Вся предоставленная на этом сервере информация собрана нами из разных источников. Если Вам кажется, что публикация каких-то документов нарушает чьи-либо авторские права, сообщите нам об этом.
Since some of the tests inherently produce platform-specific results,
we have provided a way to supply platform-specific result comparison
files. Frequently, the same variation applies to multiple platforms;
rather than supplying a separate comparison file for every platform,
there is a mapping file that defines which comparison file to use.
So, to eliminate bogus test "failures" for a particular platform,
you must choose or make a variant result file, and then add a line
to the mapping file, which is "resultmap".
Each line in the mapping file is of the form
The test name is just the name of the particular regression test module.
The platform name pattern is a pattern in the style of expr(1) (that is,
a regular expression with an implicit ^ anchor at the start). It is matched
against the platform name as printed by config.guess. The comparison
file name is the name of the substitute result comparison file.
For example: the int2 regress test includes a deliberate entry of a value
that is too large to fit in int2. The specific error message that is
produced is platform-dependent; our reference platform emits
ERROR: pg_atoi: error reading "100000": Numerical result out of range
but a fair number of other Unix platforms emit
ERROR: pg_atoi: error reading "100000": Result too large
Therefore, we provide a variant comparison file, int2-too-large.out,
that includes this spelling of the error message. To silence the
bogus "failure" message on HPPA platforms, resultmap includes
which will trigger on any machine for which config.guess's output
begins with 'hppa'. Other lines in resultmap select the variant
comparison file for other platforms where it's appropriate.