.html
From: teun@cyclone.generec.nl
(Nice and short and full of information. Only two problems: I can't find
this page (Netscape returns "No DNS entry"), and mail to this address is
returned "host unknown". Please write again. --Editor)
This page written and maintained by the Editor of Linux Gazette,
Copyright © 1996 Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.