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Class java.awt.Scrollbar
- public class Scrollbar
- extends Component
- implements Adjustable
The Scrollbar class embodies a scroll bar, a
familiar user-interface object. A scroll bar provides a
convenient means for allowing a user to select from a
range of values. The following three vertical
scroll bars could be used as slider controls to pick
the red, green, and blue components of a color:
Each scroll bar in this example could be created with
code similar to the following:
redSlider=new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.VERTICAL, 0, 1, 0, 255);
Alternatively, a scroll bar can represent a range of values. For
example, if a scroll bar is used for scrolling through text, the
width of the "bubble" or "thumb" can represent the amount of text
that is visible. Here is an example of a scroll bar that
represents a range:
The value range represented by the bubble is the visible
range of the scroll bar. The horizontal scroll bar in this
example could be created with code like the following:
ranger = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, 0, 64, 0, 255);
Note that the maximum value above, 255, is the maximum value for
the scroll bar's bubble. The actual width of the
scroll bar's track is 255 + 64. When the scroll bar
is set to its maximum value, the left side of the bubble
is at 255, and the right side is at 255 + 64.
Normally, the user changes the value of the scroll bar by
making a gesture with the mouse. For example, the user can
drag the scroll bar's bubble up and down, or click in the
scroll bar's unit increment or block increment areas. Keyboard
gestures can also be mapped to the scroll bar. By convention,
the Page Up and Page Down
keys are equivalent to clicking in the scroll bar's block
increment and block decrement areas.
When the user changes the value of the scroll bar, the scroll bar
receives an instance of AdjustmentEvent .
The scroll bar processes this event, passing it along to
any registered listeners.
Any object that wishes to be notified of changes to the
scroll bar's value should implement
AdjustmentListener , an interface defined in
the package java.awt.event .
Listeners can be added and removed dynamically by calling
the methods addAdjustmentListener and
removeAdjustmentListener .
The AdjustmentEvent class defines five types
of adjustment event, listed here:
AdjustmentEvent.TRACK is sent out when the
user drags the scroll bar's bubble.
AdjustmentEvent.UNIT_INCREMENT is sent out
when the user clicks in the left arrow of a horizontal scroll
bar, or the top arrow of a vertical scroll bar, or makes the
equivalent gesture from the keyboard.
AdjustmentEvent.UNIT_DECREMENT is sent out
when the user clicks in the right arrow of a horizontal scroll
bar, or the bottom arrow of a vertical scroll bar, or makes the
equivalent gesture from the keyboard.
AdjustmentEvent.BLOCK_INCREMENT is sent out
when the user clicks in the track, to the left of the bubble
on a horizontal scroll bar, or above the bubble on a vertical
scroll bar. By convention, the Page Up
key is equivalent, if the user is using a keyboard that
defines a Page Up key.
AdjustmentEvent.BLOCK_DECREMENT is sent out
when the user clicks in the track, to the right of the bubble
on a horizontal scroll bar, or below the bubble on a vertical
scroll bar. By convention, the Page Down
key is equivalent, if the user is using a keyboard that
defines a Page Down key.
The JDK 1.0 event system is supported for backwards
compatibility, but its use with newer versions of JDK is
discouraged. The fives types of adjustment event introduced
with JDK 1.1 correspond to the five event types
that are associated with scroll bars in previous JDK versions.
The following list gives the adjustment event type,
and the corresponding JDK 1.0 event type it replaces.
AdjustmentEvent.TRACK replaces
AdjustmentEvent.UNIT_INCREMENT replaces
AdjustmentEvent.UNIT_DECREMENT replaces
AdjustmentEvent.BLOCK_INCREMENT replaces
AdjustmentEvent.BLOCK_DECREMENT replaces
- See Also:
- AdjustmentEvent, AdjustmentListener
- A constant that indicates a horizontal scroll bar.
- A constant that indicates a vertical scroll bar.
- Constructs a new vertical scroll bar.
- Constructs a new scroll bar with the specified orientation.
Scrollbar(int, int, int, int, int)
- Constructs a new scroll bar with the specified orientation,
initial value, page size, and minimum and maximum values.
- Adds the specified adjustment listener to receive instances of
AdjustmentEvent from this scroll bar.
- Creates the Scrollbar's peer.
- Gets the block increment of this scroll bar.
- Gets the maximum value of this scroll bar.
- Gets the minimum value of this scroll bar.
- Determines the orientation of this scroll bar.
- Gets the unit increment for this scrollbar.
- Gets the current value of this scroll bar.
- Gets the visible amount of this scroll bar.
- Returns the parameter string representing the state of
this scroll bar.
Processes adjustment events occurring on this
scrollbar by dispatching them to any registered
AdjustmentListener objects.
- Processes events on this scroll bar.
- Removes the specified adjustment listener so that it no longer
receives instances of
AdjustmentEvent from this scroll bar.
- Sets the block increment for this scroll bar.
- Sets the maximum value of this scroll bar.
- Sets the minimum value of this scroll bar.
- Sets the orientation for this scroll bar.
- Sets the unit increment for this scroll bar.
- Sets the value of this scroll bar to the specified value.
setValues(int, int, int, int)
- Sets the values of four properties for this scroll bar.
- Sets the visible amount of this scroll bar.
public static final int HORIZONTAL
- A constant that indicates a horizontal scroll bar.
public static final int VERTICAL
- A constant that indicates a vertical scroll bar.
public Scrollbar()
- Constructs a new vertical scroll bar.
public Scrollbar(int orientation)
- Constructs a new scroll bar with the specified orientation.
The orientation argument must take one of the two
values Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL ,
or Scrollbar.VERTICAL ,
indicating a horizontal or vertical scroll bar, respectively.
- Parameters:
- orientation - indicates the orientation of the scroll bar.
- Throws: IllegalArgumentException
- when an illegal value for
orientation argument is supplied.
public Scrollbar(int orientation,
int value,
int visible,
int minimum,
int maximum)
- Constructs a new scroll bar with the specified orientation,
initial value, page size, and minimum and maximum values.
The orientation argument must take one of the two
values Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL ,
or Scrollbar.VERTICAL ,
indicating a horizontal or vertical scroll bar, respectively.
If the specified maximum value is less than the minimum value, it
is changed to be the same as the minimum value. If the initial
value is lower than the minimum value, it is changed to be the
minimum value; if it is greater than the maximum value, it is
changed to be the maximum value.
- Parameters:
- orientation - indicates the orientation of the scroll bar.
- value - the initial value of the scroll bar.
- visible - the size of the scroll bar's bubble, representing
the visible portion; the scroll bar uses this
value when paging up or down by a page.
- minimum - the minimum value of the scroll bar.
- maximum - the maximum value of the scroll bar.
public void addNotify()
- Creates the Scrollbar's peer. The peer allows you to modify
the appearance of the Scrollbar without changing any of its
- Overrides:
- addNotify in class Component
public int getOrientation()
- Determines the orientation of this scroll bar.
- Returns:
- the orientation of this scroll bar, either
Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL or
Scrollbar.VERTICAL .
- See Also:
- setOrientation
public synchronized void setOrientation(int orientation)
- Sets the orientation for this scroll bar.
- Parameters:
- the - orientation of this scroll bar, either
Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL or
Scrollbar.VERTICAL .
- Throws: IllegalArgumentException
- if the value supplied
orientation is not a
legal value.
- See Also:
- getOrientation
public int getValue()
- Gets the current value of this scroll bar.
- Returns:
- the current value of this scroll bar.
- See Also:
- getMinimum, getMaximum
public synchronized void setValue(int newValue)
- Sets the value of this scroll bar to the specified value.
If the value supplied is less than the current minimum or
greater than the current maximum, then one of those values
is substituted, as appropriate.
Normally, a program should change a scroll bar's
value only by calling setValues .
The setValues method simultaneously
and synchronously sets the minimum, maximum, visible amount,
and value properties of a scroll bar, so that they are
mutually consistent.
- Parameters:
- newValue - the new value of the scroll bar.
- See Also:
- setValues, getValue, getMinimum, getMaximum
public int getMinimum()
- Gets the minimum value of this scroll bar.
- Returns:
- the minimum value of this scroll bar.
- See Also:
- getValue, getMaximum
public synchronized void setMinimum(int newMinimum)
- Sets the minimum value of this scroll bar.
Normally, a program should change a scroll bar's minimum
value only by calling setValues .
The setValues method simultaneously
and synchronously sets the minimum, maximum, visible amount,
and value properties of a scroll bar, so that they are
mutually consistent.
- Parameters:
- newMinimum - the new minimum value
for this scroll bar.
- See Also:
- setValues, setMaximum
public int getMaximum()
- Gets the maximum value of this scroll bar.
- Returns:
- the maximum value of this scroll bar.
- See Also:
- getValue, getMinimum
public synchronized void setMaximum(int newMaximum)
- Sets the maximum value of this scroll bar.
Normally, a program should change a scroll bar's maximum
value only by calling setValues .
The setValues method simultaneously
and synchronously sets the minimum, maximum, visible amount,
and value properties of a scroll bar, so that they are
mutually consistent.
- Parameters:
- newMaximum - the new maximum value
for this scroll bar.
- See Also:
- setValues, setMinimum
public int getVisibleAmount()
- Gets the visible amount of this scroll bar.
The visible amount of a scroll bar is the range of
values represented by the width of the scroll bar's
bubble. It is used to determine the scroll bar's
block increment.
- Returns:
- the visible amount of this scroll bar.
- See Also:
- setVisibleAmount
public int getVisible()
- Note: getVisible() is deprecated.
As of JDK version 1.1,
replaced by
getVisibleAmount() .
public synchronized void setVisibleAmount(int newAmount)
- Sets the visible amount of this scroll bar.
The visible amount of a scroll bar is the range of
values represented by the width of the scroll bar's
bubble. It is used to determine the scroll bar's
block increment.
Normally, a program should change a scroll bar's
value only by calling setValues .
The setValues method simultaneously
and synchronously sets the minimum, maximum, visible amount,
and value properties of a scroll bar, so that they are
mutually consistent.
- Parameters:
- newAmount - the amount visible per page.
- See Also:
- getVisibleAmount, setValues
public synchronized void setUnitIncrement(int v)
- Sets the unit increment for this scroll bar.
The unit increment is the value that is added (subtracted)
when the user activates the unit increment area of the
scroll bar, generally through a mouse or keyboard gesture
that the scroll bar receives as an adjustment event.
- Parameters:
- v - the amount by which to increment or decrement
the scroll bar's value.
- See Also:
- getUnitIncrement
public void setLineIncrement(int v)
- Note: setLineIncrement() is deprecated.
As of JDK version 1.1,
replaced by
setUnitIncrement(int) .
public int getUnitIncrement()
- Gets the unit increment for this scrollbar.
The unit increment is the value that is added (subtracted)
when the user activates the unit increment area of the
scroll bar, generally through a mouse or keyboard gesture
that the scroll bar receives as an adjustment event.
- Returns:
- the unit increment of this scroll bar.
- See Also:
- setUnitIncrement
public int getLineIncrement()
- Note: getLineIncrement() is deprecated.
As of JDK version 1.1,
replaced by
getUnitIncrement() .
public synchronized void setBlockIncrement(int v)
- Sets the block increment for this scroll bar.
The block increment is the value that is added (subtracted)
when the user activates the block increment area of the
scroll bar, generally through a mouse or keyboard gesture
that the scroll bar receives as an adjustment event.
- Parameters:
- v - the amount by which to increment or decrement
the scroll bar's value.
- See Also:
- getBlockIncrement
public void setPageIncrement(int v)
- Note: setPageIncrement() is deprecated.
As of JDK version 1.1,
replaced by
setBlockIncrement() .
public int getBlockIncrement()
- Gets the block increment of this scroll bar.
The block increment is the value that is added (subtracted)
when the user activates the block increment area of the
scroll bar, generally through a mouse or keyboard gesture
that the scroll bar receives as an adjustment event.
- Returns:
- the block increment of this scroll bar.
- See Also:
- setBlockIncrement
public int getPageIncrement()
- Note: getPageIncrement() is deprecated.
As of JDK version 1.1,
replaced by
getBlockIncrement() .
public synchronized void setValues(int value,
int visible,
int minimum,
int maximum)
- Sets the values of four properties for this scroll bar.
This method simultaneously and synchronously sets the values
of four scroll bar properties, assuring that the values of
these properties are mutually consistent. It enforces the
constraints that maximum cannot be less than minimum, and that
value cannot be less than the minimum or greater than the maximum.
- Parameters:
- value - is the position in the current window.
- visible - is the amount visible per page.
- minimum - is the minimum value of the scroll bar.
- maximum - is the maximum value of the scroll bar.
public synchronized void addAdjustmentListener(AdjustmentListener l)
- Adds the specified adjustment listener to receive instances of
AdjustmentEvent from this scroll bar.
- Parameters:
- l - the adjustment listener.
- See Also:
- AdjustmentEvent, AdjustmentListener, removeAdjustmentListener
public synchronized void removeAdjustmentListener(AdjustmentListener l)
- Removes the specified adjustment listener so that it no longer
receives instances of
AdjustmentEvent from this scroll bar.
- Parameters:
- l - the adjustment listener.
- See Also:
- AdjustmentEvent, AdjustmentListener, addAdjustmentListener
protected void processEvent(AWTEvent e)
- Processes events on this scroll bar. If the event is an
instance of
AdjustmentEvent , it invokes the
processAdjustmentEvent method.
Otherwise, it invokes its superclass's
processEvent method.
- Parameters:
- e - the event.
- Overrides:
- processEvent in class Component
- See Also:
- AdjustmentEvent, processAdjustmentEvent
protected void processAdjustmentEvent(AdjustmentEvent e)
- Processes adjustment events occurring on this
scrollbar by dispatching them to any registered
AdjustmentListener objects.
This method is not called unless adjustment events are
enabled for this component. Adjustment events are enabled
when one of the following occurs:
- An
AdjustmentListener object is registered
via addAdjustmentListener .
- Adjustment events are enabled via
enableEvents .
- Parameters:
- e - the adjustment event.
- See Also:
- AdjustmentEvent, AdjustmentListener, addAdjustmentListener, enableEvents
protected String paramString()
- Returns the parameter string representing the state of
this scroll bar. This string is useful for debugging.
- Returns:
- the parameter string of this scroll bar.
- Overrides:
- paramString in class Component
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