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PPP Per-User Timeouts


This technical note explains how to implement per-user timeouts on Cisco accses servers. For per-user timeouts to work properly, you must run IOS version 11.3(8)T or later. If you run anything earlier, the timers may work in certain basic configurations (such as async only with no virtual profiles), but there are definitely known problems (especially in regards to ISDN users and virtual-profiles) that have been fixed. This note covers configuration of the NAS and AAA server as well as providing show and debug output to act as a standard reference to confirm if it is properly working at your site as or aiding any debugging for problems you may encounter.

Technical Details

Before jumping directly into per-user timeouts which bring in other variables like AAA configuration and RADIUS/TACACS+ servers, etc., let's examine how to configure an access server for fixed-timeouts, ie timeouts that are applied on a global basis and is applied to everyone that dials in.

The key IOS commands will be dialer idle-timeout and timeout absolute. Both of these are interface configuration commands. I will also mention a third command ppp timeut idle which is used on vaccess interfaces.

dialer idle-timeout <x>
This command can be configured on any dialer-capable interface, and controls how long the connection can be idle for (in seconds) before it is terminated. A few things to note. First, this command can only be applied to interfaces that are dialer-capable. By default all ISDN interfaces (BRI and PRI) are dialer-capable, so adding this command is not a problem. Async interfaces (including group-async interfaces) are not dialer-capable by default, you must make them so by entering the command dialer in-band. Only after entering this command on the async interface can you configure dialer idle-timeout. Note that vtemplate (and therefore vaccess interfaces) are not dialer-capable (they are point-to-point only) and thus cannot use this command. Second, on a dialer-capable interface (ie ISDN or async with dialer in-band), the default is dialer idle-timeout 120 (seconds). This is generally too short in an ISP environment, so you should almost always increase this. Third, the dialer idle-timeout by default is only reset on outbound traffic (traffic toward the user) which matches the dialer-list (ie is considered interesting). It is possible to reset it for inbound interesting traffic as well by adding the either keyword at the end of the command (ie dialer idle-timeout 600 either). Fourth, traffic considered "interesting" is defined by the dialer-list <n>, where <n> matches the number in your dialer-group <n> statement. See the DDR documentation for more details on defining dialer-lists.

timeout absolute <x> <y>
This command can be configured on any WAN interface, including async interface, ISDN interfaces, dialer interfaces, and vtemplate interfaces, and controls how long the connections can be up for before it is terminated. Note that the syntax is <x> <y> where <x> is in minutes and <y> is in seconds.

ppp timeout idle <x>: This command can only be configured on vtemplate interfaces (and is even hidden in the parser), and controls how long the connection can be idle for (in seconds) before it is terminated. It does a very similar function as dialer idle-timeout does on dialer interfaces, only ppp timeout idle is for vtemplate/vaccess interfaces. Because it is used specifically on vtemplate/vaccess interfaes, this command is appropriate for virtual-profile configurations (where a vaccess interface is ALWAYS created for a user), and VPDN home gateways (where the projected interaces is always terminated on a vaccess interface). Unlike dialer idle-timeout, there is no concept of interesting traffic, and thus all user traffic will reset the idle timer. Non-user traffic such as LCP keepalives, NCP negotation packets don't reset the timer.


To keep things simple for now, let's assume a base configuration such as the one below. Virtual-profiles is not turned on.
Current configuration:
version 11.3
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
service password-encryption
hostname access-3
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default tacacs+ local
aaa authentication login console none
aaa authentication login use-radius local radius
aaa authentication enable default enable
aaa authentication ppp default if-needed local tacacs+
aaa authentication ppp use-radius if-needed local radius
aaa authentication arap default local
aaa authorization exec default tacacs+ local
aaa authorization exec console none
aaa authorization exec use-radius local radius if-authenticated
aaa authorization network default local tacacs+ if-authenticated
aaa authorization network use-radius local radius if-authenticated
aaa accounting exec default stop-only tacacs+
aaa accounting network default stop-only tacacs+
aaa accounting system default start-stop tacacs+
enable secret 5 $1$oMKx$kPcop1zxkpxa8fkxXBWp21
modem call-record terse
modem buffer-size 250
no ip finger
isdn switch-type primary-5ess
clock timezone PST -8
clock summer-time PDT recurring
controller T1 0
 framing esf
 clock source line primary
 linecode b8zs
 pri-group timeslots 1-24
controller T1 1
 framing esf
 clock source line secondary
 linecode b8zs
 pri-group timeslots 1-24
controller T1 2
 clock source internal
 linecode b8zs
 pri-group timeslots 1-24
controller T1 3
 framing esf
 clock source internal
 linecode b8zs
 pri-group timeslots 1-24
interface Loopback0
 ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface Ethernet0
 ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface Virtual-Template1
 ip unnumbered Loopback0
 no ip directed-broadcast
 no keepalive
 peer default ip address pool default
 ppp authentication chap pap use-radius
 ppp multilink
interface Serial0:23
 ip unnumbered Loopback0
 no ip directed-broadcast
 encapsulation ppp
 no logging event link-status
 no keepalive
 dialer-group 1
 autodetect encapsulation ppp v120
 isdn switch-type primary-5ess
 isdn incoming-voice modem
 peer default ip address pool default
 no fair-queue
 no cdp enable
 ppp max-bad-auth 3
 ppp authentication chap pap use-radius
 ppp multilink
interface Serial1:23
 ip unnumbered Loopback0
 no ip directed-broadcast
 encapsulation ppp
 no logging event link-status
 no keepalive
 dialer-group 1
 autodetect encapsulation ppp v120
 isdn switch-type primary-5ess
 isdn incoming-voice modem
 peer default ip address pool default
 no fair-queue
 no cdp enable
 ppp max-bad-auth 3
 ppp authentication chap pap use-radius
 ppp multilink
interface Serial2:23
 ip unnumbered Loopback0
 no ip directed-broadcast
 encapsulation ppp
 no logging event link-status
 no keepalive
 dialer-group 1
 autodetect encapsulation ppp v120
 isdn switch-type primary-5ess
 isdn incoming-voice modem
 peer default ip address pool default
 no fair-queue
 no cdp enable
 ppp max-bad-auth 3
 ppp authentication chap pap use-radius
 ppp multilink
interface Serial3:23
 ip unnumbered Loopback0
 no ip directed-broadcast
 encapsulation ppp
 no logging event link-status
 no keepalive
 dialer-group 1
 autodetect encapsulation ppp v120
 isdn switch-type primary-5ess
 isdn incoming-voice modem
 peer default ip address pool default
 no fair-queue
 no cdp enable
 ppp max-bad-auth 3
 ppp authentication chap pap use-radius
 ppp multilink
interface FastEthernet0
 no ip address
 no ip directed-broadcast
interface Group-Async1
 ip unnumbered Loopback0
 no ip directed-broadcast
 encapsulation ppp
 no logging event link-status
 async mode interactive
 peer default ip address pool default
 no fair-queue
 no cdp enable
 ppp max-bad-auth 3
 ppp authentication chap pap use-radius
 ppp multilink
 group-range 1 96
 hold-queue 10 in
ip local pool default
ip classless
ip route
no logging console
dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit
tacacs-server host
tacacs-server key cisco
radius-server host auth-port 1645
   acct-port 1646 key cisco
line con 0
 exec-timeout 0 0
 authorization exec console
 login authentication console
 transport input none
line 1 96
 autoselect during-login
 autoselect ppp
 modem Dialin
 escape-character BREAK
 authorization exec use-radius
 login authentication use-radius
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
 exec-timeout 60 0

Global Timeouts

Now let's say we want to impose a 30 minute (1800 seconds) idle timeout and 3 hours (180 minutes) absolute timeout for users. The delta configuration change that will enable global ppp timeouts will be:
interface Serial0:23
 dialer idle-timeout 1800
 timeout absolute 180
interface Serial1:23
 dialer idle-timeout 1800
 timeout absolute 180
interface Serial2:23
 dialer idle-timeout 1800
 timeout absolute 180
interface Serial3:23
 dialer idle-timeout 1800
 timeout absolute 180
interface Group=Async1
 dialer in-band
 dialer idle-timeout 1800
 dialer-group 1
 timeout absolute 180
In case you don't have it, you will need to define a dialer-list 1. The simplest would be dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit.

Piece of cake. =) Now, let's say you were using virtual-profiles. In that case, your configuration can be quite a bit easier because you can just put the timeout on the virtual-template interface.

interface Virtual-Template1
 ppp timeout idle 1800
 timeout absolute 180
That's it!

Per-User Timeouts - AAA Server Configuration

OK, now that we got global timeouts down pat, let's go on and extend this to per-user timeouts. Your per-user timer values will be coming down during network authorization, so you must have aaa authorization network configured to whatever method you are using RADIUS or TACACS+. Also note that per-user timers will always override any global values that are pre-configured on the NAS. The way the per-user timers work is that when the access server receives the timeout attributes during the network authorization phase, it will translate these attributes into a set of configuration commands which will be entered into the interface the user will be connected to. These configuration commands that are entered onto the interface by a background process and are temporary (they are removed when the user disconnects).

First, let's check out some sample user profiles on the server.

RADIUS profiles

timeout-absolute-ppp Password="cisco"

timeout-idle-ppp Password="cisco"

timeout-both-ppp Password="cisco"
Note: your syntax may vary depending on how your dictionary is set up.

TACACS+ profiles

user=timeout-absolute-ppp {
        chap=cleartext cisco
        service=ppp protocol = lcp {
        service=ppp protocol = ip {

user=timeout-idle-ppp {
        chap=cleartext cisco
        service=ppp protocol = lcp {
        service=ppp protocol = ip {

user=timeout-both-ppp {
        chap=cleartext cisco
        service=ppp protocol = lcp {
        service=ppp protocol = multilink { }
        service=ppp protocol = ip {

Per-User Timeouts - NAS Configuration carefully.

If you are only doing async (no ISDN), and not using virtual profiles, as long as you have dialer in-band configured on the async (or group-async) interfaces, the per-user timers should work! The background process will insert the timers on the async interface, using the dialer idle-timeout and timeout absolute commands with the values passed in from RADIUS/TACACS+, and take them out when the user disconnects.

If you are only doing async (no ISDN), and are using virtual profiles, you do not need dialer in-band configured on the async (or group-async) interface. It should just work. The background process will insert the timers on the vaccess interface, using the ppp timeout idle and timeout absolute commands with the values passed in from RADIUS/TACACS+, and take them out when the user disconnects.

If you have ISDN users and you need to do per-user timers, you may need to virtual profiles. The reason being the brackground process that we talked about before does not work for ISDN interfaces, ie you can't and go configure the B-channel the user is connected on. The only thing you can configure is the D-channel which affects everyone. However if a user negotiates multilink on a session, the access-server will automatically create a virtual-access interface which acts as the bundle interface for the user. The background process does work on virtual-access interfaces, it just does not work on a non-multilink ISDN call where there is no virtual-access interface. So, if you will have single B-channel users who do not negotiate multilink and you want to install per-user timeouts for them, you must enable virtual-profiles. Enabling virtual profiles forces a creation of a vaccess interface for all users (not just the multilink users) and the background process can successfully insert the ppp timeout idle and timeout absolute commands. If you choose to not enable virtual profiles, async users and multilink ISDN users will be able to have per-user timeouts applied to them. But, non-multilink ISDN users cannot have per-user timeouts applied to them. Only the global timeouts statically configured on the interface (if any) will apply. If you try to apply per-user timeouts to a non-multilink ISDN user and don't have virtual-profiles turned on, the user connection will fail authorization because the access-server was unable to process the mandatory per-user timeout attributes.

Just to add one more wrinkle into this, a new feature has been added in 11.3(8.1)T and later which allows per-user timeouts to be applied to non-multilink ISDN users. It basically bypasses the background process configuration mode that is usually used and sets the timers directly onto the B-channel without using the CLI. If you are willing to run bleeding edge code (at least at the time this doc was written), go for it!

If you've gotten this far without giving up on this doc, you must be a Dial CCIE. =) In all serious-ness, although this has been such a convoluted topic, if you go back and look at things, it comes down to two pretty simple rules:

  • If not using virtual-profiles, configure dialer in-band on the async interfaces and run a release after 11.3(8.1)T. If you are running 11.3(8)T beware that non-multilink ISDN users cannot have per-user timeouts applied to them, otherwise they will fail to connect.
  • If using virtual-profiles, 11.3(8)T or later will do fine.
Although the recommendation is simple, hopefully you've learned a little from my ramblings.

So on to the debug!


So first up are some async calls. We'll look at two async calls with virtual profiles. The profile that is used for both calls installs a 90 second absolute timeout and a 60 second idle timeout.
--- ISDN SETUP message comes in
*Mar  4 19:21:47.772: ISDN Se0:23: RX <- SETUP pd=8 callref=0x09
*Mar  4 19:21:47.772:         Bearer Capability i=0x9090A2
*Mar  4 19:21:47.772:         Channel ID i=0xA98393
*Mar  4 19:21:47.772:         Called Party Number i=0xC1, '4085703932'
*Mar  4 19:21:47.776: ISDN Se0:23: TX -> CALL_PROC pd=8  callref=0x8009
*Mar  4 19:21:47.776:         Channel ID i=0xA98393
*Mar  4 19:21:47.776: ISDN Se0:23: TX ->  ALERTING pd=8  callref=0x8009
--- Modem is allocated
*Mar  4 19:21:47.776: EVENT_FROM_ISDN::dchan_idb=0x6122CFCC,
 call_id=0x3D, ces=0x1 bchan=0x12, event=0x1, cause=0x0

*Mar  4 19:21:47.776: VDEV_ALLOCATE: slot 1 and port 28 is allocated.

*Mar  4 19:21:47.776: EVENT_FROM_ISDN:(003D): DEV_INCALL at slot 1 and port 28

*Mar  4 19:21:47.776: CSM_PROC_IDLE: CSM_EVENT_ISDN_CALL at slot 1, port 28
*Mar  4 19:21:47.776: Mica Modem(1/28): Configure(0x1=0x0) 
*Mar  4 19:21:47.776: Mica Modem(1/28): Configure(0x23=0x0) 
*Mar  4 19:21:47.776: Mica Modem(1/28): Call Setup
*Mar  4 19:21:47.932: Mica Modem(1/28): State Transition to Call Setup
--- Modem goes offhook
*Mar  4 19:21:47.932: Mica Modem(1/28): Went offhook
 at slot 1, port 28
*Mar  4 19:21:47.932: ISDN Se0:23: TX ->  CONNECT pd=8  callref=0x8009
*Mar  4 19:21:47.996: ISDN Se0:23: RX <-  CONNECT_ACK pd=8  callref=0x09
--- DS0 is cut-through
*Mar  4 19:21:47.996: EVENT_FROM_ISDN::dchan_idb=0x6122CFCC,
 call_id=0x3D, ces=0x1 bchan=0x12, event=0x4, cause=0x0

*Mar  4 19:21:47.996: EVENT_FROM_ISDN:(003D): DEV_CONNECTED at slot 1
 and port 28

*Mar  4 19:21:47.996: CSM_PROC_IC4_WAIT_FOR_CARRIER:
 CSM_EVENT_ISDN_CONNECTED at slot 1, port 28
--- Modem training starts
*Mar  4 19:21:47.996: Mica Modem(1/28): Link Initiate
*Mar  4 19:21:49.140: Mica Modem(1/28): State Transition to Connect
*Mar  4 19:21:54.276: Mica Modem(1/28): State Transition to Link
*Mar  4 19:22:05.828: Mica Modem(1/28): State Transition to Trainup
*Mar  4 19:22:09.028: Mica Modem(1/28): State Transition to EC Negotiating
*Mar  4 19:22:09.568: Mica Modem(1/28): State Transition to Steady State
--- Modem training completes
*Mar  4 19:22:10.128: AAA: parse name=tty53 idb type=10 tty=53
*Mar  4 19:22:10.128: AAA: name=tty53 flags=0x11 type=4 shelf=0 slot=0 adapter=0
 port=53 channel=0
*Mar  4 19:22:10.128: AAA: parse name=Serial0:18 idb type=12 tty=-1
*Mar  4 19:22:10.128: AAA: name=Serial0:18 flags=0x51 type=1 shelf=0 slot=0
 adapter=0 port=0 channel=18
--- PPP begins negotiation
*Mar  4 19:22:11.332: As53 LCP: Lower layer not up, Fast Starting
*Mar  4 19:22:11.332: As53 PPP: Treating connection as a dedicated line
*Mar  4 19:22:11.332: As53 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: (0): LCP succeeds trivially
--- LCP negotiation completes, authentication begins
*Mar  4 19:22:13.556: As53 PPP: Phase is AUTHENTICATING, by this end
*Mar  4 19:22:13.556: As53 CHAP: O CHALLENGE id 1 len 26 from "STACK"
*Mar  4 19:22:16.016: As53 AUTH: Started process 0 pid 45
*Mar  4 19:22:16.016: As53 AAA/AUTHOR/PER-USER: Event LCP_DOWN
*Mar  4 19:22:16.208: As53 PPP: Phase is AUTHENTICATING, by this end
*Mar  4 19:22:16.208: As53 CHAP: O CHALLENGE id 2 len 26 from "STACK"
--- CHAP response received from client
*Mar  4 19:22:16.304: As53 CHAP: I RESPONSE id 2 len 30 from "timemeout"
*Mar  4 19:22:16.304: AAA: parse name=Async53 idb type=10 tty=53
*Mar  4 19:22:16.304: AAA: name=Async53 flags=0x11 type=4 shelf=0
 slot=0 adapter=0 port=53 channel=0
*Mar  4 19:22:16.304: AAA: parse name=Serial0:18 idb type=12 tty=-1
*Mar  4 19:22:16.304: AAA: name=Serial0:18 flags=0x51 type=1 shelf=0
 slot=0 adapter=0 port=0 channel=18
--- Send RADIUS query
*Mar  4 19:22:16.304: RADIUS: ustruct sharecount=1
*Mar  4 19:22:16.304: RADIUS: Initial Transmit Async53
 id 0, Access-Request, len 92
*Mar  4 19:22:16.304:         Attribute 4 6 AC101874
*Mar  4 19:22:16.304:         Attribute 5 6 00000035
*Mar  4 19:22:16.304:         Attribute 61 6 00000000
*Mar  4 19:22:16.304:         Attribute 1 11 74696D65
*Mar  4 19:22:16.304:         Attribute 30 12 34303835
*Mar  4 19:22:16.304:         Attribute 3 19 0283D0F9
*Mar  4 19:22:16.308:         Attribute 6 6 00000002
*Mar  4 19:22:16.308:         Attribute 7 6 00000001
--- Received RADIUS response, note attribute 27
 (Session-Timeout -> absolute timeout) is 0x5A (90)
--- and attribute 28 (Idle-Timeout) is 0x3C (60).
*Mar  4 19:22:16.316: RADIUS: Received from
 id 0, Access-Accept, len 50
*Mar  4 19:22:16.316:         Attribute 6 6 00000002
*Mar  4 19:22:16.320:         Attribute 7 6 00000001
*Mar  4 19:22:16.320:         Attribute 8 6 FFFFFFFE
*Mar  4 19:22:16.320:   Attribute 27 6 0000005A
*Mar  4 19:22:16.320:         Attribute 28 6 0000003C
--- Start LCP authorization
*Mar  4 19:22:16.320: As53 AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Authorize LCP
*Mar  4 19:22:16.320: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP As53 (3506139973): Port='Async53'
 list='' service=NET
*Mar  4 19:22:16.320: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: As53 (3506139973) send AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:22:16.320: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: As53 (3506139973) send AV protocol=lcp
*Mar  4 19:22:16.320: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP (3506139973) found list "default"
*Mar  4 19:22:16.320: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: As53 (3506139973) Method=RADIUS
*Mar  4 19:22:16.320: AAA/AUTHOR (3506139973): Post authorization
--- Gleaned per-user timeouts from user profile
*Mar  4 19:22:16.320: As53 AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Processing AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:22:16.320: As53 AAA/AUTHOR/LCP:
 Processing AV timeout=90
*Mar  4 19:22:16.320: As53 AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Processing AV idletime=60
--- Translate AAA attributes to interface configuration commands.
 Since we are using virtual-profiles
--- we will use the ppp timeout idle command instead of dialer in-band.
 Note that 90 second absolute
--- timeout translates to the command timeout absolute 1 30
 (1 minute and 30 seconds).
*Mar  4 19:22:16.320: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP As53:
 Per-user interface config created:
timeout absolute 1 30
ppp timeout idle 60

--- PPP authentication succeeds
*Mar  4 19:22:16.320: As53 CHAP: O SUCCESS id 2 len 4
*Mar  4 19:22:16.320: AAA/ACCT/NET/START User timemeout, Port Async53, List ""
*Mar  4 19:22:16.320: AAA/ACCT/NET: Found list "default"
--- Create new vaccess interface
*Mar  4 19:22:16.416: VTEMPLATE: No unused vaccess, create new vaccess
*Mar  4 19:22:16.416: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Set default settings with no
 ip address, encap ppp
*Mar  4 19:22:16.440: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Hardware address 00e0.1e81.636c
*Mar  4 19:22:16.440: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Has a new cloneblk vtemplate,
 now it has vtemplate
*Mar  4 19:22:16.440: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: ****** CLONE VACCESS1 *****
*Mar  4 19:22:16.440: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Clone from Virtual-Template1
interface Virtual-Access1
default ip address
no ip address
encap ppp
ip unnumbered Loopback0
ip access-group 199 in
ip helper-address
no ip directed-broadcast
ip accounting output-packets
ip nat inside
no keepalive
peer default ip address pool default
compress mppc
ppp callback accept
ppp authentication chap pap ms-chap
ppp multilink
multilink max-links 2

*Mar  4 19:22:16.504: Vi1 CCP: Re-Syncing history using legacy method
--- Now add the per-user timeouts we constructed for this user
*Mar  4 19:22:16.520: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Has a new cloneblk AAA,
 now it has vtemplate/AAA
*Mar  4 19:22:16.520: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: ****** CLONE VACCESS1 ******
*Mar  4 19:22:16.520: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Clone from AAA
interface Virtual-Access1
timeout absolute 1 30
ppp timeout idle 60

--- LCP layer is finished, negotiate the appropriate NCP's
*Mar  4 19:22:16.532: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access1,
 changed state to up
*Mar  4 19:22:16.536: Vi1 PPP: Treating connection as a dedicated line
*Mar  4 19:22:16.536: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: (0): LCP succeeds trivially
*Mar  4 19:22:16.536: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: (0): Can we start IPCP?
*Mar  4 19:22:16.536: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM Vi1 (1906691625): Port='Async53'
 list='' service=NET
*Mar  4 19:22:16.536: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Vi1 (1906691625) send AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:22:16.536: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Vi1 (1906691625) send AV protocol=ip
*Mar  4 19:22:16.536: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM (1906691625) found list "default"
*Mar  4 19:22:16.536: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Vi1 (1906691625) Method=RADIUS
*Mar  4 19:22:16.536: RADIUS: Using NAS default peer
*Mar  4 19:22:16.536: RADIUS: Authorize IP address
*Mar  4 19:22:16.536: AAA/AUTHOR (1906691625): Post authorization status=PASS_REPL
*Mar  4 19:22:16.536: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: We can start IPCP
*Mar  4 19:22:16.536: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: (0): Can we start CCP?
*Mar  4 19:22:16.536: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM Vi1 (282953275): Port='Async53'
 list='' service=NET
*Mar  4 19:22:16.536: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Vi1 (282953275) send AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:22:16.536: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Vi1 (282953275) send AV protocol=ccp
*Mar  4 19:22:16.536: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM (282953275) found list "default"
*Mar  4 19:22:16.536: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Vi1 (282953275) Method=RADIUS
*Mar  4 19:22:16.540: AAA/AUTHOR (282953275): Post authorization status=PASS_REPL
*Mar  4 19:22:16.540: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: We can start CCP
*Mar  4 19:22:16.540: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Start.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:22:16.540: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:22:16.540: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV addr=
*Mar  4 19:22:16.540: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Authorization succeeded
*Mar  4 19:22:16.540: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Done.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:22:16.540: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Check for unauthorized mandatory AV's
*Mar  4 19:22:16.540: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Processing AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:22:16.540: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Succeeded
*Mar  4 19:22:16.656: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Check for unauthorized mandatory AV's
*Mar  4 19:22:16.656: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Processing AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:22:16.656: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Succeeded
*Mar  4 19:22:17.536: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on
 Interface Virtual-Access1, changed state to up
*Mar  4 19:22:19.516: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Start.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:22:19.516: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:22:19.516: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV addr=
*Mar  4 19:22:19.516: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Authorization succeeded
*Mar  4 19:22:19.516: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Done.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:22:19.608: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Start.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:22:19.608: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:22:19.608: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV addr=
*Mar  4 19:22:19.608: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Authorization succeeded
*Mar  4 19:22:19.612: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Done.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:22:19.704: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Start.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:22:19.704: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1 (785695075):
 Port='Async53' list='' service=NET
*Mar  4 19:22:19.708: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Vi1 (785695075) send AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:22:19.708: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Vi1 (785695075) send AV protocol=ip
*Mar  4 19:22:19.708: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Vi1 (785695075) send AV addr*
*Mar  4 19:22:19.708: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP (785695075) found list "default"
*Mar  4 19:22:19.708: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Vi1 (785695075) Method=RADIUS
*Mar  4 19:22:19.708: RADIUS: Using NAS default peer
*Mar  4 19:22:19.708: RADIUS: Authorize IP address
*Mar  4 19:22:19.708: AAA/AUTHOR (785695075):
 Post authorization status=PASS_REPL
*Mar  4 19:22:19.708: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:22:19.708: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV addr=
*Mar  4 19:22:19.708: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Authorization succeeded
*Mar  4 19:22:19.708: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Done.
  Her address, we want
*Mar  4 19:22:19.708: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/PER-USER: Event IP_UP
*Mar  4 19:22:19.708: Vi1 AAA/PER-USER: processing author params.
--- PPP negotiation finished, user is connected

--- User is connected on line 53, async interface 53 and vaccess 1. show caller shows
--- active time and idle time for this user in 11.3(8.1)AA or later
access-3#sh caller
                                              Active    Idle
Line         User               Service       Time      Time
tty 53       timemeout          Async         00:00:20  00:00:02
As53         timemeout          PPP           00:00:13  00:00:02
Vi1          timemeout          PPP   VDP     00:00:13  00:00:11
--- show caller timeout shows the installed absolute and idle timeout
 as well as how much
--- time before the user is disconnected by any timeouts.
--- Note the timeouts only show up
--- on the vaccess interface
 access-3#sh caller timeouts 
                                Session   Idle      Disconnect
Line         User               Timeout   Timeout   User in
tty 53       timemeout          -         -         -
As53         timemeout          -         -         -
Vi1          timemeout          00:01:30  00:01:00  00:00:43
--- sh caller user gives more detailed information about the
 user as well as providing a
--- breakdown of the active and idle time, absolute and idle
 timeout and time to disconnect
--- for both idle and absolute timeout
access-3#sh caller user timemeout

User: timemeout, line tty 53, service Async
      Active time 00:00:31, Idle time 00:00:12
Timeouts:            Absolute  Idle      Idle
                               Session   Exec
    Limits:          -         -         00:10:00  
    Disconnect in:   -         -         -         
TTY: Line 53, running PPP on As53
Location: MICA V.90 modems
Line: Baud rate (TX/RX) is 115200/115200, no parity, 1 stopbits, 8 databits
Status: Ready, Active, No Exit Banner, Async Interface Active
        HW PPP Support Active
Capabilities: No Flush-at-Activation, Hardware Flowcontrol In
              Hardware Flowcontrol Out, Modem Callout, Modem RI is CD
              Line usable as async interface, ARAP Permitted
              Integrated Modem
Modem State: Ready

User: timemeout, line As53, service PPP
      Active time 00:00:23, Idle time 00:00:12
Timeouts:            Absolute  Idle
    Limits:          -         -
    Disconnect in:   -         -
PPP: LCP Open, multilink Closed, CHAP (<- AAA)
IP: Local
Counts: 35 packets input, 820 bytes, 0 no buffer
        0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun
        22 packets output, 517 bytes, 0 underruns
        0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets

  User: timemeout, line Vi1, service PPP VDP
      Active time 00:00:24, Idle time 00:00:22
Timeouts:            Absolute  Idle
    Limits:          00:01:30  00:01:00  
    Disconnect in:   00:01:05  00:00:37
PPP: LCP Open, multilink Closed, CHAP (<- none), IPCP, CCP
     Idle timer 60 secs, idle 22 secs
IP: Local, remote
    Access list (I/O) is 199/not set
Counts: 24 packets input, 542 bytes, 0 no buffer
        0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun
        19 packets output, 167 bytes, 0 underruns
        0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets

access-3#sh caller timeout
                                Session   Idle      Disconnect
Line         User               Timeout   Timeout   User in
tty 53       timemeout          -         -         -
As53         timemeout          -         -         -
Vi1          timemeout          00:01:30  00:01:00  00:00:35
access-3#sh caller
                                              Active    Idle
Line         User               Service       Time      Time
tty 53       timemeout          Async         00:00:45  00:00:27
As53         timemeout          PPP           00:00:38  00:00:27
Vi1          timemeout          PPP   VDP     00:00:38  00:00:36
--- User has been idle for 36 seconds, will be disconnected in 24 seconds. Let's
--- ping the user to see what happens

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max=92/108/132 ms
--- So now idle timer has been reset, so we won't disconnect the user for another 
--- 58 seconds
access-3#sh caller timeout
                                Session   Idle      Disconnect
Line         User               Timeout   Timeout   User in
tty 53       timemeout          -         -         -
As53         timemeout          -         -         -
Vi1          timemeout          00:01:30  00:01:00  00:00:58
--- Ping again to reset the idle timer

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max=96/98/108 ms
--- But look, disconnect timer didn't go back to 1 minute, why? Well, absolute timer
--- is going to kick in soon.
access-3#sh caller timeout
                                Session   Idle      Disconnect
Line         User               Timeout   Timeout   User in
tty 53       timemeout          -         -         -
As53         timemeout          -         -         -
Vi1          timemeout          00:01:30  00:01:00  00:00:24
access-3#sh caller user timemeout

User: timemeout, line tty 53, service Async
      Active time 00:01:23, Idle time 00:00:11
Timeouts:            Absolute  Idle      Idle
                               Session   Exec
    Limits:          -         -         00:10:00
    Disconnect in:   -         -         -
TTY: Line 53, running PPP on As53
Location: MICA V.90 modems
Line: Baud rate (TX/RX) is 115200/115200, no parity, 1 stopbits, 8 databits
Status: Ready, Active, No Exit Banner, Async Interface Active
        HW PPP Support Active
Capabilities: No Flush-at-Activation, Hardware Flowcontrol In
              Hardware Flowcontrol Out, Modem Callout, Modem RI is CD
              Line usable as async interface, ARAP Permitted
              Integrated Modem
Modem State: Ready

User: timemeout, line As53, service PPP
      Active time 00:01:15, Idle time 00:00:11
Timeouts:            Absolute  Idle
    Limits:          -         -
    Disconnect in:   -         -
PPP: LCP Open, multilink Closed, CHAP (<- AAA)
IP: Local
Counts: 45 packets input, 1161 bytes, 0 no buffer
        0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun
        32 packets output, 897 bytes, 0 underruns
        0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets
User: timemeout, line Vi1, service PPP VDP
      Active time 00:01:16, Idle time 00:00:12
Timeouts:            Absolute  Idle
    Limits:          00:01:30  00:01:00
    Disconnect in:   00:00:13  00:00:47
  PPP: LCP Open, multilink Closed, CHAP (<- none), IPCP, CCP
     Idle timer 60 secs, idle 12 secs
IP: Local, remote
    Access list (I/O) is 199/not set
Counts: 34 packets input, 883 bytes, 0 no buffer
        0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun
        39 packets output, 547 bytes, 0 underruns
        0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets

--- User is disconnected
*Mar  4 19:23:47.536: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access1,
 changed state to down
*Mar  4 19:23:47.536: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Free vaccess
*Mar  4 19:23:47.540: As53 AAA/ACCT: non-ISDN xmit 50000 recv
 28800 hwidb 613307E0 ttynum 53
--- Send accounting stop record, includes disc-cause 5 (session-timeout)
 and disc-cause-ext 1100
--- (session-timeout)
*Mar  4 19:23:47.540: AAA/ACCT/NET/STOP User timemeout, Port Async53:
         task_id=9 timezone=PST service=ppp protocol=ip addr=
	 disc-cause=5 disc-cause-ext=1100
pre-bytes-in=184 pre-bytes-out=330 pre-paks-in=7 pre-paks-out=11
 bytes_in=950 bytes_out=567 paks_in=37 
paks_out=21 pre-session-time=5 elapsed_time=91
 nas-rx-speed=28800 nas-tx-speed=50000
*Mar  4 19:23:47.540: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/PER-USER: Event IP_DOWN
*Mar  4 19:23:47.540: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/PER-USER: Event LCP_DOWN
--- Modem hangs up
*Mar  4 19:23:47.580: Mica Modem(1/28): State Transition to Terminating
*Mar  4 19:23:47.640: Mica Modem(1/28): State Transition to Idle
*Mar  4 19:23:47.640: Mica Modem(1/28): Went onhook
*Mar  4 19:23:47.640: CSM_PROC_IC5_OC6_CONNECTED:
 CSM_EVENT_MODEM_ONHOOK at slot 1, port 28
*Mar  4 19:23:47.640: VDEV_DEALLOCATE: slot 1 and port 28 is deallocated

*Mar  4 19:23:47.640: ISDN Se0:23: Event: Hangup call to call id 0x3D
--- ISDN call is terminated
*Mar  4 19:23:47.640: ISDN Se0:23: TX ->  DISCONNECT pd=8  callref=0x8009
*Mar  4 19:23:47.640:         Cause i=0x8090 - Normal call clearing 
*Mar  4 19:23:47.688: ISDN Se0:23: RX <-  RELEASE pd=8  callref=0x09
*Mar  4 19:23:47.696: ISDN Se0:23: TX ->  RELEASE_COMP pd=8  callref=0x8009
*Mar  4 19:23:47.744: TAC+: (866083896): received acct response status=SUCCESS
--- Per-user timeouts are taken off the vaccess interface
*Mar  4 19:23:48.140: VTEMPLATE: Clean up dirty vaccess queue, size 1
*Mar  4 19:23:48.140: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Found a dirty vaccess clone with vtemplate/AAA
*Mar  4 19:23:48.140: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: ****** UNCLONE VACCESS1 *****
*Mar  4 19:23:48.140: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Unclone to-be-freed command#2
interface Virtual-Access1
default ppp timeout idle 60
default timeout absolute 1 30

--- vaccess interface is cleaned up
*Mar  4 19:23:48.160: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Set default settings with no ip address
*Mar  4 19:23:48.176: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Remove cloneblk AAA with vtemplate/AAA
*Mar  4 19:23:48.180: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: ****** UNCLONE VACCESS1 ******
*Mar  4 19:23:48.180: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Unclone to-be-freed command#15
interface Virtual-Access1
default multilink max-links 2
default ppp multilink
default ppp authentication chap pap ms-chap
default ppp callback accept
default compress mppc
default peer default ip address pool default
default keepalive
default ip nat inside
default ip accounting output-packets
default ip directed-broadcast
default ip helper-address
default ip access-group 199 in
default ip unnumbered Loopback0
default encap ppp
default ip address

*Mar  4 19:23:48.264: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Set default settings with no ip address
*Mar  4 19:23:48.284: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Remove cloneblk vtemplate with vtemplate/AAA
*Mar  4 19:23:48.284: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Add vaccess to recycle queue, queue size=1
--- Here is the call record for the user. Note the disconnect reason is Session-Timeout
--- (absolute timeout)
*Mar  4 19:23:48.300: %CALLRECORD-3-MICA_TERSE_CALL_REC: DS0 slot/contr/chan=2/0/18, 
slot/port=1/28, call_id=3D, userid=timemeout, ip=, calling=(n/a),
std=K56Flx, prot=LAP-M, comp=V.42bis both, init-rx/tx b-rate=28800/50000, finl-rx/tx 
b-rate=28800/50000, rbs=0, d-pad=6 dB, retr=0, sq=3, snr=32, rx/tx
 chars=1274/1477, bad=4,
rx/tx ec=45/61, bad=3, time=118, finl-state=Steady,
 disc(radius)=Session Timeout/Session Timeout, 
disc(modem)=DF03 Tx (host to line) data flushing - OK/Requested by host/DTR dropped
*Mar  4 19:23:48.536: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface
 Virtual-Access1, changed state to down
*Mar  4 19:23:49.536: As53 AAA/AUTHOR/PER-USER: Event LCP_DOWN

Here's another call with the same username, but this time we let it idle out. No more comments from me, but I've highlighted some of the interesting things you should be paying attention to.
*Mar  4 19:24:38.768: ISDN Se0:23: RX <-  SETUP pd=8  callref=0x0A
*Mar  4 19:24:38.768:         Bearer Capability i=0x9090A2
*Mar  4 19:24:38.768:         Channel ID i=0xA98393
*Mar  4 19:24:38.768:         Called Party Number i=0xC1, '4085703932'
*Mar  4 19:24:38.772: ISDN Se0:23: TX ->  CALL_PROC pd=8  callref=0x800A
*Mar  4 19:24:38.772:         Channel ID i=0xA98393
*Mar  4 19:24:38.772: ISDN Se0:23: TX ->  ALERTING pd=8  callref=0x800A
*Mar  4 19:24:38.772: EVENT_FROM_ISDN::dchan_idb=0x6122CFCC,
 call_id=0x3E, ces=0x1 bchan=0x12, event=0x1, cause=0x0

*Mar  4 19:24:38.772: VDEV_ALLOCATE: slot 1 and port 29 is allocated.

*Mar  4 19:24:38.772: EVENT_FROM_ISDN:(003E): DEV_INCALL at slot 1 and port 29

*Mar  4 19:24:38.772: CSM_PROC_IDLE: CSM_EVENT_ISDN_CALL at slot 1, port 29
*Mar  4 19:24:38.772: Mica Modem(1/29): Configure(0x1=0x0) 
*Mar  4 19:24:38.772: Mica Modem(1/29): Configure(0x23=0x0) 
*Mar  4 19:24:38.772: Mica Modem(1/29): Call Setup
*Mar  4 19:24:38.908: Mica Modem(1/29): State Transition to Call Setup
*Mar  4 19:24:38.908: Mica Modem(1/29): Went offhook
 at slot 1, port 29
*Mar  4 19:24:38.912: ISDN Se0:23: TX ->  CONNECT pd=8  callref=0x800A
*Mar  4 19:24:38.972: ISDN Se0:23: RX <-  CONNECT_ACK pd=8  callref=0x0A
*Mar  4 19:24:38.976: EVENT_FROM_ISDN::dchan_idb=0x6122CFCC,
 call_id=0x3E, ces=0x1 bchan=0x12, event=0x4, cause=0x0

*Mar  4 19:24:38.976: EVENT_FROM_ISDN:(003E): DEV_CONNECTED
 at slot 1 and port 29

*Mar  4 19:24:38.976: CSM_PROC_IC4_WAIT_FOR_CARRIER:
 CSM_EVENT_ISDN_CONNECTED at slot 1, port 29
*Mar  4 19:24:38.976: Mica Modem(1/29): Link Initiate
*Mar  4 19:24:40.060: Mica Modem(1/29): State Transition to Connect
*Mar  4 19:24:45.256: Mica Modem(1/29): State Transition to Link
*Mar  4 19:24:56.796: Mica Modem(1/29): State Transition to Trainup
*Mar  4 19:24:59.996: Mica Modem(1/29): State Transition to EC Negotiating
*Mar  4 19:25:00.532: Mica Modem(1/29): State Transition to Steady State
*Mar  4 19:25:01.340: AAA: parse name=tty54 idb type=10 tty=54
*Mar  4 19:25:01.340: AAA: name=tty54 flags=0x11 type=4 shelf=0 slot=0
 adapter=0 port=54 channel=0
*Mar  4 19:25:01.340: AAA: parse name=Serial0:18 idb type=12 tty=-1
*Mar  4 19:25:01.340: AAA: name=Serial0:18 flags=0x51 type=1
 shelf=0 slot=0 adapter=0 port=0 channel=18
*Mar  4 19:25:02.544: As54 LCP: Lower layer not up, Fast Starting
*Mar  4 19:25:02.544: As54 PPP: Treating connection as a dedicated line
*Mar  4 19:25:02.544: As54 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: (0): LCP succeeds trivially
*Mar  4 19:25:04.744: As54 PPP: Phase is AUTHENTICATING, by this end
*Mar  4 19:25:04.744: As54 CHAP: O CHALLENGE id 1 len 26 from "STACK"
*Mar  4 19:25:06.628: As54 AAA/AUTHOR/PER-USER: Event LCP_DOWN
*Mar  4 19:25:06.820: As54 PPP: Phase is AUTHENTICATING, by this end
*Mar  4 19:25:06.820: As54 CHAP: O CHALLENGE id 2 len 26 from "STACK"
*Mar  4 19:25:06.916: As54 CHAP: I RESPONSE id 2 len 30 from "timemeout"
*Mar  4 19:25:06.916: AAA: parse name=Async54 idb type=10 tty=54
*Mar  4 19:25:06.916: AAA: name=Async54 flags=0x11 type=4
 shelf=0 slot=0 adapter=0 port=54 channel=0
*Mar  4 19:25:06.916: AAA: parse name=Serial0:18 idb type=12 tty=-1
*Mar  4 19:25:06.916: AAA: name=Serial0:18 flags=0x51 type=1
 shelf=0 slot=0 adapter=0 port=0 channel=18
*Mar  4 19:25:06.916: RADIUS: ustruct sharecount=1
*Mar  4 19:25:06.916: RADIUS: Initial Transmit Async54
 id 1, Access-Request, len 92
*Mar  4 19:25:06.916:         Attribute 4 6 AC101874
*Mar  4 19:25:06.916:         Attribute 5 6 00000036
*Mar  4 19:25:06.916:         Attribute 61 6 00000000
*Mar  4 19:25:06.916:         Attribute 1 11 74696D65
*Mar  4 19:25:06.916:         Attribute 30 12 34303835
*Mar  4 19:25:06.916:         Attribute 3 19 024525C7
*Mar  4 19:25:06.916:         Attribute 6 6 00000002
*Mar  4 19:25:06.916:         Attribute 7 6 00000001
*Mar  4 19:25:06.924: RADIUS: Received from id 1,
 Access-Accept, len 50
*Mar  4 19:25:06.924:         Attribute 6 6 00000002
*Mar  4 19:25:06.924:         Attribute 7 6 00000001
*Mar  4 19:25:06.924:         Attribute 8 6 FFFFFFFE
*Mar  4 19:25:06.924:         Attribute 27 6 0000005A
*Mar  4 19:25:06.928:         Attribute 28 6 0000003C
*Mar  4 19:25:06.928: As54 AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Authorize LCP
*Mar  4 19:25:06.928: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP As54 (2013841092): Port='Async54'
 list='' service=NET
*Mar  4 19:25:06.928: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: As54 (2013841092) send AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:25:06.928: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: As54 (2013841092) send AV protocol=lcp
*Mar  4 19:25:06.928: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP (2013841092) found list "default"
*Mar  4 19:25:06.928: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: As54 (2013841092) Method=RADIUS
*Mar  4 19:25:06.928: AAA/AUTHOR (2013841092): Post authorization
*Mar  4 19:25:06.928: As54 AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Processing AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:25:06.928: As54
 AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Processing AV timeout=90
*Mar  4 19:25:06.928: As54 AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Processing AV idletime=60
*Mar  4 19:25:06.928: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP As54: Per-user interface config created:
timeout absolute 1 30
ppp timeout idle 60

*Mar  4 19:25:06.928: As54 CHAP: O SUCCESS id 2 len 4
*Mar  4 19:25:06.928: AAA/ACCT/NET/START User timemeout, Port Async54, List ""
*Mar  4 19:25:06.928: AAA/ACCT/NET: Found list "default"
*Mar  4 19:25:07.028: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Reuse Vi1, recycle queue size 0
*Mar  4 19:25:07.028: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Hardware address 00e0.1e81.636c
*Mar  4 19:25:07.028: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Has a new cloneblk vtemplate,
 now it has vtemplate
*Mar  4 19:25:07.028: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: ***** CLONE VACCESS1 *****
*Mar  4 19:25:07.028: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Clone from Virtual-Template1
interface Virtual-Access1
default ip address
no ip address
encap ppp
ip unnumbered Loopback0
ip access-group 199 in
ip helper-address
no ip directed-broadcast
ip accounting output-packets
ip nat inside
no keepalive
peer default ip address pool default
compress mppc
ppp callback accept
ppp authentication chap pap ms-chap
ppp multilink
multilink max-links 2

*Mar  4 19:25:07.092: Vi1 CCP: Re-Syncing history using legacy method
*Mar  4 19:25:07.108: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Has a new cloneblk AAA, now it has
*Mar  4 19:25:07.108: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: ***** CLONE VACCESS1 *********
*Mar  4 19:25:07.108: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Clone from AAA
interface Virtual-Access1
timeout absolute 1 30
ppp timeout idle 60

*Mar  4 19:25:07.120: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access1,
 changed state to up
*Mar  4 19:25:07.124: Vi1 PPP: Treating connection as a dedicated line
*Mar  4 19:25:07.124: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: (0): LCP succeeds trivially
*Mar  4 19:25:07.124: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: (0): Can we start IPCP?
*Mar  4 19:25:07.124: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM Vi1 (3979277251): Port='Async54'
 list='' service=NET
*Mar  4 19:25:07.124: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Vi1 (3979277251) send AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:25:07.124: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Vi1 (3979277251) send AV protocol=ip
*Mar  4 19:25:07.124: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM (3979277251) found list "default"
*Mar  4 19:25:07.124: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Vi1 (3979277251) Method=RADIUS
*Mar  4 19:25:07.124: RADIUS: Using NAS default peer
*Mar  4 19:25:07.124: RADIUS: Authorize IP address
*Mar  4 19:25:07.124: AAA/AUTHOR (3979277251): Post authorization
*Mar  4 19:25:07.124: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: We can start IPCP
*Mar  4 19:25:07.124: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: (0): Can we start CCP?
*Mar  4 19:25:07.124: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM Vi1 (1524934880): Port='Async54'
 list='' service=NET
*Mar  4 19:25:07.124: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Vi1 (1524934880) send AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:25:07.124: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Vi1 (1524934880) send AV protocol=ccp
*Mar  4 19:25:07.128: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM (1524934880) found list "default"
*Mar  4 19:25:07.128: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Vi1 (1524934880) Method=RADIUS
*Mar  4 19:25:07.128: AAA/AUTHOR (1524934880): Post authorization
*Mar  4 19:25:07.128: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: We can start CCP
*Mar  4 19:25:07.128: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Start.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:25:07.128: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:25:07.128: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV addr=
*Mar  4 19:25:07.128: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Authorization succeeded
*Mar  4 19:25:07.128: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Done.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:25:07.128: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Check for unauthorized mandatory AV's
*Mar  4 19:25:07.128: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Processing AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:25:07.128: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Succeeded
*Mar  4 19:25:07.236: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Check for unauthorized mandatory AV's
*Mar  4 19:25:07.236: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Processing AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:25:07.236: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Succeeded
*Mar  4 19:25:08.120: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on
 Interface Virtual-Access1, changed state to up
*Mar  4 19:25:10.124: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Start.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:25:10.124: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:25:10.124: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV addr=
*Mar  4 19:25:10.124: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Authorization succeeded
*Mar  4 19:25:10.124: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Done.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:25:10.220: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Start.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:25:10.220: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:25:10.220: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV addr=
*Mar  4 19:25:10.220: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Authorization succeeded
*Mar  4 19:25:10.220: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Done.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:25:10.316: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Start.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:25:10.316: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1 (2714455877): Port='Async54'
 list='' service=NET
*Mar  4 19:25:10.316: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Vi1 (2714455877) send AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:25:10.316: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Vi1 (2714455877) send AV protocol=ip
*Mar  4 19:25:10.316: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Vi1 (2714455877) send AV addr*

*Mar  4 19:25:10.316: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP (2714455877) found list "default"
*Mar  4 19:25:10.316: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Vi1 (2714455877) Method=RADIUS
*Mar  4 19:25:10.316: RADIUS: Using NAS default peer
*Mar  4 19:25:10.320: RADIUS: Authorize IP address
*Mar  4 19:25:10.320: AAA/AUTHOR (2714455877): Post authorization
*Mar  4 19:25:10.320: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:25:10.320: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV addr=
*Mar  4 19:25:10.320: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Authorization succeeded
*Mar  4 19:25:10.320: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Done.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:25:10.320: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/PER-USER: Event IP_UP
*Mar  4 19:25:10.320: Vi1 AAA/PER-USER: processing author params.

access-3#sh caller
                                              Active    Idle
Line         User               Service       Time      Time
tty 54       timemeout          Async         00:00:17  00:00:01  
As54         timemeout          PPP           00:00:10  00:00:01  
Vi1          timemeout          PPP   VDP     00:00:10  00:00:08
access-3#sh caller
                                              Active    Idle
Line         User               Service       Time      Time
tty 54       timemeout          Async         00:00:27  00:00:11
As54         timemeout          PPP           00:00:20  00:00:11
 Vi1          timemeout          PPP   VDP     00:00:20  00:00:18
access-3#sh caller user timemeout

User: timemeout, line tty 54, service Async
      Active time 00:00:49, Idle time 00:00:34
Timeouts:            Absolute  Idle      Idle
                               Session   Exec
    Limits:          -         -         00:10:00
    Disconnect in:   -         -         -
TTY: Line 54, running PPP on As54
Location: MICA V.90 modems
Line: Baud rate (TX/RX) is 115200/115200, no parity, 1 stopbits, 8 databits
Status: Ready, Active, No Exit Banner, Async Interface Active
        HW PPP Support Active
Capabilities: No Flush-at-Activation, Hardware Flowcontrol In
              Hardware Flowcontrol Out, Modem Callout, Modem RI is CD
              Line usable as async interface, ARAP Permitted
              Integrated Modem
Modem State: Ready

User: timemeout, line As54, service PPP
      Active time 00:00:43, Idle time 00:00:34
Timeouts:            Absolute  Idle
    Limits:          -         -
    Disconnect in:   -         -
PPP: LCP Open, multilink Closed, CHAP (<- AAA)
IP: Local
Counts: 35 packets input, 824 bytes, 0 no buffer
        0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun
        22 packets output, 517 bytes, 0 underruns
        0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets

User: timemeout, line Vi1, service PPP VDP
      Active time 00:00:43, Idle time 00:00:41
Timeouts:            Absolute  Idle
    Limits:          00:01:30  00:01:00
    Disconnect in:   00:00:45  00:00:18
PPP: LCP Open, multilink Closed, CHAP (<- none), IPCP, CCP
     Idle timer 60 secs, idle 41 secs
IP: Local, remote
    Access list (I/O) is 199/not set
Counts: 24 packets input, 546 bytes, 0 no buffer
        0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun
        19 packets output, 167 bytes, 0 underruns
       0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets

access-3#sh caller timeouts
                                Session   Idle      Disconnect
Line         User               Timeout   Timeout   User in
tty 54       timemeout          -         -         -
As54         timemeout          -         -         -
Vi1          timemeout          00:01:30  00:01:00  00:00:05

*Mar  4 19:26:10.320: Vi1 PPP: Idle timeout, dropping connection
*Mar  4 19:26:10.320: As54 AAA/ACCT: non-ISDN xmit 50000 recv 28800
 hwidb 613360C8 ttynum 54
*Mar  4 19:26:10.320: AAA/ACCT/NET/STOP User timemeout, Port Async54:
         task_id=10 timezone=PST service=ppp protocol=ip addr= disc-cause=4 
disc-cause-ext=1021 pre-bytes-in=184 pre-bytes-out=330
 pre-paks-in=7 pre-paks-out=11 
bytes_in=613 bytes_out=187 paks_in=27 paks_out=11 pre-session-time=4
nas-rx-speed=28800 nas-tx-speed=50000 
*Mar  4 19:26:10.320: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/PER-USER: Event IP_DOWN
*Mar  4 19:26:10.324: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access1,
 changed state to down
*Mar  4 19:26:10.324: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Free vaccess
*Mar  4 19:26:10.328: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/PER-USER: Event LCP_DOWN
*Mar  4 19:26:10.376: Mica Modem(1/29): State Transition to Terminating
*Mar  4 19:26:10.436: Mica Modem(1/29): State Transition to Idle
*Mar  4 19:26:10.436: Mica Modem(1/29): Went onhook
*Mar  4 19:26:10.436: CSM_PROC_IC5_OC6_CONNECTED:
 CSM_EVENT_MODEM_ONHOOK at slot 1, port 29
*Mar  4 19:26:10.440: VDEV_DEALLOCATE: slot 1 and port 29 is deallocated

*Mar  4 19:26:10.440: ISDN Se0:23: Event: Hangup call to call id 0x3E 
*Mar  4 19:26:10.440: ISDN Se0:23: TX ->  DISCONNECT pd=8  callref=0x800A
*Mar  4 19:26:10.440:         Cause i=0x8090 - Normal call clearing 
*Mar  4 19:26:10.488: ISDN Se0:23: RX <-  RELEASE pd=8  callref=0x0A
*Mar  4 19:26:10.496: ISDN Se0:23: TX ->  RELEASE_COMP pd=8  callref=0x800A
*Mar  4 19:26:10.528: TAC+: (2047544826): received acct response status=SUCCESS
*Mar  4 19:26:11.180: VTEMPLATE: Clean up dirty vaccess queue, size 1
*Mar  4 19:26:11.180: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Found a dirty vaccess clone with vtemplate/AAA
*Mar  4 19:26:11.180: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: ************ UNCLONE VACCESS1 ******
*Mar  4 19:26:11.180: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Unclone to-be-freed command#2
interface Virtual-Access1
default ppp timeout idle 60
default timeout absolute 1 30

*Mar  4 19:26:11.200: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Set default settings with no ip address
*Mar  4 19:26:11.216: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Remove cloneblk AAA with vtemplate/AAA
*Mar  4 19:26:11.216: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: ************ UNCLONE VACCESS1 ******
*Mar  4 19:26:11.216: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Unclone to-be-freed command#15
interface Virtual-Access1
default multilink max-links 2
default ppp multilink
default ppp authentication chap pap ms-chap
default ppp callback accept
default compress mppc
default peer default ip address pool default
default keepalive
default ip nat inside
default ip accounting output-packets
default ip directed-broadcast
default ip helper-address
default ip access-group 199 in
default ip unnumbered Loopback0
default encap ppp
default ip address

*Mar  4 19:26:11.304: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Set default settings with no ip address
*Mar  4 19:26:11.324: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Remove cloneblk vtemplate with vtemplate/AAA
*Mar  4 19:26:11.324: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Add vaccess to recycle queue, queue size=1
*Mar  4 19:26:11.324: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface
 Virtual-Access1, changed state to down
*Mar  4 19:26:11.460: Mica Modem(1/29): State Transition to Terminating
*Mar  4 19:26:11.520: Mica Modem(1/29): State Transition to Idle
*Mar  4 19:26:12.200: %CALLRECORD-3-MICA_TERSE_CALL_REC: DS0
slot/port=1/29, call_id=3E, userid=timemeout, ip=, calling=(n/a),
std=K56Flx, prot=LAP-M, comp=V.42bis both, init-rx/tx b-rate=28800/50000, finl-rx/tx 
b-rate=28800/50000, rbs=0, d-pad=6 dB, retr=0, sq=3, snr=34, rx/tx chars=918/1138,
rx/tx ec=35/47, bad=0, time=90, finl-state=Steady, disc(radius)=Idle Timeout/Idle Timeout, 
disc(modem)=DF03 Tx (host to line) data flushing - OK/Requested by host/DTR dropped
*Mar  4 19:26:12.320: As54 AAA/AUTHOR/PER-USER: Event LCP_DOWN

Here is an async call without virtual profiles enabled. Note that dialer idle-timeout is used instead of ppp timeout idle since we are not using virtual profiles and there is no vaccess interface.You'll also see us create the per-user timeout command and, at the same time, the "no" version of the commands. The per-user timer commands are installed immediately, while the "no" version of the commands are enqueued to the interface to be processed when the user disconnects.
*Mar  4 19:30:28.420: ISDN Se0:23: RX <-  SETUP pd=8  callref=0x06
*Mar  4 19:30:28.420:         Bearer Capability i=0x9090A2
*Mar  4 19:30:28.420:         Channel ID i=0xA98393
*Mar  4 19:30:28.420:         Called Party Number i=0xC1, '4085703932'
*Mar  4 19:30:28.420: ISDN Se0:23: TX ->  CALL_PROC pd=8  callref=0x8006
*Mar  4 19:30:28.420:         Channel ID i=0xA98393
*Mar  4 19:30:28.424: ISDN Se0:23: TX ->  ALERTING pd=8  callref=0x8006
*Mar  4 19:30:28.424: EVENT_FROM_ISDN::dchan_idb=0x6122CFCC, call_id=0x40, ces=0x1
   bchan=0x12, event=0x1, cause=0x0

*Mar  4 19:30:28.424: VDEV_ALLOCATE: slot 1 and port 2 is allocated.

*Mar  4 19:30:28.424: EVENT_FROM_ISDN:(0040): DEV_INCALL at slot 1 and port 2

*Mar  4 19:30:28.424: CSM_PROC_IDLE: CSM_EVENT_ISDN_CALL at slot 1, port 2
*Mar  4 19:30:28.424: Mica Modem(1/2): Configure(0x1=0x0) 
*Mar  4 19:30:28.424: Mica Modem(1/2): Configure(0x23=0x0) 
*Mar  4 19:30:28.424: Mica Modem(1/2): Call Setup
*Mar  4 19:30:28.552: Mica Modem(1/2): State Transition to Call Setup
*Mar  4 19:30:28.552: Mica Modem(1/2): Went offhook
 at slot 1, port 2
*Mar  4 19:30:28.552: ISDN Se0:23: TX ->  CONNECT pd=8  callref=0x8006
*Mar  4 19:30:28.604: ISDN Se0:23: RX <-  CONNECT_ACK pd=8  callref=0x06
*Mar  4 19:30:28.604: EVENT_FROM_ISDN::dchan_idb=0x6122CFCC, call_id=0x40,
 ces=0x1 bchan=0x12, event=0x4, cause=0x0

*Mar  4 19:30:28.604: EVENT_FROM_ISDN:(0040): DEV_CONNECTED at slot 1
 and port 2

*Mar  4 19:30:28.604: CSM_PROC_IC4_WAIT_FOR_CARRIER:
 CSM_EVENT_ISDN_CONNECTED at slot 1, port 2
*Mar  4 19:30:28.604: Mica Modem(1/2): Link Initiate
*Mar  4 19:30:29.692: Mica Modem(1/2): State Transition to Connect
*Mar  4 19:30:34.888: Mica Modem(1/2): State Transition to Link
*Mar  4 19:30:46.408: Mica Modem(1/2): State Transition to Trainup
*Mar  4 19:30:49.612: Mica Modem(1/2): State Transition to EC Negotiating
*Mar  4 19:30:50.156: Mica Modem(1/2): State Transition to Steady State
*Mar  4 19:30:50.592: AAA: parse name=tty27 idb type=10 tty=27
*Mar  4 19:30:50.592: AAA: name=tty27 flags=0x11 type=4 shelf=0 slot=0
 adapter=0 port=27 channel=0
*Mar  4 19:30:50.592: AAA: parse name=Serial0:18 idb type=12 tty=-1
*Mar  4 19:30:50.592: AAA: name=Serial0:18 flags=0x51 type=1 shelf=0 slot=0
 adapter=0 port=0 channel=18
*Mar  4 19:30:51.792: As27 LCP: Lower layer not up, Fast Starting
*Mar  4 19:30:51.792: As27 PPP: Treating connection as a callin
*Mar  4 19:30:51.792: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: (0): LCP succeeds trivially
*Mar  4 19:30:57.468: As27 PPP: Phase is AUTHENTICATING, by this end
*Mar  4 19:30:57.468: As27 CHAP: O CHALLENGE id 1 len 26 from "STACK"
*Mar  4 19:30:57.564: As27 CHAP: I RESPONSE id 1 len 30 from "timemeout"
*Mar  4 19:30:57.564: AAA: parse name=Async27 idb type=10 tty=27
*Mar  4 19:30:57.564: AAA: name=Async27 flags=0x11 type=4 shelf=0 slot=0
 adapter=0 port=27 channel=0
*Mar  4 19:30:57.564: AAA: parse name=Serial0:18 idb type=12 tty=-1
*Mar  4 19:30:57.564: AAA: name=Serial0:18 flags=0x51 type=1 shelf=0 slot=0
 adapter=0 port=0 channel=18
*Mar  4 19:30:57.564: RADIUS: ustruct sharecount=1
*Mar  4 19:30:57.564: RADIUS: Initial Transmit Async27 id 3,
 Access-Request, len 92
*Mar  4 19:30:57.564:         Attribute 4 6 AC101874
*Mar  4 19:30:57.564:         Attribute 5 6 0000001B
*Mar  4 19:30:57.564:         Attribute 61 6 00000000
*Mar  4 19:30:57.564:         Attribute 1 11 74696D65
*Mar  4 19:30:57.564:         Attribute 30 12 34303835
*Mar  4 19:30:57.564:         Attribute 3 19 01E5C3F6
*Mar  4 19:30:57.564:         Attribute 6 6 00000002
*Mar  4 19:30:57.564:         Attribute 7 6 00000001
*Mar  4 19:30:57.572: RADIUS: Received from id 3,
 Access-Accept, len 50
*Mar  4 19:30:57.572:         Attribute 6 6 00000002
*Mar  4 19:30:57.572:         Attribute 7 6 00000001
*Mar  4 19:30:57.572:         Attribute 8 6 FFFFFFFE
*Mar  4 19:30:57.572:         Attribute 27 6 0000005A
*Mar  4 19:30:57.572:         Attribute 28 6 0000003C
*Mar  4 19:30:57.572: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Authorize LCP
*Mar  4 19:30:57.572: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP As27 (1969884263): Port='Async27'
 list='' service=NET
*Mar  4 19:30:57.572: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: As27 (1969884263) send AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:30:57.572: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: As27 (1969884263) send AV protocol=lcp
*Mar  4 19:30:57.572: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP (1969884263) found list "default"
*Mar  4 19:30:57.572: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: As27 (1969884263) Method=RADIUS
*Mar  4 19:30:57.572: AAA/AUTHOR (1969884263): Post authorization status=PASS_REPL
*Mar  4 19:30:57.572: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Processing AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:30:57.572: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/LCP:
 Processing AV timeout=90
*Mar  4 19:30:57.572: As27 AAA/AUTHOR: Parse 'interface Async27'
*Mar  4 19:30:57.576: As27 AAA/AUTHOR: Parse returned ok (0)
*Mar  4 19:30:57.576: As27 AAA/AUTHOR: Parse 'timeout absolute 1 30'
*Mar  4 19:30:57.580: As27 AAA/AUTHOR: Parse returned ok (0)
*Mar  4 19:30:57.580: As27 AAA/AUTHOR: enqueue peruser LCP txt=interface Async27
no timeout absolute

*Mar  4 19:30:57.580: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Processing AV idletime=60
*Mar  4 19:30:57.580: As27 AAA/AUTHOR: Parse 'interface Async27'
*Mar  4 19:30:57.584: As27 AAA/AUTHOR: Parse returned ok (0)
*Mar  4 19:30:57.584: As27 AAA/AUTHOR: Parse 'dialer idle-timeout 60'
*Mar  4 19:30:57.588: As27 AAA/AUTHOR: Parse returned ok (0)
*Mar  4 19:30:57.588: As27 AAA/AUTHOR: enqueue peruser LCP txt=interface Async27
no dialer idle-timeout

*Mar  4 19:30:57.588: As27 CHAP: O SUCCESS id 1 len 4
*Mar  4 19:30:57.588: AAA/ACCT/NET/START User timemeout, Port Async27, List ""
*Mar  4 19:30:57.588: AAA/ACCT/NET: Found list "default"
*Mar  4 19:30:57.692: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: (0): Can we start IPCP?
*Mar  4 19:30:57.692: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM As27 (2088523207): Port='Async27'
 list='' service=NET
*Mar  4 19:30:57.692: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: As27 (2088523207) send AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:30:57.692: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: As27 (2088523207) send AV protocol=ip
*Mar  4 19:30:57.692: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM (2088523207) found list "default"
*Mar  4 19:30:57.692: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: As27 (2088523207) Method=RADIUS
*Mar  4 19:30:57.692: RADIUS: Using NAS default peer
*Mar  4 19:30:57.692: RADIUS: Authorize IP address
*Mar  4 19:30:57.692: AAA/AUTHOR (2088523207): Post authorization
*Mar  4 19:30:57.692: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: We can start IPCP
*Mar  4 19:30:57.784: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Start.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:30:57.788: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:30:57.788: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV addr=
*Mar  4 19:30:57.788: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Authorization succeeded
*Mar  4 19:30:57.788: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Done.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:31:00.792: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Start.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:31:00.792: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:31:00.792: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV addr=
*Mar  4 19:31:00.792: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Authorization succeeded
*Mar  4 19:31:00.792: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Done.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:31:00.884: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Start.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:31:00.884: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:31:00.884: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV addr=
*Mar  4 19:31:00.884: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Authorization succeeded
*Mar  4 19:31:00.888: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Done.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:31:00.984: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Start.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:31:00.984: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:31:00.984: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV addr=
*Mar  4 19:31:00.984: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Authorization succeeded
*Mar  4 19:31:00.984: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Done.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:31:00.984: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/PER-USER: Event IP_UP
*Mar  4 19:31:00.984: As27 AAA/PER-USER: processing author params.

access-3#sh caller
                                                Active    Idle
  Line         User               Service       Time      Time
  tty 27       timemeout          Async         00:00:23  00:00:04  
  As27         timemeout          PPP           00:00:22  00:00:20
access-3#sh caller user timemeout

  User: timemeout, line tty 27, service Async
        Active time 00:00:28, Idle time 00:00:08
  Timeouts:            Absolute  Idle      Idle
                                 Session   Exec
      Limits:          -         -         00:10:00
      Disconnect in:   -         -         -
  TTY: Line 27, running PPP on As27
  Location: MICA V.90 modems
  Line: Baud rate (TX/RX) is 115200/115200, no parity, 1 stopbits, 8 databits
  Status: Ready, Active, No Exit Banner, Async Interface Active
          HW PPP Support Active
  Capabilities: No Flush-at-Activation, Hardware Flowcontrol In
                Hardware Flowcontrol Out, Modem Callout, Modem RI is CD
                Line usable as async interface, ARAP Permitted
                Integrated Modem
  Modem State: Ready

  User: timemeout, line As27, service PPP
        Active time 00:00:27, Idle time 00:00:25
  Timeouts:            Absolute  Idle
      Limits:          00:01:30  00:01:00
      Disconnect in:   00:01:09  00:00:34
  PPP: LCP Open, multilink Closed, CHAP (<- AAA), IPCP
  Dialer: Connected, inbound
          Idle timer 60 secs, idle 25 secs
          Type is IN-BAND ASYNC, group Async27
  IP: Local, remote
  Counts: 31 packets input, 1642 bytes, 0 no buffer
          0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun
          15 packets output, 347 bytes, 0 underruns
          0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets

access-3#sh caller timeouts 
                                  Session   Idle      Disconnect
  Line         User               Timeout   Timeout   User in
  tty 27       timemeout          -         -         -         
  As27         timemeout          00:01:30  00:01:00  00:00:22
access-3#sh caller timeouts 
                                  Session   Idle      Disconnect
  Line         User               Timeout   Timeout   User in
  tty 27       timemeout          -         -         -         
  As27         timemeout          00:01:30  00:01:00  00:00:07  
*Mar  4 19:31:53.824: Mica Modem(1/2): State Transition to Terminating
*Mar  4 19:31:53.884: Mica Modem(1/2): State Transition to Idle
*Mar  4 19:31:53.884: Mica Modem(1/2): Went onhook
*Mar  4 19:31:53.884: CSM_PROC_IC5_OC6_CONNECTED: CSM_EVENT_MODEM_ONHOOK at slot 1, port 2
*Mar  4 19:31:53.884: VDEV_DEALLOCATE: slot 1 and port 2 is deallocated

*Mar  4 19:31:53.888: ISDN Se0:23: Event: Hangup call to call id 0x40 
*Mar  4 19:31:53.888: ISDN Se0:23: TX ->  DISCONNECT pd=8  callref=0x8006
*Mar  4 19:31:53.888:         Cause i=0x8090 - Normal call clearing 
*Mar  4 19:31:53.940: ISDN Se0:23: RX <-  RELEASE pd=8  callref=0x06
*Mar  4 19:31:53.952: ISDN Se0:23: TX ->  RELEASE_COMP pd=8  callref=0x8006
*Mar  4 19:31:55.792: As27 AAA/ACCT: non-ISDN xmit 50000 recv 28800 hwidb
 611CEBC0 ttynum 27
*Mar  4 19:31:55.792: AAA/ACCT/NET/STOP User timemeout, Port Async27:
         task_id=12 timezone=PST service=ppp protocol=ip addr= disc-cause=4 
disc-cause-ext=1021 pre-bytes-in=135 pre-bytes-out=176 pre-paks-in=5
bytes_in=1480 bytes_out=171 paks_in=25 paks_out=9 pre-session-time=6
nas-rx-speed=28800 nas-tx-speed=50000 
*Mar  4 19:31:55.792: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/PER-USER: Event IP_DOWN
*Mar  4 19:31:55.792: As27 AAA/AUTHOR/PER-USER: Event LCP_DOWN
*Mar  4 19:31:55.792: As27 AAA/AUTHOR:
 down_event: peruser LCP txt=interface Async27
no timeout absolute

*Mar  4 19:31:55.796: As27 AAA/AUTHOR: Parse 'interface Async27'
*Mar  4 19:31:55.800: As27 AAA/AUTHOR: Parse returned ok (0)
*Mar  4 19:31:55.800: As27 AAA/AUTHOR: Parse 'no timeout absolute'
*Mar  4 19:31:55.804: As27 AAA/AUTHOR: Parse returned ok (0)
*Mar  4 19:31:55.804: As27 AAA/AUTHOR: free peruser LCP txt=interface Async27
no timeout absolute

*Mar  4 19:31:55.804: As27 AAA/AUTHOR: down_event: peruser LCP txt=interface
no dialer idle-timeout

*Mar  4 19:31:55.804: As27 AAA/AUTHOR: Parse 'interface Async27'
*Mar  4 19:31:55.808: As27 AAA/AUTHOR: Parse returned ok (0)
*Mar  4 19:31:55.808: As27 AAA/AUTHOR: Parse 'no dialer idle-timeout'
*Mar  4 19:31:55.812: As27 AAA/AUTHOR: Parse returned ok (0)
*Mar  4 19:31:55.812: As27 AAA/AUTHOR: free peruser LCP txt=interface Async27
no dialer idle-timeout

*Mar  4 19:31:56.016: TAC+: (3633056702): received acct response
*Mar  4 19:32:00.308: %CALLRECORD-3-MICA_TERSE_CALL_REC: DS0
slot/port=1/2, call_id=40, userid=timemeout, ip=, calling=(n/a),
std=K56Flx, prot=LAP-M, comp=V.42bis both, init-rx/tx b-rate=28800/50000, finl-rx/tx 
b-rate=28800/50000, rbs=0, d-pad=6 dB, retr=0, sq=3, snr=28, rx/tx chars=1727/995,
rx/tx ec=31/36, bad=0, time=84, finl-state=Steady, disc(radius)=Idle Timeout/Idle Timeout, 
disc(modem)=DF03 Tx (host to line) data flushing - OK/Requested by host/DTR

Here is a multilink ISDN call without virtual profiles enabled. Since a multilink call creates a vaccess interface, the timers can be installed without a hitch.
*Mar  4 19:41:12.208: ISDN Se0:23: RX <-  SETUP pd=8  callref=0x08
*Mar  4 19:41:12.212:         Bearer Capability i=0x8890
*Mar  4 19:41:12.212:         Channel ID i=0xA98393
*Mar  4 19:41:12.212:         Calling Party Number i='!', 0x80, '4085551200'
*Mar  4 19:41:12.212:         Called Party Number i=0xA1, '4085703930'
*Mar  4 19:41:12.212: ISDN Se0:23: TX ->  CALL_PROC pd=8  callref=0x8008
*Mar  4 19:41:12.212:         Channel ID i=0xA98393
*Mar  4 19:41:12.224: ISDN Se0:23: TX ->  CONNECT pd=8  callref=0x8008
*Mar  4 19:41:12.224:         Channel ID i=0xA98393
*Mar  4 19:41:12.296: ISDN Se0:23: RX <-  CONNECT_ACK pd=8  callref=0x08
*Mar  4 19:41:12.536: Se0:18 PPP: Treating connection as a callin
*Mar  4 19:41:12.536: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: (0): LCP succeeds trivially
*Mar  4 19:41:14.536: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: (0): LCP succeeds trivially
*Mar  4 19:41:14.552: Se0:18 PPP: Phase is AUTHENTICATING, by this end
*Mar  4 19:41:14.552: Se0:18 CHAP: O CHALLENGE id 1 len 26 from "STACK"
*Mar  4 19:41:14.584: Se0:18 CHAP: I RESPONSE id 1 len 30 from "timemeout"
*Mar  4 19:41:14.964: Se0:18 CHAP: I RESPONSE id 1 len 30 from "timemeout"
*Mar  4 19:41:14.964: AAA: parse name=Serial0:18 idb type=12 tty=-1
*Mar  4 19:41:14.964: AAA: name=Serial0:18 flags=0x51 type=1 shelf=0 slot=0
 adapter=0 port=0 channel=18
*Mar  4 19:41:14.964: AAA: parse name= idb type=-1 tty=-1
*Mar  4 19:41:14.964: RADIUS: ustruct sharecount=1
*Mar  4 19:41:14.964: RADIUS: Initial Transmit Serial0:18 id 4,
 Access-Request, len 104
*Mar  4 19:41:14.964:         Attribute 4 6 AC101874
*Mar  4 19:41:14.964:         Attribute 5 6 00004E32
*Mar  4 19:41:14.964:         Attribute 61 6 00000002
*Mar  4 19:41:14.964:         Attribute 1 11 74696D65
*Mar  4 19:41:14.964:         Attribute 30 12 34303835
*Mar  4 19:41:14.964:         Attribute 31 12 34303835
*Mar  4 19:41:14.964:         Attribute 3 19 012C4E14
*Mar  4 19:41:14.964:         Attribute 6 6 00000002
*Mar  4 19:41:14.964:         Attribute 7 6 00000001
*Mar  4 19:41:14.972: RADIUS: Received from id 4,
 Access-Accept, len 50
*Mar  4 19:41:14.972:         Attribute 6 6 00000002
*Mar  4 19:41:14.972:         Attribute 7 6 00000001
*Mar  4 19:41:14.972:         Attribute 8 6 FFFFFFFE
*Mar  4 19:41:14.972:         Attribute 27 6 0000005A
*Mar  4 19:41:14.972:         Attribute 28 6 0000003C
*Mar  4 19:41:14.976: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Authorize LCP
*Mar  4 19:41:14.976: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP Se0:18 (4039479425): Port='Serial0:18'
 list='' service=NET
*Mar  4 19:41:14.976: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Se0:18 (4039479425) send AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:41:14.976: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Se0:18 (4039479425) send AV protocol=lcp
*Mar  4 19:41:14.976: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP (4039479425) found list "default"
*Mar  4 19:41:14.976: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Se0:18 (4039479425) Method=RADIUS
*Mar  4 19:41:14.976: AAA/AUTHOR (4039479425): Post authorization status=PASS_REPL
*Mar  4 19:41:14.976: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Processing AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:41:14.976: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Processing
 AV timeout=90
*Mar  4 19:41:14.976: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Processing AV idletime=60
*Mar  4 19:41:14.976: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP Se0:18: Per-user interface config created:
timeout absolute 1 30
ppp timeout idle 60

*Mar  4 19:41:14.976: Se0:18 CHAP: O SUCCESS id 1 len 4
*Mar  4 19:41:14.976: AAA/ACCT/NET/START User timemeout, Port Serial0:18, List ""
*Mar  4 19:41:14.976: AAA/ACCT/NET: Found list "default"
*Mar  4 19:41:14.976: AAA/AUTHOR/MLP Se0:18 (1966034416): Port='Serial0:18'
 list='' service=NET
*Mar  4 19:41:14.976: AAA/AUTHOR/MLP: Se0:18 (1966034416) send AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:41:14.976: AAA/AUTHOR/MLP: Se0:18 (1966034416) send AV
*Mar  4 19:41:14.976: AAA/AUTHOR/MLP (1966034416) found list "default"
*Mar  4 19:41:14.976: AAA/AUTHOR/MLP: Se0:18 (1966034416) Method=RADIUS
*Mar  4 19:41:14.976: AAA/AUTHOR (1966034416): Post authorization
*Mar  4 19:41:14.976: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Reuse Vi1, recycle queue size 0
*Mar  4 19:41:14.980: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Hardware address 00e0.1e81.636c
*Mar  4 19:41:14.980: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Has a new cloneblk dialer, now it has dialer
*Mar  4 19:41:14.980: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Has a new cloneblk AAA, now it has dialer/AAA
*Mar  4 19:41:14.980: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: ***** CLONE VACCESS1 *********
*Mar  4 19:41:14.980: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Clone from AAA
interface Virtual-Access1
timeout absolute 1 30
ppp timeout idle 60

*Mar  4 19:41:14.996: Vi1 PPP: Treating connection as a callin
*Mar  4 19:41:14.996: AAA/AUTHOR/MLP Vi1: Processing AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:41:15.000: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: (0): Can we start IPCP?
*Mar  4 19:41:15.000: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM Vi1 (921779905): Port='Serial0:18'
 list='' service=NET
*Mar  4 19:41:15.000: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Vi1 (921779905) send AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:41:15.000: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Vi1 (921779905) send AV protocol=ip
*Mar  4 19:41:15.000: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM (921779905) found list "default"
*Mar  4 19:41:15.000: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Vi1 (921779905) Method=RADIUS
*Mar  4 19:41:15.000: RADIUS: Using NAS default peer
*Mar  4 19:41:15.000: RADIUS: Authorize IP address
*Mar  4 19:41:15.000: AAA/AUTHOR (921779905): Post authorization status=PASS_REPL
*Mar  4 19:41:15.000: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: We can start IPCP
*Mar  4 19:41:15.000: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: (0): Can we start CDPCP?
*Mar  4 19:41:15.000: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM Vi1 (3065122210): Port='Serial0:18' list='' service=NET
*Mar  4 19:41:15.000: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Vi1 (3065122210) send AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:41:15.000: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Vi1 (3065122210) send AV protocol=cdp
*Mar  4 19:41:15.000: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM (3065122210) found list "default"
*Mar  4 19:41:15.000: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Vi1 (3065122210) Method=RADIUS
*Mar  4 19:41:15.000: AAA/AUTHOR (3065122210): Post authorization
*Mar  4 19:41:15.000: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: We can start CDPCP

access-3#sh caller
                                                Active    Idle
  Line         User               Service       Time      Time
  Se0:18       timemeout          PPP           00:00:19  00:00:00  
  Vi1          timemeout          PPP   Bundle  00:00:19  00:00:20
access-3#sh caller user timemeout

  User: timemeout, line Se0:18, service PPP
        Active time 00:00:25, Idle time 00:00:00
  Timeouts:            Absolute  Idle
      Limits:          -         -         
      Disconnect in:   -         -         
  PPP: LCP Open, multilink Open, CHAP (<- AAA)
  Dialer: Connected to 4085551200, inbound
          Type is ISDN, group Serial0:23
  IP: Local
      Access list (I/O) is 199/not set
  Bundle: Member of timemeout/timemeout, last input 00:00:00
  Counts: 13 packets input, 279 bytes, 0 no buffer
          11 input errors, 2 CRC, 3 frame, 0 overrun
          23 packets output, 431 bytes, 0 underruns
          0 output errors, 0 collisions, 40 interface resets

  User: timemeout, line Vi1, service PPP Bundle
        Active time 00:00:25, Idle time 00:00:26
  Timeouts:            Absolute  Idle
      Limits:          00:01:30  00:01:00  
      Disconnect in:   00:01:04  00:00:33  
  PPP: LCP Open, multilink Open
       Idle timer 60 secs, idle 26 secs
  Dialer: Connected to 4085551200, inbound
          Type is IN-BAND SYNC, group Serial0:23
  IP: Local
      Access list (I/O) is 199/not set
  Bundle: First link of timemeout/timemeout, 1 link, last input 00:00:27
  Counts: 0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer
          0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun
          13 packets output, 236 bytes, 0 underruns
          0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets

access-3#sh caller timeout
                                  Session   Idle      Disconnect
  Line         User               Timeout   Timeout   User in
  Se0:18       timemeout          -         -         -         
  Vi1          timemeout          00:01:30  00:01:00  00:00:30
*Mar  4 19:42:14.996: Vi1 PPP: Idle timeout, dropping connection
*Mar  4 19:42:14.996: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Free vaccess
*Mar  4 19:42:14.996: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/PER-USER: Event LCP_DOWN
*Mar  4 19:42:15.000: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/PER-USER: Event LCP_DOWN
*Mar  4 19:42:15.004: Se0:18 AAA/ACCT: ISDN xmit 64000 recv 64000 hwidb 612048BC
*Mar  4 19:42:15.004: AAA/ACCT/NET/STOP User timemeout, Port Serial0:18:
         task_id=13 timezone=PST service=ppp mlp-links-max=1 mlp-links-current=1
mlp-sess-id=0 disc-cause=18 disc-cause-ext=1046
 pre-bytes-in=125 pre-bytes-out=99
pre-paks-in=4 pre-paks-out=4 bytes_in=228 bytes_out=436 paks_in=15 paks_out=26 
pre-session-time=3 elapsed_time=60 nas-rx-speed=64000 nas-tx-speed=64000 
*Mar  4 19:42:15.008: ISDN Se0:23: TX ->  DISCONNECT pd=8  callref=0x8008
*Mar  4 19:42:15.008:         Cause i=0x8090 - Normal call clearing 
*Mar  4 19:42:15.060: ISDN Se0:23: RX <-  RELEASE pd=8  callref=0x08
*Mar  4 19:42:15.072: ISDN Se0:23: TX ->  RELEASE_COMP pd=8  callref=0x8008
*Mar  4 19:42:15.212: TAC+: (2571416724): received acct response status=SUCCESS
*Mar  4 19:42:15.500: VTEMPLATE: Clean up dirty vaccess queue, size 1
*Mar  4 19:42:15.500: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Found a dirty vaccess clone with dialer/AAA
*Mar  4 19:42:15.500: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: ************ UNCLONE VACCESS1 ******
*Mar  4 19:42:15.500: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Unclone to-be-freed
interface Virtual-Access1
default ppp timeout idle 60
default timeout absolute 1 30

*Mar  4 19:42:15.516: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Set default settings with no ip address
*Mar  4 19:42:15.536: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Remove cloneblk AAA with dialer/AAA
*Mar  4 19:42:15.536: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Remove cloneblk dialer with dialer/AAA
*Mar  4 19:42:15.536: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Add vaccess to recycle queue, queue

Here is an non-multilink single channel ISDN call without virtual profiles enabled. Since I'm running 11.3(8.2)AA, these timers can be installed correctly. However, note that no configuration commands were created to get this to happen, the timers were set internally in the code.
*Mar  4 19:43:00.404: ISDN Se0:23: RX <-  SETUP pd=8  callref=0x0E
*Mar  4 19:43:00.404:         Bearer Capability i=0x8890
*Mar  4 19:43:00.404:         Channel ID i=0xA98393
*Mar  4 19:43:00.404:         Calling Party Number i='!', 0x80, '4085551200'
*Mar  4 19:43:00.404:         Called Party Number i=0xA1, '4085703930'
*Mar  4 19:43:00.404: ISDN Se0:23: TX ->  CALL_PROC pd=8  callref=0x800E
*Mar  4 19:43:00.408:         Channel ID i=0xA98393
*Mar  4 19:43:00.416: ISDN Se0:23: TX ->  CONNECT pd=8  callref=0x800E
*Mar  4 19:43:00.416:         Channel ID i=0xA98393
*Mar  4 19:43:00.488: ISDN Se0:23: RX <-  CONNECT_ACK pd=8  callref=0x0E
*Mar  4 19:43:00.720: Se0:18 PPP: Treating connection as a callin
*Mar  4 19:43:00.720: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: (0): LCP succeeds trivially
*Mar  4 19:43:02.744: Se0:18 PPP: Phase is AUTHENTICATING, by this end
*Mar  4 19:43:02.744: Se0:18 CHAP: O CHALLENGE id 2 len 26 from "STACK"
*Mar  4 19:43:02.776: Se0:18 CHAP: I RESPONSE id 2 len 30 from "timemeout"
*Mar  4 19:43:02.776: AAA: parse name=Serial0:18 idb type=12 tty=-1
*Mar  4 19:43:02.776: AAA: name=Serial0:18 flags=0x51 type=1 shelf=0 slot=0
 adapter=0 port=0 channel=18
*Mar  4 19:43:02.776: AAA: parse name= idb type=-1 tty=-1
*Mar  4 19:43:02.780: RADIUS: ustruct sharecount=1
*Mar  4 19:43:02.780: RADIUS: Initial Transmit Serial0:18 id 5,
 Access-Request, len 104
*Mar  4 19:43:02.780:         Attribute 4 6 AC101874
*Mar  4 19:43:02.780:         Attribute 5 6 00004E32
*Mar  4 19:43:02.780:         Attribute 61 6 00000002
*Mar  4 19:43:02.780:         Attribute 1 11 74696D65
*Mar  4 19:43:02.780:         Attribute 30 12 34303835
*Mar  4 19:43:02.780:         Attribute 31 12 34303835
*Mar  4 19:43:02.780:         Attribute 3 19 02AE5572
*Mar  4 19:43:02.780:         Attribute 6 6 00000002
*Mar  4 19:43:02.780:         Attribute 7 6 00000001
*Mar  4 19:43:02.784: RADIUS: Received from id 5,
 Access-Accept, len 50
*Mar  4 19:43:02.784:         Attribute 6 6 00000002
*Mar  4 19:43:02.784:         Attribute 7 6 00000001
*Mar  4 19:43:02.784:         Attribute 8 6 FFFFFFFE
*Mar  4 19:43:02.784:         Attribute 27 6 0000005A
*Mar  4 19:43:02.784:         Attribute 28 6 0000003C
*Mar  4 19:43:02.788: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Authorize LCP
*Mar  4 19:43:02.788: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP Se0:18 (900316608): Port='Serial0:18'
 list='' service=NET
*Mar  4 19:43:02.788: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Se0:18 (900316608) send AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:43:02.788: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Se0:18 (900316608) send AV protocol=lcp
*Mar  4 19:43:02.788: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP (900316608) found list "default"
*Mar  4 19:43:02.788: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Se0:18 (900316608) Method=RADIUS
*Mar  4 19:43:02.788: AAA/AUTHOR (900316608): Post authorization status=PASS_REPL
*Mar  4 19:43:02.788: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Processing AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:43:02.788: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/LCP:
 Processing AV timeout=90
*Mar  4 19:43:02.788: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Processing AV idletime=60
*Mar  4 19:43:02.788: Se0:18 CHAP: O SUCCESS id 2 len 4
*Mar  4 19:43:02.788: AAA/ACCT/NET/START User timemeout, Port Serial0:18, List ""
*Mar  4 19:43:02.788: AAA/ACCT/NET: Found list "default"
*Mar  4 19:43:02.788: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: (0): Can we start IPCP?
*Mar  4 19:43:02.788: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM Se0:18 (3608739008): Port='Serial0:18'
 list='' service=NET
*Mar  4 19:43:02.788: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Se0:18 (3608739008) send AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:43:02.788: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Se0:18 (3608739008) send AV protocol=ip
*Mar  4 19:43:02.788: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM (3608739008) found list "default"
*Mar  4 19:43:02.788: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Se0:18 (3608739008) Method=RADIUS
*Mar  4 19:43:02.788: RADIUS: Using NAS default peer
*Mar  4 19:43:02.788: RADIUS: Authorize IP address
*Mar  4 19:43:02.788: AAA/AUTHOR (3608739008): Post authorization
*Mar  4 19:43:02.788: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: We can start IPCP
*Mar  4 19:43:02.788: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: (0): Can we start CDPCP?
*Mar  4 19:43:02.792: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM Se0:18 (3955392150): Port='Serial0:18'
 list='' service=NET
*Mar  4 19:43:02.792: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Se0:18 (3955392150) send AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:43:02.792: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Se0:18 (3955392150) send AV protocol=cdp
*Mar  4 19:43:02.792: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM (3955392150) found list "default"
*Mar  4 19:43:02.792: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Se0:18 (3955392150) Method=RADIUS
*Mar  4 19:43:02.792: AAA/AUTHOR (3955392150): Post authorization
*Mar  4 19:43:02.792: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: We can start CDPCP
*Mar  4 19:43:02.804: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Start.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:43:02.804: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:43:02.804: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV addr=
*Mar  4 19:43:02.804: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Authorization succeeded
*Mar  4 19:43:02.804: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Done.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:43:02.808: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Check for unauthorized mandatory AV's
*Mar  4 19:43:02.808: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Processing AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:43:02.808: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Succeeded
*Mar  4 19:43:02.816: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Start.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:43:02.816: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Se0:18 (2267743837): Port='Serial0:18'
 list='' service=NET
*Mar  4 19:43:02.816: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Se0:18 (2267743837) send AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:43:02.816: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Se0:18 (2267743837) send AV protocol=ip
*Mar  4 19:43:02.816: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Se0:18 (2267743837) send AV addr*
*Mar  4 19:43:02.816: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP (2267743837) found list "default"
*Mar  4 19:43:02.816: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Se0:18 (2267743837) Method=RADIUS
*Mar  4 19:43:02.816: RADIUS: Using NAS default peer
*Mar  4 19:43:02.816: RADIUS: Authorize IP address
*Mar  4 19:43:02.816: AAA/AUTHOR (2267743837): Post authorization status=PASS_REPL
*Mar  4 19:43:02.816: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:43:02.820: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV addr=
*Mar  4 19:43:02.820: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Authorization succeeded
*Mar  4 19:43:02.820: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Done.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:43:02.824: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/PER-USER: Event IP_UP
*Mar  4 19:43:02.824: Se0:18 AAA/PER-USER: processing author params.
access-3#sh caller
                                                Active    Idle
  Line         User               Service       Time      Time
  Se0:18       timemeout          PPP           00:00:19  00:00:19
access-3#sh caller timeout
                                  Session   Idle      Disconnect
  Line         User               Timeout   Timeout   User in
  Se0:18       timemeout          00:01:30  00:01:00  00:00:37

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max=32/33/36 ms
access-3#sh caller timeout
                                  Session   Idle      Disconnect
  Line         User               Timeout   Timeout   User in
  Se0:18       timemeout          00:01:30  00:01:00  00:00:57
access-3#sh caller user timemeout

  User: timemeout, line Se0:18, service PPP
        Active time 00:00:38, Idle time 00:00:10
  Timeouts:            Absolute  Idle
      Limits:          00:01:30  00:01:00  
      Disconnect in:   00:00:51  00:00:49  
  PPP: LCP Open, multilink Closed, CHAP (<- AAA), IPCP, CDPCP
  Dialer: Connected to 4085551200, inbound
          Idle timer 60 secs, idle 10 secs
          Type is ISDN, group Serial0:23
  IP: Local, remote
      Access list (I/O) is 199/not set
  Counts: 51 packets input, 2104 bytes, 0 no buffer
          11 input errors, 2 CRC, 3 frame, 0 overrun
          58 packets output, 2233 bytes, 0 underruns
          0 output errors, 0 collisions, 45 interface resets

access-3#sh caller user timemeout

  User: timemeout, line Se0:18, service PPP
        Active time 00:00:45, Idle time 00:00:17
  Timeouts:            Absolute  Idle
      Limits:          00:01:30  00:01:00  
      Disconnect in:   00:00:44  00:00:42  
  PPP: LCP Open, multilink Closed, CHAP (<- AAA), IPCP, CDPCP
  Dialer: Connected to 4085551200, inbound
          Idle timer 60 secs, idle 17 secs
          Type is ISDN, group Serial0:23
  IP: Local, remote
      Access list (I/O) is 199/not set
  Counts: 52 packets input, 2120 bytes, 0 no buffer
          11 input errors, 2 CRC, 3 frame, 0 overrun
          59 packets output, 2249 bytes, 0 underruns
          0 output errors, 0 collisions, 45 interface resets


Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max=32/34/40 ms
access-3#sh caller user timemeout

  User: timemeout, line Se0:18, service PPP
        Active time 00:01:02, Idle time 00:00:04
  Timeouts:            Absolute  Idle
      Limits:          00:01:30  00:01:00  
      Disconnect in:   00:00:27  00:00:55  
  PPP: LCP Open, multilink Closed, CHAP (<- AAA), IPCP, CDPCP
  Dialer: Connected to 4085551200, inbound
          Idle timer 60 secs, idle 4 secs
          Type is ISDN, group Serial0:23
  IP: Local, remote
      Access list (I/O) is 199/not set
  Counts: 60 packets input, 2688 bytes, 0 no buffer
          11 input errors, 2 CRC, 3 frame, 0 overrun
          67 packets output, 2817 bytes, 0 underruns
          0 output errors, 0 collisions, 45 interface resets

access-3#sh caller  timeout
                                  Session   Idle      Disconnect
  Line         User               Timeout   Timeout   User in
  Se0:18       timemeout          00:01:30  00:01:00  00:00:21  
access-3#sh caller  timeout
                                  Session   Idle      Disconnect
  Line         User               Timeout   Timeout   User in
  Se0:18       timemeout          00:01:30  00:01:00  00:00:07  
*Mar  4 19:44:33.788: ISDN Se0:23: TX ->  DISCONNECT pd=8  callref=0x800E
*Mar  4 19:44:33.788:         Cause i=0x8090 - Normal call clearing 
*Mar  4 19:44:33.840: ISDN Se0:23: RX <-  RELEASE pd=8  callref=0x0E
*Mar  4 19:44:33.852: Se0:18 AAA/ACCT: ISDN xmit 64000 recv 64000 hwidb 612048BC
*Mar  4 19:44:33.852: AAA/ACCT/NET/STOP User timemeout, Port Serial0:18:
         task_id=14 timezone=PST service=ppp protocol=ip addr= disc-cause=5 
disc-cause-ext=1100 pre-bytes-in=101 pre-bytes-out=102 pre-paks-in=5
bytes_in=2258 bytes_out=2276 paks_in=38 paks_out=38 pre-session-time=2
nas-rx-speed=64000 nas-tx-speed=64000 
*Mar  4 19:44:33.852: ISDN Se0:23: TX ->  RELEASE_COMP pd=8  callref=0x800E
*Mar  4 19:44:33.856: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/PER-USER: Event IP_DOWN
*Mar  4 19:44:33.856: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/PER-USER: Event LCP_DOWN
*Mar  4 19:44:34.060: TAC+: (3492368360): received acct response status=SUCCESS

Here is the same non-multilink single channel ISDN user but this time with virtual profiles enabled. Note that vaccess interface is created even though multilink is negotiated and we create the config commands to install the timers.
*Mar  4 19:45:00.480: ISDN Se0:23: RX <-  SETUP pd=8  callref=0x0C
*Mar  4 19:45:00.480:         Bearer Capability i=0x8890
*Mar  4 19:45:00.480:         Channel ID i=0xA98393
*Mar  4 19:45:00.480:         Calling Party Number i='!', 0x80, '4085551200'
*Mar  4 19:45:00.480:         Called Party Number i=0xA1, '4085703930'
*Mar  4 19:45:00.480: ISDN Se0:23: TX ->  CALL_PROC pd=8  callref=0x800C
*Mar  4 19:45:00.480:         Channel ID i=0xA98393
*Mar  4 19:45:00.492: ISDN Se0:23: TX ->  CONNECT pd=8  callref=0x800C
*Mar  4 19:45:00.492:         Channel ID i=0xA98393
*Mar  4 19:45:00.564: ISDN Se0:23: RX <-  CONNECT_ACK pd=8  callref=0x0C
*Mar  4 19:45:00.804: Se0:18 PPP: Treating connection as a callin
*Mar  4 19:45:00.804: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: (0): LCP succeeds trivially
*Mar  4 19:45:02.804: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: (0): LCP succeeds trivially
*Mar  4 19:45:02.828: Se0:18 PPP: Phase is AUTHENTICATING, by this end
*Mar  4 19:45:02.828: Se0:18 CHAP: O CHALLENGE id 3 len 26 from "STACK"
*Mar  4 19:45:02.860: Se0:18 CHAP: I RESPONSE id 3 len 30 from "timemeout"
*Mar  4 19:45:02.860: AAA: parse name=Serial0:18 idb type=12 tty=-1
*Mar  4 19:45:02.860: AAA: name=Serial0:18 flags=0x51 type=1 shelf=0 slot=0 adapter=0 port=0 channel=18
*Mar  4 19:45:02.860: AAA: parse name= idb type=-1 tty=-1
*Mar  4 19:45:02.860: RADIUS: ustruct sharecount=1
*Mar  4 19:45:02.860: RADIUS: Initial Transmit Serial0:18 id 6, Access-Request, len 104
*Mar  4 19:45:02.860:         Attribute 4 6 AC101874
*Mar  4 19:45:02.860:         Attribute 5 6 00004E32
*Mar  4 19:45:02.860:         Attribute 61 6 00000002
*Mar  4 19:45:02.864:         Attribute 1 11 74696D65
*Mar  4 19:45:02.864:         Attribute 30 12 34303835
*Mar  4 19:45:02.864:         Attribute 31 12 34303835
*Mar  4 19:45:02.864:         Attribute 3 19 03D4E134
*Mar  4 19:45:02.864:         Attribute 6 6 00000002
*Mar  4 19:45:02.864:         Attribute 7 6 00000001
*Mar  4 19:45:02.868: RADIUS: Received from id 6,
 Access-Accept, len 50
*Mar  4 19:45:02.868:         Attribute 6 6 00000002
*Mar  4 19:45:02.868:         Attribute 7 6 00000001
*Mar  4 19:45:02.868:         Attribute 8 6 FFFFFFFE
*Mar  4 19:45:02.868:         Attribute 27 6 0000005A
*Mar  4 19:45:02.868:         Attribute 28 6 0000003C
*Mar  4 19:45:02.868: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Authorize LCP
*Mar  4 19:45:02.868: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP Se0:18 (2825271150): Port='Serial0:18'
 list='' service=NET
*Mar  4 19:45:02.868: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Se0:18 (2825271150) send AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:45:02.868: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Se0:18 (2825271150) send AV protocol=lcp
*Mar  4 19:45:02.868: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP (2825271150) found list "default"
*Mar  4 19:45:02.868: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Se0:18 (2825271150) Method=RADIUS
*Mar  4 19:45:02.872: AAA/AUTHOR (2825271150): Post authorization
*Mar  4 19:45:02.872: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Processing AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:45:02.872: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Processing
 AV timeout=90
*Mar  4 19:45:02.872: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Processing AV idletime=60
*Mar  4 19:45:02.872: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP Se0:18: Per-user interface config created:
timeout absolute 1 30
ppp timeout idle 60

*Mar  4 19:45:02.872: Se0:18 CHAP: O SUCCESS id 3 len 4
*Mar  4 19:45:02.872: AAA/ACCT/NET/START User timemeout, Port Serial0:18, List ""
*Mar  4 19:45:02.872: AAA/ACCT/NET: Found list "default"
*Mar  4 19:45:02.872: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Reuse Vi1, recycle queue size 0
*Mar  4 19:45:02.872: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Hardware address 00e0.1e81.636c
*Mar  4 19:45:02.872: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Has a new cloneblk vtemplate,
 now it has vtemplate
*Mar  4 19:45:02.872: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: ***** CLONE VACCESS1 *********
*Mar  4 19:45:02.872: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Clone from Virtual-Template1
interface Virtual-Access1
default ip address
no ip address
encap ppp
ip unnumbered Loopback0
ip access-group 199 in
ip helper-address
no ip directed-broadcast
ip accounting output-packets
ip nat inside
no keepalive
peer default ip address pool default
compress mppc
ppp callback accept
ppp authentication chap pap ms-chap
ppp multilink
multilink max-links 2

  enabling payload compression on this interface.
*Mar  4 19:45:02.952: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Has a new cloneblk AAA,
 now it has vtemplate/AAA
*Mar  4 19:45:02.952: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: ***** CLONE VACCESS1 *********
*Mar  4 19:45:02.952: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Clone from AAA
interface Virtual-Access1
timeout absolute 1 30
ppp timeout idle 60

*Mar  4 19:45:02.976: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access1, changed state to up
*Mar  4 19:45:02.976: Vi1 PPP: Treating connection as a dedicated line
*Mar  4 19:45:02.976: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: (0): LCP succeeds trivially
*Mar  4 19:45:02.980: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: (0): Can we start IPCP?
*Mar  4 19:45:02.980: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM Vi1 (2657898442): Port='Serial0:18'
 list='' service=NET
*Mar  4 19:45:02.980: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Vi1 (2657898442) send AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:45:02.980: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Vi1 (2657898442) send AV protocol=ip
*Mar  4 19:45:02.980: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM (2657898442) found list "default"
*Mar  4 19:45:02.980: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Vi1 (2657898442) Method=RADIUS
*Mar  4 19:45:02.980: RADIUS: Using NAS default peer
*Mar  4 19:45:02.980: RADIUS: Authorize IP address
*Mar  4 19:45:02.980: AAA/AUTHOR (2657898442): Post authorization
*Mar  4 19:45:02.980: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: We can start IPCP
*Mar  4 19:45:02.980: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Start.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:45:02.980: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:45:02.980: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV addr=
*Mar  4 19:45:02.980: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Authorization succeeded
*Mar  4 19:45:02.980: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Done.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:45:02.996: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Start.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:45:02.996: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1 (1804338759): Port='Serial0:18'
 list='' service=NET
*Mar  4 19:45:02.996: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Vi1 (1804338759) send AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:45:02.996: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Vi1 (1804338759) send AV protocol=ip
*Mar  4 19:45:02.996: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Vi1 (1804338759) send AV addr*
*Mar  4 19:45:02.996: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP (1804338759) found list "default"
*Mar  4 19:45:02.996: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Vi1 (1804338759) Method=RADIUS
*Mar  4 19:45:02.996: RADIUS: Using NAS default peer
*Mar  4 19:45:02.996: RADIUS: Authorize IP address
*Mar  4 19:45:02.996: AAA/AUTHOR (1804338759): Post authorization status=PASS_REPL
*Mar  4 19:45:02.996: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV service=ppp
*Mar  4 19:45:02.996: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Processing AV addr=
*Mar  4 19:45:02.996: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Authorization succeeded
*Mar  4 19:45:02.996: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Done.  Her address,
 we want
*Mar  4 19:45:03.004: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/PER-USER: Event IP_UP
*Mar  4 19:45:03.004: Vi1 AAA/PER-USER: processing author params.
*Mar  4 19:45:03.996: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Virtual-Access1, changed state to up
access-3#sh caller
                                                Active    Idle
  Line         User               Service       Time      Time

  Se0:18       timemeout          PPP           00:00:11  00:00:10  
Vi1          timemeout          PPP   VDP     00:00:11  00:00:10
access-3#sh caller timemeout

  User: timemeout, line Se0:18, service PPP
        Active time 00:00:15, Idle time 00:00:15
  Timeouts:            Absolute  Idle
      Limits:          -         -         
      Disconnect in:   -         -         
  PPP: LCP Open, multilink Closed, CHAP (<- AAA)
  Dialer: Connected to 4085551200, inbound
          Idle timer 60 secs, idle 15 secs
          Type is ISDN, group Serial0:23
  IP: Local
      Access list (I/O) is 199/not set
  Counts: 81 packets input, 3291 bytes, 0 no buffer
          11 input errors, 2 CRC, 3 frame, 0 overrun
          87 packets output, 3419 bytes, 0 underruns
          0 output errors, 0 collisions, 47 interface resets

  User: timemeout, line Vi1, service PPP VDP
        Active time 00:00:15, Idle time 00:00:15
  Timeouts:            Absolute  Idle
      Limits:          00:01:30  00:01:00  
      Disconnect in:   00:01:13  00:00:44  
  PPP: LCP Open, multilink Closed, CHAP (<- none), IPCP
       Idle timer 60 secs, idle 15 secs
  IP: Local, remote
      Access list (I/O) is 199/not set
  Counts: 7 packets input, 370 bytes, 0 no buffer
          0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun
          19 packets output, 404 bytes, 0 underruns
          0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets

access-3#sh caller timeouts 
                                  Session   Idle      Disconnect
  Line         User               Timeout   Timeout   User in
  Se0:18       timemeout          -         -         -         
  Vi1          timemeout          00:01:30  00:01:00  00:00:40

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max=32/33/36 ms
access-3#sh caller timeouts
                                  Session   Idle      Disconnect
  Line         User               Timeout   Timeout   User in
  Se0:18       timemeout          -         -         -         
  Vi1          timemeout          00:01:30  00:01:00  00:00:58
access-3#sh caller user timemeout

  User: timemeout, line Se0:18, service PPP
        Active time 00:00:34, Idle time 00:00:09
  Timeouts:            Absolute  Idle
      Limits:          -         -         
      Disconnect in:   -         -         
  PPP: LCP Open, multilink Closed, CHAP (<- AAA)
  Dialer: Connected to 4085551200, inbound
          Idle timer 60 secs, idle 9 secs
          Type is ISDN, group Serial0:23
  IP: Local
      Access list (I/O) is 199/not set
  Counts: 88 packets input, 3843 bytes, 0 no buffer
          11 input errors, 2 CRC, 3 frame, 0 overrun
          94 packets output, 3971 bytes, 0 underruns
          0 output errors, 0 collisions, 47 interface resets

  User: timemeout, line Vi1, service PPP VDP
        Active time 00:00:34, Idle time 00:00:09
  Timeouts:            Absolute  Idle
      Limits:          00:01:30  00:01:00  
      Disconnect in:   00:00:54  00:00:50  
  PPP: LCP Open, multilink Closed, CHAP (<- none), IPCP
       Idle timer 60 secs, idle 9 secs
  IP: Local, remote
      Access list (I/O) is 199/not set
  Counts: 14 packets input, 922 bytes, 0 no buffer
          0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun
          33 packets output, 956 bytes, 0 underruns
          0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets

access-3#sh caller timeout
                                  Session   Idle      Disconnect
  Line         User               Timeout   Timeout   User in
  Se0:18       timemeout          -         -         -         
  Vi1          timemeout          00:01:30  00:01:00  00:00:42
access-3#sh caller timeouts 
                                  Session   Idle      Disconnect
  Line         User               Timeout   Timeout   User in
  Se0:18       timemeout          -         -         -         
  Vi1          timemeout          00:01:30  00:01:00  00:00:22
access-3#sh caller
                                                Active    Idle
  Line         User               Service       Time      Time
  Se0:18       timemeout          PPP           00:01:22  00:00:57  
  Vi1          timemeout          PPP   VDP     00:01:22  00:00:57
*Mar  4 19:46:28.996: Vi1 PPP: Idle timeout, dropping connection
*Mar  4 19:46:28.996: Se0:18 AAA/ACCT: ISDN xmit 64000 recv 64000 hwidb
*Mar  4 19:46:28.996: AAA/ACCT/NET/STOP User timemeout, Port Serial0:18:
         task_id=15 timezone=PST service=ppp protocol=ip addr= disc-cause=4 
disc-cause-ext=1021 pre-bytes-in=101 pre-bytes-out=102 pre-paks-in=5
bytes_in=1024 bytes_out=1036 paks_in=21 paks_out=21 pre-session-time=2
nas-rx-speed=64000 nas-tx-speed=64000 
*Mar  4 19:46:29.000: ISDN Se0:23: TX ->  DISCONNECT pd=8  callref=0x800C
*Mar  4 19:46:29.000:         Cause i=0x8090 - Normal call clearing 
*Mar  4 19:46:29.000: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/PER-USER: Event IP_DOWN
*Mar  4 19:46:29.000: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access1,
 changed state to down
*Mar  4 19:46:29.004: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Free vaccess
*Mar  4 19:46:29.004: Vi1 AAA/AUTHOR/PER-USER: Event LCP_DOWN
*Mar  4 19:46:29.052: ISDN Se0:23: RX <-  RELEASE pd=8  callref=0x0C
*Mar  4 19:46:29.064: ISDN Se0:23: TX ->  RELEASE_COMP pd=8  callref=0x800C
*Mar  4 19:46:29.064: Se0:18 AAA/AUTHOR/PER-USER: Event LCP_DOWN
*Mar  4 19:46:29.208: TAC+: (3109010012): received acct response status=SUCCESS
*Mar  4 19:46:29.580: VTEMPLATE: Clean up dirty vaccess queue, size 1
*Mar  4 19:46:29.580: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Found a dirty vaccess clone with vtemplate/AAA
*Mar  4 19:46:29.580: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: ************ UNCLONE VACCESS1 ******
*Mar  4 19:46:29.580: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Unclone to-be-freed
interface Virtual-Access1
default ppp timeout idle 60
default timeout absolute 1 30

*Mar  4 19:46:29.596: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Set default settings with no ip address
*Mar  4 19:46:29.616: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Remove cloneblk AAA with vtemplate/AAA
*Mar  4 19:46:29.616: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: ************ UNCLONE VACCESS1 ******
*Mar  4 19:46:29.616: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Unclone to-be-freed command#15
interface Virtual-Access1
default multilink max-links 2
default ppp multilink
default ppp authentication chap pap ms-chap
default ppp callback accept
default compress mppc
default peer default ip address pool default
default keepalive
default ip nat inside
default ip accounting output-packets
default ip directed-broadcast
default ip helper-address
default ip access-group 199 in
default ip unnumbered Loopback0
default encap ppp
default ip address

*Mar  4 19:46:29.704: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Set default settings with no ip address
*Mar  4 19:46:29.720: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Remove cloneblk vtemplate with vtemplate/AAA
*Mar  4 19:46:29.720: Vi1 VTEMPLATE: Add vaccess to recycle queue, queue size=1
*Mar  4 19:46:30.000: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface
 Virtual-Access1, changed state to down

With any suggestions or questions please feel free to contact us
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