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Internationalizing an Existing Program: Step by Step

Common Problems with Global Programs introduced the WordMatch applet by Pat Chan. The page then went on to discuss the most common problems that programmers encounter when attempting to internationalize a program such as WordMatch.

Since you can't run the applet, here's a picture of it:

Well, let's do it. Let's go through the exercise of internationalizing WordMatch. Before going forward, make sure you are familiar with the original program code and the original applet tag.

Step 1: Identify the Locale-Sensitive Areas

The first thing you must do when internationalizing any program is figure out what the locale-sensitive areas of the programs are and what problems these may pose.
Once you've identified the locale-sensitive areas of the program. You need to fix them. The following steps are the steps you must take to internationalize the WordMatch program. Your list may be different: It may not include all of these or it may include more. However, the following list is fairly representative of what most programmers will have to contend with.

Step 2: Isolate Locale-Sensitive Data


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